Park 99

4.3 (3 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

3 mnenj

Tivoli City Park (Slovene: Mestni park Tivoli) or simply Tivoli Park (Park Tivoli) is the largest park in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. It is located on the western outskirts of the Center District, stretching to the Šiška District to the north, the Vič District to the south, and the Rožnik District to the west. Several notable buildings and art works stand in the park.Since 1984, the park has been protected as part of Tivoli–Rožnik Hill–Šiška Hill Nature Park. It is home to a variety of bird species. Playground From February 1941 to July 1943, during the Italian annexation of Ljubljana, the park near the pond was arranged based on plans by the architect Boris Kobe. He put a playground inside a circular design connected to the pond as the central landscape feature.The playground, named Paradiso dei bambini (Children's Paradise), was completed with the financial help of Emilio Grazioli, the first High Commissioner of the Province of Ljubljana. It opened with a ceremony on 11 July 1943 that was attended by numerous residents of Ljubljana, the mayor of Ljubljana, Leon Rupnik, and the high commissioner, Giuseppe Lombrassa, and included the blessing by the Ljubljana archbishop Gregorij Rožman The event happened during the "cultural silence" period, a halt to all cultural activities connected with the annexation, ordered by the Slovene Liberation Front. The Communist Party and the Ljubljana Liberation Front secretary Vladimir Krivic characterised it as a "scandal" for their movement.


Dieser Park ist ok. Es fehlen Ziegen und Schafe, aber dafür gibt es sehr viele niedliche Hunde.


Sehr großer Park. Guter Park. Bänke, Bäume und graß. Park. LG guter park👍


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