Explorer International Summer Kids' and Teens' Camps - Europe

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Explorer Camps is an international winter and summer camp in Europe for kids' and teens' aged 6-17 with a huge variety of outdoor activities that build real-life skills
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90 mnenj

I must tell you, that my son came home happy, with good experiences and memories. First day in Ljubljana he met some foreign kids from the camp and they spent a day together. So all together, it was very exciting part of his holidays.

So happy to see Luka continued the friendships after the camps were finished. Friendships are the gold of Explorer Camps, and him meeting up with those other campers only emphasised this, thank you so much for sharing! Really appreciate your positive words, and hope to see you again in 2021.


A great experience for kids!, Steve is a lovely person and the team is great!, kids size the day and do a lot of activities and to know diferrent people all around the world!l Any doubt, it is a perfect summer camp!, for sure we will come back!.

Thank you Mariam. Your support and belief in the Explorer experience really fills us with so much joy. Thank you. The fact that both Pablo and Lucas had such a great time and took so much from the camps really gives us an amazing feeling. The fact it was an international environment, and they got to meet other children from different cultures all around the world was a massive plus for them and you. Really cool and thanks for sharing!


Wonderful camp done by wonderful people

That's so nice of you Olga to give our camps such positive words. We appreciate it so much as it shows that what we're doing is the best thing for children. Thank you again and hope to see Alex again with us again in the future. Thank you 😊


That's a wonderful experience for the children / boys! This was the second time they went and they really enjoyed it! Friendship, speaking English, lots of activities: really a great experience!!! Looking forward to taking my boys back next year!!!

We're so lucky to have Lorenzo and Tommy in our Explorer family, and the fact that they gained so much and want to come again is amazing. We can't wait to see them both in 2022! Without doubt we have incredible activities but as we always say, "Friendship is the GOLD of Explorer camps" so the fact they made so many friends from around the world means so much to us. Thank you again for your continued support and see you in 2022!


The Explorer camp is a great place. Team, process organization and the accommodation is perfect. An unforgettable experience for our son.

Thank you Tatiana for your kind words and wonderful support. The fact we made life-long and unforgettable memories for Gleb really touches us, and we appreciate you sharing your experience with everyone. Highlighting the organisation of the camps really makes us smile, as this professionalism is something we really work hard at so thank you so much for bringing that to everyone's attention. Cant's wait to see you all in 2022!



Thank you so so much for your positive feedback. It means the world to our team that you believe so much in our camps, and we appreciate your trust in what we provide to our Explorer families. We certainly hope to see Misha again next year, and continue the amazing journey he started with us this summer! Thank you again :)


Explorer International Camp has changed my daughter's life for the best, definitely! She has been there 3 times and it helped her to impove English, find friends all I've the world, experience rafting, hiking, tubing and a lot of other outdoor activities. And all these in magnificent mountains surrounding. Special thank you goes to camp staff and its director Steve, they are so interested and involved into children's lives. Great place to go for unforgettable memories! :)

So grateful for your kind words Helen, and that we had such a positive impact on Diana's life. It means so much to all of us as we focus on building a positive environment where all children can have fun, and grow at the same time. Of course, the amazing outdoor activities and stunning nature really helps us create the perfect tech free environment, but as you say special mention needs to go to the staff who help make it all happen. Thank you again Helen. We really appreciate it!


My kids have been to Explorer International Kids' Camp for 4 years now and every year they come back a little more confident and with an ever growing network of friends who live all over the world. The activities and "no phone" policy get them out and busy having fun and the counsellors encourage the kids to develop new skills and challenge themselves.

Thank you so much for your positive feedback Verity. It's been out pleasure having both Nicolas and Chiara for all of these years, so it's really heartening to hear the positive impact we've had on their lives. The "no phones" policy is always a sticky one with our campers in the opening days, but as you say they're so busy having fun they honestly forget about them. Which is so important in this day and age. Thank you again and we can't wait to see you all again next year.


Terrific experience for the kids. As a parent you might expect a very professional approach to camp organisation, a lot of attention to your beloved child. I loved photos that we received daily about the activities on the camp, we were waiting for update impatiently. Steve, thank you so much for doing what you are doing in the middle of the mountains!

