Visoka plezalna stena Šentlovrenc

5.0 (3 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Visoka plezalna stena Šentlovrenc, plezanje po skalah v mestu velika loka.

Prikaz na zemljevidu

3 mnenj

Res drugačna in posebna,vredna da poskusite tudi vi😉


12 meters high and 30 around = 360 m2 with 30+ routes for noobs (5) and pros (7c). The largest sports climbing wall in SE Slovenia is placed by the river, offering year-round climbing. Half of the wall is facing north - for those hot summer days. The lights enable climbing after sunset. The project was an initiative by local climbing enthusiasts. (Sportno Drustvo Sentlovrenc) Big Thank you! You are amazing warm-hearted people!!! Keep up the good work!


Čudovita nova plezalna stena za športno plezanje, zgrajena v jeseni 2023. Nahaja se v središču vasi na športnem igrišču za šolo in kulturnim domom neposredno ob Temenici.


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