Explorer International Summer Kids' and Teens' Camps - Europe

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Explorer Camps is an international winter and summer camp in Europe for kids' and teens' aged 6-17 with a huge variety of outdoor activities that build real-life skills
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90 mnenj


Thank you so much for your positive feedback Polona. We're really happy that Lucija, Tinkara, and Izidor had such a wonderful time at our summer programs, and hope to see you all again in '21. Thank you again.


The experience at Explorer Camp was amazing! I have met so many new people and friends from all over the world and have really improved my English. Lots of different activities and never get bored. I wish I could come again

Wonderful of you to speak so highly of our summer camps Toni. We all really appreciate it. Thank you. As we always say "Friendships are the GOLD of Explorer Camps" so it's extremely satisfying knowing you made so many friends from around the world. Thank you again for your lovely words.


It’s an amazing camp with such cool vibe and the people is soo great that it makes you feel you want to stay there longer, it has lots of activities that would make your day better than ever. Literally, the best camp I ever went and I’m sure it would be your best camp too. I hope you guys go there and have some fun, cya.

WOW! Syamil. Thank you so so much for such positive words. It means a lot to all of our team. Thank you. We're so happy that we've had such a positive affect on your life, and you enjoyed it so much whether it be the activities or the people. The fact you wanted to stay longer says it all. Thank you again for such positive words!


I had a lot of fun on the camp! A lot of awesome people as well.

Thanks for such positive reviews Lan. We all appreciate your kind words, especially talking about the awesome atmosphere we create amongst the camp people. So glad you felt so good and it had such long lasting memories. Thanks again



Thanks so much for the positive review Lina. We loved having you on camps and feel very privileged to have you on our team this coming year. Your passion and warm nature is exactly what we look for in our counselors. We can't wait. Thanks again!


According to my daughters these were simply the best weeks of holiday they have ever had. Teenagers all around the world enjoying sports and leisure activities in very safe environment in the heart breathtaking natural beautiful landscapes. Very professional counselors and very fruitful way of learning English. Simply perfect !!

Thank you so much for your positive review Robert. All of the team is so appreciative to you and your family for sharing such feedback. Both Lisa and Emilia have been much loved members of our Explorer family for a number of years, and we can't wait to see them again in 2021. The fact you point out the professionalism of our counselors and the safe environment for all campers means a lot to us all as we work really hard on these areas especially. Our campers, your children, are everything to us so hearing we meant so much to you all is wonderful! Thank you again.


When your child first leaves to go on holiday without you or their grandparents and says at the end "I don' want to go home" is priceless and that was the moment we became a part of the Explorer familiy. My children have been coming to this camps since the very beginning, my son still as a camper and my daughter now as a counselor. I am very happy and thankful for all the positive experiances that they have had on camps. They have had a huge impact on their personal development and are an amazing starting point for life, because nowadays that is very rare. Keep doing what you are doing, because you are doing an absolutely amazing job.

Thank you so much Tanja from all of our team. Having been in the Explorer family for such a long time, your views mean that much more so it's amazing knowing what a positive impact we had on both Anja and Žiga lives. The fact that we played such a positive a part in their development really inspires us to make an even greater impact in the future, and hearing that they said "I don't want to go home" is also priceless to us. Thank you so much for sharing your positive experiences with our summer camps!



Thank you so much for your positive review! It means so much to all of the team that you have such wonderful memories of our camps and we hope to see you again in 2021!


Best Summer camp experience I've ever had, met great people and made many memories

Your kind words are much appreciated Wesley. Thank you so much! On camp we live by the saying "Things end, but memories last forever" so we're absolutely thrilled knowing that you made lots of memories while with us. Thank you again and look forward to seeing you in 2021!


I have been a part of the Explorer familiy since the very beginning and being a camper there is just the best thing ever. I mean all of the memories that stay with you and we still, till today talk about things that happened on the very first camp back in 2016. I was a camper for 3 years and now I am a counselor and I am very proud to say it. Really glad to be a member of the family and a part in creating some of the best moments and memories on camps.

Truly special feeling seeing a camper who's been with us so long, take that final step into becoming a part of the Explorer Team. Thank you so much for your positive words Anja! Was clear from day one that you understood the magic and power of camps, and we're enternally grateful that you can now pass this onto a new generation of campers. They're extremely lucky to have you guiding them, and we're very fortunate having you. Thank you for such positive words about our summer camps!


We sent our girls to this camp in the summers of 2018 and 2019. They had a wonderful time, faced new challenges and made lasting friendships. The venue is incredible but what makes the camp so fantastic is the staff - a group of people who are highly trained and qualified, responsible, fun and positive. We were so sad that we had to miss out on it in 2020 but we are looking forward to an epic reunion in summer of 2021.

Thank you so much for such a positive description of our camps Rachel. It brings us so much joy knowing both Michaela and Juliet had such a terrific time at our summer camps. The extremely positive comments about our training, qualification, and attitude while on camp you made mean the world our team as it only reinforces our strong beliefs in the power and magic of what we do. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we can't wait to see you all in 2021!


