
5.0 (19 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za LAYON, podjetje za industrijsko oblikovanje v mestu ljubljana.
Možnosti storitev
  • Storitve na kraju: Da
  • Spletne rezervacije: Ne
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • ponedeljek 8.00 do 18.00
  • torek 8.00 do 18.00
  • sreda 8.00 do 18.00
  • četrtek 8.00 do 18.00
  • Petek 8.00 do 18.00
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

19 mnenj

Truly revolutionary! A sizeable, comfortable and quickly inflatable air mattress in the packed size of a beach towel. After a couple of night's sleeps, I can attest to it's quality.


My daughter got the Layon for her scouts summer camp. Scouts in this case means „taborniki” not ”skavti„ I am told in no uncertain terms by my daughter („skavte pod avte, tabornike za voznike!„ She screams in the background). What seemed like a good idea in theory also turned out to be brilliant in practice - S. slept soundly everyday and even took it to an overnight trip in the woods (where they have to make a bivouac and spend the night in the woods alone. There is every chance that each member of our family might soon need a Layon of their own.




This sleeping pad literally saved my life at the airport last time. Let me tell you being stuck at a noisy airport for 12 hours while being sick is NOT fun. So yeah wouldnt have made it without being able to sleep for some while in between 🥰. Now its my travel must have (cause its super small) hehe 😛 Lol somebody should start selling these at the airport (cause ppl got kinda jealous).


Uporabma, preprosta in vrhunsko dodelana potovalna blazina, katero lahko zrolaš in daš v blazino, ki služi kot opora vratu med potovanjem, je enostavno čudovit izdelek mlade slovenske inovatorke, ki mi jo je prijazno pokazala in me naučila pravilno uporabe.Priporočam.


Super blazina. Hitro in enostavno se napolni in še hitreje izprazni. Za v hribe je super, ker je lahka in zavzame zelo malo prostora. Priporočam.


Blazina je odlična. Njena prednost je v tem da je majhna, lahka in vzdržljiva. Za na kolo, motor ali taborjenje je krasna.


I do not want my review to sound like an infomercial, but after trying it on several occasions, all I can say is, do you travel much? If so, then the Layon Pad is a must-have for you!


Mini blazino za vrat nosim sabo na vlak, avtobus in seveda letalo. Noro mehka, udobna in secret zep je top. Priporocam! 👌🏼


Fantastična blazina, tako hitro in preprosto smo jo napihnili, da jo zdaj čisto povsod sabo vzamemo. Sploh na kampiranje.


Good stuff.Comfortable and thick. I love how quick I can release the air. If you are impatient like me I recommend you to try it.


Draga Urša & co., ravnokar mi je poštar prinesel vašo blazino, ki sem jo seveda takoj napihnila, da sprobam... No, zgodilo se je tako, da se je nanjo prvi ulegel... moj stari mali pes. 😁 In zaspal. 🤣😂 Če to ni dobra reklama?! 😍 Super hvala.


It's great! I was amazed. Recommend


A mat like no other - fast and easy to inflate/deflate and also very light weight. I usually travel with my truck and don't need it to be light BUT the speed is paramount! You can set it up in mere seconds!!! 😀


Awesome, I love it. So quick to set up. Have no problem inflating it in 20 s. My favourite part is how does deflate. It takes 3 s literally.


I don't go anywhere without a Layon pad. Last time I used it, was on my Sardínie trip where I took it to both the mountains and on a beach. It is easy to carry and takes up no space. I inflate it with 8 blows and get it empty in a few second, a perfect idea. I recommend to anyone.


Blazina je na otip mehka in prijetna, kar se tiče napihovanja: TOP! Sistem osvojis v 2minutah, je res zelo enostaven in zlata vreden - prihrani res ogromno casa v primerjavi z napihovanjem drugih blazin. Udobna tudi za ležanje. Definitivno je tale blazina na mojem wish seznamu 👌


As a traveler, I must say that LayOn is one of my fav. travel pieces of equipment. I can easily take it everywhere and don’t even need to use space inside my backpack. It can be easily clipped on the outside, as I have it combined with the neck pillow that can be fastened by the clip. I also take it on longer hikes to stretch it out when I reach the goal. The best thing is that it’s super fast to set up and even faster to pack. You probably won’t find a more convenient option on the market.


Odlična blazina, navdušeni smo nad hitrim napihovanjem in še bolj na tem kako hitro spustimo zrak iz blazine in jo zložimo. Uporabljamo jo za ležanje na plaži, spanje in podlogo za posteljo.


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