Barbara Tursan Misic Photography

5.0 (17 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

17 mnenj

Barbara was beyond amazing. I could not be happier that we chose her as our photographer. She has such talent and is a fantastic person - it was a pleasure working with her! Thank you, Barbara! <3


Ova žena ima oko koje hvata sve ono što mi sami nismo uhvatili našim očima. Napravila nam je toliko divnih uspomena da svaki put kad gledam fotke plačem od sreće i emocija. Žena je srce i dušu ostavila na našem vjenčanju i priuštila nam najbolje uspomene ikad! Atmosfera je cijeli dan bila toliko opuštena da nismo ni bili svjesni da se fotkamo. Barbara je nevjerojatno zabavna i pristupačna i ima zarazan osmijeh 😁 Komunikacija s njom je od početka bila divna, nekako nam je “kliknula” i znali smo da će napraviti odličan posao! Bilo je iskreno, otvoreno i nekako je teklo glatko. Barbara je nadmašila sva naša očekivanja i otišla bezbroj koraka iznad toga! Sigurna sam da ćemo za sve buduće fotke i događaje zvati upravo nju ☺️ Hvala na svemu! ❤️ Deborah & Nikola


Barbara je divna...topla preporuka za vrhunskog profesionalca....


Njezina galerija na web stranici me oduševila . Mi drugi fotografi samo možemo učiti od nje :) RESPECT


Not only are Barbara's photos stunning, but she was such a dream to work with. My husband and I live in the US so we were planning our Zadar wedding remotely. Barbara was incredibly responsive and I was at ease from the moment I met her (only the day before the wedding!) She gives great direction in the staged/portrait photos (we had no idea what we were doing so her direction was much appreciated) and she captures candid photos beautifully (I look at photos and wonder "How did she get that shot?!") She truly captured not just the events of the day but the spirit of the day perfectly. She gave us a gift my husband and I cannot thank her enough for - beautiful, breathtaking photos that make it impossible to forget the amazing energy of our wedding day. I cannot express how highly I would recommend her. My husband and I feel so lucky to have found her and to have had her capture our wedding day. Hvala, Barbara!


Barbara is not only a talented photographer but also a nice person and was supportive during the wedding day. It was fun to have Barbara as our photographer and we where very happy with the results. Can strongly recomend Barbara for your big day.


Barbara is a fantastic photographer, her photos are one of a kind; romantic and relaxed, but with so much creativity and positive energy. Each photo has it's own unique story behind it, one that you will remember every time you look at it, forever. She has the gift of catching a perfect moment in time under just the right light, to make it even more beautiful and exceptional. We can honestly say that she and her husband have made our special day even more special. Professional, helpful, funny, kind, and a joy to work with. We recommend Barbara, and guarantee you won't be sorry for choosing her to eternalize your special day!


When deciding what photographer to choose for our wedding, we instantly fell in love with Barbara's photos. We sat down with a cup of coffee and grasped through her photos. I told her that I am a bit uptight and uneasy in front of a camera but she reassured me that it will all come along as she starts shooting. Our engagement session was done with such ease and comfort. She made us laugh and feel like this is what we do everyday. She tells you jokes, gives cheeky comments and you don't even realize that she is taking photos. She is truly one of a kind person and a photographer. Her work is outstanding and special. We can't stop looking at our wedding photos. Thank you Barbara for making our day memorable in so many ways (photos). I am sure we will meet in front of your camera again. You had us at hello :-) Anja & Goran


I love her and her photography. So romantic, so calm, so much creativity, so much laughter and positive energy during the shoots.


Since i was organizing my wedding trough an email, other than liking the work, most important thing was to instantly have that friendly feeling when communicating. After the first mail i already knew Barbara would be perfect. Her photos are stunning, but you can see that for yourself. What i find even more important is the reactions from my guests. Everyone was super relaxed, even the shy ones didn't mind being photographed at all. Everyone looks so natural and relaxed on photos because Barbara works like ninja :) What i also found very important is that she was full of advice before and during the wedding and helped me with deciding on few details. Usually i don't like being photographed, but Barbara knows how to make a comfortable and fun atmosphere. I would recommend Barbara to anyone!


Barbara is very talented, creative & friendly. Creates fairy tale photos for lifetime memories <3


Barbara is an exceptional person. Not only is she an exceptional photographer, she is also a wonderful person, I’d like to emphasize that. She speaks to you like a friend who wants to help you make your wedding day perfect for you; she listens to you carefully and offers recommendations on the basis of her vast experience in weddings and wedding photography. She wants to get to know you in order to meet your expectations, not hers, although she definitely has developed her special style of photographing. And it’s astonishing, as you can see. Her photos speak for her. She can make great things out of small details. Even the most usual places become unusual and special in front of her camera. All of her photos are of utmost quality, unique, pure, soft and simply beautiful! You'll be lucky if she is available on your wedding day!!


Prvi susret nje iza kamere i nas ispred bio je 2012. godine. To je (barem sa naše strane) bila ljubav na prvi klik. :) Profesionalna, a u isto vrijeme opuštena - e, to je dobitna kombinacija koja daje prekrasne fotografije pune smijeha i ljubavi! Hvala ti, Barbi, na jednom već poprilično davnom fotkanju, a definitivno si prvi izbor i za sve buduće događaje u našem životu. <3


Fantastic photographer, she made our special day even more special. Professional, kind, helpful and a joy to work with. We would really recommend Barbara, in fact our friends have already booked for their wedding next year.


Amazing photographer with great eye for the details which guarantees that you will have the best photos of your most important day. :) She captured our wedding day perfectly and I couldn't imagine anyone capturing it better. Our guests were so impressed of the photos as well. Thank you Barbara! I recommend to go grab a coffee with Barbara while making a decision about your wedding photographer. I'm sure you won't go anywhere else after seeing her work.


Kad smo odlučivali o datumu vjenčanja, najvažnije nam je bilo da je Barbara taj termin slobodna jer nas je oduševila fotkama svatova naših zajedničkih prijatelja. I tako smo, osim fotografija koje su u vremenu zaustavile i zauvijek sačuvale najljepše osjećaje, poglede, zagrljaje i poljupce, dobili i nove divne prijatelje, Barbaru i Tomislava. Nema boljih i nakon njih više nećete moći zamisliti nikog drugog da vam fotka važne trenutke u životu. Jedino što postanete ovisni o njihovim fotografijama...i iznova jedva čekate novi blog, novo vjenčanje, nove fotke koje slave ljubav!


Prekrasno mi se je bilo družiti s njom i njenim suprugom, znaju što rade. Fotografije su prekrasne! Svi zajedno smo odradili 2 runde vjenčanja. Jedno u Varaždinu i jedno u Indiji. Barbara i njen suprug su više kao prijatelji i obitelj koji su bili sa nama, nego fotografi. Ni u jednom trenu nisam imala osjećaj da rade, cijelo vrijeme sam imala dojam da uživaju. I zbilja su uživali, oni sa nama i mi sa njima. Da imam treće vjenčanje zvala bi ih ponovo!


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