Ein wunderbares camp - nicht fancy aber mit sehr viel Herz und Verstand organisiert - ohne Druck aber mit jeder Menge Spass nehmen auch Jugendliche an den vielfältigen, spannenden Aktivitäten teil. Unser Sohn besucht das camp schon mehrere Jahre und diese Zeit der Ferien sind immer sein absolutes Highlight. Wir Eltern sind uns ganz sicher, dass er super aufgehoben ist und wir uns keine Sorgen machen müssen. Sehr zu empfehlen!!!!!

Thank you thank you thank you Leni. Your kind words mean so much to all of us and only gives us more power to continue our work with your children. Luis has been with us for some time and we've really enjoyed seeing him grow in our unique camp atmosphere. The most warming part of your words is your trust in our Explorer team as we really hold all of our campers dear to our hearts. Thank you and see you in 2021!



Thank you so much for your positive feedback! We all really appreciate it and are glad that so many of our Explorer family have had such a wonderful time at our summer camps. Than you again!


Explorer Camps are wonderful. Our daughter loved all the activities. She can't wait to go back. Steve is a great leader.

We're very grateful for your kind words about our summer camps Barbara. It's extremely satisfying hearing that Heidi had such a wonderful time with us, and that she was so happy with all of out team. We can't wait to see her in 2021.


This is a great summer camp!👍 There is a friendly atmosphere here🤗 ! All children feel free and safe! Every day is full of various activities🚲, excursions, entertainment. The son has been here twice already. recreation on Lake Bohinj was magnificent⛵🛶⛱, rich and varied. We really hope that we will be able to visit there again. Thanks to Steve and all the staff 🤝for the high level of organization of the process! See you!

Such kind words Svetlana, we really appreciate it. We loved having Nikita on camp with us over the past few years, and are glad that he has such an amazing time with all of different activities. Can't wait to see him in the Explorer family again in 2021. Thanks again!


This is a fantastic summer camp! My son is your typical indoor teen BUT for 1 to 2 weeks a year, he goes to this summer camp and does the most incredible things - zip lining, stand up paddling, hiking, biking, swimming in the beautiful lake just by the camp and on and on. For this time, my son gets a much needed break from electronics and connects with actual humans in the real world. Highly recommend!!!

Wow Rose! Thank you so much for you amazing words about our camps. Antoine has really grown with these camps over the years, and we've all taken great pleasure seeing him enjoy the technology free environment doing the cast array of activities we have. Can't wait to see him again in 2021! Thank you as always for your support.


Apparently the best camp I've ever seen. Exactly what a teenager needs. Highly recommended

So happy to receive your kind recommendations Igor. Extremely kind of you. Thank you! We really enjoyed having Misha on camp with us as we could see how much enjoyment he got from the experience. As you say, it's exactly what every teenager needs. Thanks again.


My expectations were a bit low when I first arrived but then, I stayed with two other Russians and having people from the other side of the world next door was wholesome. The activities are endless and you will probably never get bored. You get to meet with people of different cultures. Having breakfast, lunch and dinner with people from all around the globe was a completely different experience which you cant expect to feel on a regular basis. I personally haven't tried rafting or went to play paintball before the camp, other than these two, you will experience all sorts of outdoor activities, caving, hiking,biking,wall climbing, swimming, boat racing and wood working. I am glad to have been a part of such an amazing group of people and supervisors, I just wish I could have been there for more than a week.

Thank you so much Ege. We're honestly lost for words about how positively you've spoken about our summer camps and appreciate your honest feedback. It's extremely rewarding for us seeing the impact we had on your life, and how much you enjoyed all of our activites but especially the company of other teenagers from all around the world. Thank you again and look forward to seeing you in 2021!



Thank you for your review Yomna. We appreciate your support so much, and can't wait to have your boys join the Explorer family again soon!



Thanks so much Veronika. We're so happy that you took the time to give us such a positive review, and are glad that your time with us left such wonderful memories!


Explorer Camps are truly amazing! I’m so glad I came and I’ll definitely go again! It’s a place where you can meet so many new people from across the world as well as have so much fun. I deeply recommend it!! :)

THANK YOU Elena! Can't express how grateful we're for such a positive review. It means A LOT to all of us. Thank you! From our side we're definitely just as excited as you about seeing you again, and can't wait for you to experience the power, magic and FUN of Explorer camps once again!


Camp is some of the best. You have a new challenge every day. And you see something new every day. And you also learn to speak English.

Awesome hearing such positive views about our summer camps. Thank you so much for sharing them. Without doubt every day is something new, and we're glad that you felt challenged as we always look to take everyone out of their comfort zones. Really great knowing that you enjoyed this part of our camps!



Thanks for such a positive review Lana, it's wonderful seeing such happiness with our summer camps! We can't wait to see Anika and the whole family soon.


For an American kid it's not just a very rural, mountainous retreat but it's also in the most rural parts found in Europe so it's like a trip to the moon :) They are so busy there is not time for boredom and this causes to kids to bond in such a way they will never forget one another, or the wonderfully remote camp!

Thank you so much for your feedback Tom. We all really appreciate it. We loved having Michael join Explorer family, and it's really wonderful hearing that he really enjoyed the connections he made with those around him. Technology free can sometimes be a concern for campers, but as you said he had no time for boredom with all of the activities! Thanks again for your support and see you in '21.


the best . I’ve loved being there .

Thanks a lot Jacopo. We all really appreciate your kind feedback, and love that you enjoyed your time with us so much!


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