Really heart-warming reading your feedback Andriy. Thank you from all of us. Appreciate it so much that you're highlighting our professional side as we really do try our best to keep all families "in the loop" during the summer, with the daily photos and updates. Thank you for your support and hope to see you again next summer :)


Our daughter had the time of her life, the scenery, the staff, the kids and of course Steve, all made it a summer to remember, truly recommend sending your kids for an unforgettable adventure

Thank you Aviv for such a positive review for our camps. It means so much to all of us that Libi had such an incredible time with us, and that she was able to take away such amazing life-long memories. Above all, your feedback only shows us that we're going in the right direction so thank you for everything. We listen to all of our Explorer family's feedback, and are always looking for ways to improve and can't wait to make more unforgettable adventures for campers in the future. Thank you again :)


Our son had a wonderful time; it was his first sleep-away camp. The outdoor adventures were fantastic, especially the stand up paddle boarding (his favorite). The communication from Steve was amazing before and during camp. Well done to all the camp staff.

Thank you so much for your support and kind words Dan & Rebecca. We had an absolutely amazing time with him, and are truly thrilled to hear he had such positive memories from his Explorer family experience. Hope to see you all again next year :)


"I want to come back next year" Those were our son's first words after his two weeks in the camp. He had a lot of fun with many different activities and with kids from many different countries. Steve, the director, made us feel as we would send him to a relative's home. Not only during the two weeks of the camp but also before, answering all our questions quickly and efficienty. An excellent summer camp!

Wonderful hearing his first comments, and knowing that he felt that special Explorer magic and power! We really hope to see him join our Explorer family once again. Thank you for your amazing feedback about our close personal approach to camp, and we hope to see all again next year.




My two kids had a chances to join Explorer International Kids' Camp in Slovenia for several times. I had never saw them more happier then after this camp. So many memories, activities, experiences, worm emotions, new skills... And they want to come back there every summer. I deeply recommend this camp. Best of the best:) We are from Lithuania.

Wonderful of you to leave such positive reviews of our summer camps Diana. We appreciate it so much. Both Kamile and Nikita were such wonderful members of our Explorer family, so it's really satisfying hearing that they left camp with so many amazing memories. We all hope one day to meet with all of you again!



We all really appreciate your kind feedback Mojca. Thank you so much! It's been wonderful having both Maksimiljan and Veronika over the years, and we're so pleased that we left such a positive impact on their lives. We all look forward to seeing them again in 2021! Thank you


Amazing place with nice and inspiring surroundings. My daughter had a very intense and unique experience, enjoying an international friendly environment, disconnected from social media, connecting to nature and other teens intensively. Could not be happier my self that I could provide her this super experience. Thanks to Steve and all mother involved in the camp.

Thank you Joao for your kind and positive words about our summer camps. We absolutely loved having Maria with us, and are unbelievably happy that she gained so much from her experience. The fact that she was able to have such an 'intense and unique experience' away from technology, brings us a lot of satisfaction knowing that our screen free environment is received so well by our Explorer families. Thank you again!


Great camp for kids! so many activities, kids get to experience nature in a trust and fun environment. Also no tech or phones allowed in the camp which honestly makes a huge difference for kids. I send my 2 boys every year to explorer camp! I highly trust them and I highly recommend them👍

That's wonderful of you to say Rico. We all appreciate your kind words so much, and they mean the world to us. Thank you. The fact speak so positively about so positively about so many parts of our summer program really brings a lot of happiness to us as it shows that all of our hard work is being recognised. But ... knowing you trust us so much is above everything the best thing to hear. Thank you and look forward to seeing you and the boys in summer :)


My Son Ege had attended to Explorer International Kid's Camp on 2019. During the on line application, he was not sure to be part of for a week or two. Then to be a safer side he had chosen to be there for one week. At the final day of camp, he was insisting to stay one more week. It was not possible by my side due to family program. Therefore I have promised him to attend next year also. Although we made an application to the camp at the very first day of application, due to pandemic, the camp had to be cancelled. Today he is asking me to make an appointment for 2021. So the camp is fantastic. Steve is a very good coach and Host. The only problem with the camp is, it's addictive 😃

Thank you so so much Hakan for your belief in our camps. It means the world to all of the staff and we're very appreciative for your positive words. Without doubt Ege was an amazing part of our camps, as his heart and genuine care for others really epitomised what our values are. The fact he not only wanted to extend his stay, but also come back last year and this year too ... ! We're so excited about seeing him again this summer. Thank you once again for your support and kind words.


