Soča rafting d.o.o. - since 1989


4.6 (50 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Soča rafting d.o.o. - since 1989, organizator zunanjih dejavnosti v mestu bovec.
Možnosti storitev
  • Storitve na kraju: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Stranišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Prijeteljski do LGBTQ+: Da
  • Prostor za varno prehajanje transspolnih oseb: Da
  • Popusti za otroke: Da
  • ponedeljek 9. do 20. ure
  • torek 9. do 20. ure
  • sreda 9. do 20. ure
  • četrtek 9. do 20. ure
  • Petek 9. do 20. ure
  • sobota 9. do 20. ure
  • nedelja 9. do 20. ure

Prikaz na zemljevidu

50 mnenj

Wahnsinnig tolle Tour, mit einem klasse Team, bei dem man sich gut aufgehoben fühlt. Preislich auch sehr gut und wenn man etwas Lust auf ein wenig aufregende Alternativen hat, dann ist dies eine echt starke Möglichkeit.


The zipline itself was incredible and unforgettable (and slightly scary 😅). One of the guides though clouded the experience a bit - unfortunately. I get it, it's the end of the season, but she definitely seemed to wanna be literally anywhere else and was more than reserved. Moreover, I had technical difficulties at one point and she had to come helping me, and afterwards I felt the need to apologize. Nonetheless, I felt safe all the way through and had a lot of fun. The second guide also was much friendlier.


Great experience! Water is cold but the views compensqte it!


Probamos la actividad de tirolina y fue increíble! Las vistas espectaculares y los guías nos hicieron sentir seguros en todo momento para que solo nos preocupasemos de disfrutar. Mención especial para Delfina y Edi, gracias!!




Super i lijepo iskustvo usred planine, predivan pogled iznad rijeke i kanjona. Jako dobro organizirano i objasnjeno, imate prijevoz do prve i zadnje stanice te pjesacenje kroz 10 ziplina.


Super toffe ervaring gehad met het raften. Het is echt een avontuur. Het is buiten het raften ook leuk hoe het gedaan word je mag namelijk met enige regelmaat van de boot af. Wat minder was is dat wij hadden gereserveerd online vervolgens kregen wij te horen dat wij de enige waren voor die tijd en dat het alleen door kon gaan als we private tour boekte + €20 pp. Dit was niet gemeld voor wij vertrokken waren naar de locatie. Dit was ook niet anders bespreekbaar. Verder top ervaring gehad erg vriendelijke instructor.


Man hat sich vom Anfang bis zum Ende , bei Peter sicher gefühlt. Das canyoning hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Kann ich sehr weiterempfehlen.




Nezaboravan doživljaj. Sve pohvale za organizaciju i naravno za skipera Dobrog Duha.


We had our first rafting experience in Socâ river with them and it was super fun! We got the option to jump from a 6m rock as well & it was recorded by the leader of the activity! Later they sent it to us via WeTransfer! Really good experience!


We did the zipline and then rented e-bikes. Everything was awesome and all the staff was nice and really helpful. Enjoyed and recommend


Treffpunkt in Bovec im Hotel, mit Transporter und Ausrüstung Richtung Ucja gefahren, nette Englisch sprechende Begleiter , 10 Ziplines, einmal wurde an einer kleiner Zipline geübt und los ging es ! Wunderschöne Erfahrung, am Ende konnte man ins Wasser springen- der Fluss Ucja ist nicht so kalt wie Soca .






Byli jsme na zipline, průvodci byli takoví, jakože tam jsou za trest, ke konci už to bylo lepší. Vyplatí se hlavně konec zipline. Cena však je extrémní


Bardzo dobra organizacja, sprzęt asekuracyjny w dobrym stanie. Opiekun grupy miły i przyjazny. Uczciwe polecam


Kdybych měl Slovinsko vystihnout stručně dvěma slovy, řekl bych, že je to adrenalinová velmoc. Tolik věcí, co je možné nejen v Bovci zažít a panoramata, která země nabízí Vás dostanou do kolen. S touto společností jsme se s našim týmem 10 lidí vydali okusit zipline. Nevím, zda je takový přístup lidí k zákazníkovi ve Slovinsku standardem, ale ani mě nenapadá přívlastek, kterým bych jej popsal. Tým opravdových profesionálů se postaral o jeden z nejkrásnějších zážitků. Děkujeme a velmi vřele doporučujeme!! Ps. Na konci ziplinu vás čeká koupačka pod mostem.


So fun! Perfectly relaxing adventure


Très mauvaise expérience. Ne parlant ni slovène ni anglais, il est difficile de comprendre les consignes de sécurité expédiées en 1 minute 30.


Raise for Delfina and Alina :D


The price for rafting went up a lot, it was around 40€, now around 70€. Ok, municipalities charges individual kayakers 15€/day now, but season ticket for boat is 250€. Also, they charge now for the lockers. I went to many places around the world and when you put 1€ in key slot, you get this 1€ back when you unlock it. Here is not the case, they take it. Also, every time I went rafting before, the photos were always free (in digital format). Now, they charge according to the amount of persons in raft: from 1-5 persons is cheapest price (15€), from 6-9 it is 20€,... What is the most stupid thing: when you pay, they send you all the images with all the people that were present at this event (whole bus of people). This make you really angry when you find out how greedy they become. Hey, but the new hotel was built from their greed... And now the "experience". Guides prefer some military approach, where they are telling you all sort of nonsence how incompetent you are as a rower, it was a constant mental bulliing no matter if you are kid or adult. Guy needs to be more relaxed. You know these old movies where sargent is yelling at recruits into their ears... Hey, we paid to enjoy, not to listen your personal frustrations. I know 100% that almost nothing depends from you on this boat and 95% whole effort is coming from the guide that is controlling the boat especially when Soča is so low. Soča is beautiful of course and worth the payment, but I would suggest other company. They all took the similar money. Last time I went with some Hungarian company 6 and guide was super cool and relaxed guy and he understands that pleasure is the main focus of this adventure. Avoid "Soča rafting" company.




Udeležili smo se aktivnosti Zipline. Sama aktivnost je bila zabavna, ampak bi ljubiteljem adrenalina zagotovo rajše priporočila canyoning, saj zip line ni posebno adrenalinski. V bazi Soča raftinga je bilo vse poštimano, a je bil pristop precej “vojaški” in ne posebno topel. Zaračunajo ti vsako možno stvar, od odmaric, kjer pustiš svoje stvari do fotografije na koncu. Na našem obisku Soče in Bovca smo srečali tudi bolj prijetne firme, z osebnim pristop, zastonj kavico in fotografijami 🤷‍♀️




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