This is the best camp I've ever been to! So many activities, beautiful nature, amazing and really nice people. Weeks that I spent there were the best weeks of my life. :)

Awesome that camps left such a positive impression on you Katja. Thank you so much for sharing your positive Explorer experiences! It really makes us all happy knowing that you loved our activities and the beautiful surroundings, but most of all we're delighted that you found the camp family so amazing! We all are looking forward to having you join our camp team in 2021!


I had great time every time at Explorer camp. There are many fun activites. Each year I met many great people and each year I look forward to one week or two weeks of fun at Explorer camp. It's one of my highlights of the year, every year.

Amazing hearing such positive views from a camper who's been with us from the start. Thank you so much Ida. It's an extremely rewarding feeling knowing the amazing impact we had on your life. The fact you highlight the friendships you made and our amazing activities really is wonderful hearing. Thank you!


The Explorer Camp each year brings to one place so much joy, new and old friendships, diverse adventures and life experiences to all kids in camp, My daughter has been part of the Explorer Camp family since the very first year and never wanted to miss those incredible days in summer. She grew as a person, learned so many new skills from the friendly counsellors and from the diverse community of campers, she learned as well how to pass some of her knowledge and skills to other campers.The Explorer Camp definitely helped her to develop those skills, therefore I would like to recommend the Explorer Camp to every kid to get that wonderful summer experience.

Thank you so much Suzana. We are extremely touched by your kind and personal thoughts about our summer camps. Katja was such a shining light throughout her time with us as a camper, and we feel very privileged that she's now joining our Explorer team. It's truly amazing seeing you highlight the amount she grew under the guidance of our Explore family as we truly believe that building real-life skills is a real hilghlight of our programs. Thank you again!



Thank you Gabi and Vojko for such a positive review. We're so happy that you decided to share your experiences with us, and that Lan had such a wonderful experience with our camps over the many years he was with us. Thank you again.


My son would sometimes lack self-belief, but at camp he escapes himself - joining in with everything and feeling part of a team. It's a rich mix of boys and girls from all over Europe, speaking English as the nominated language; set in idilic surroundings. The most important part for me is the togetherness which is nurtured by Steve and his team. No girl or boy is left behind as they discover what is possible when they work together. I wish I could have done this when I was young; and my son is excited for the following year as soon as he gets home.

We can't thank you enough Ed for your wonderfully positive feedback. It means so much to all of us that you think of our summer program so highly. Arlo was an absolute gem to have on camp, and it brings us immense pleasure seeing the affect we had on him. The fact you highlight the togetherness on camp plus the work of all of our team really inspires us all to continue with our hard work. Thank you so much!


The experience at Explorer Camp was really amazing! My sons have met other guys from all ages and all over the world. There was a friendly atmosphere. All children felt free and safe and they have really improved English language. Lots of different activities everyday and never got bored. Even if I have only been there once, I can only say good things about the camp. The rooms, the activities and especially Steve and the staff are all great in the way they handle the campers. I hope could come again. Thank you. Giovanni L.

Wow! Feels incredible to get such positive feedback from you Giovanni and we're all extremely grateful for your kind words. Having both Christian and Bryan with us was a complete pleasure, and it's pleasing knowing they had such an amazing time with us. The fact that they felt so free and safe with is really means a lot as we all work so hard on creating a positive and welcoming environment for our campers. Thank you once again and hope to see you all in '21.


Both my daughters took part for several years. Explore camps present unique experience, where improving language skils is only side efect achieved through numerous outdoor activities, with emphasis on "live" social skills which are getting so rare for youngsters nowadays.

Really appreciate your positive review Katja. Thank you so much! It's extremely pleasing seeing you focus on our camp strong point being building real-life skills as this is something we work really hard on. Thank you again


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