Dejan Žagar

Dejan Žagar | Poročni fotograf | Destination Wedding Photographer available worldwide

5.0 (28 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Dejan Žagar, poročni fotograf v mestu ljubljana.
My name is Dejan and I am a destination wedding photographer. I am passionate about photography and I create unique creative wedding stories.
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

28 mnenj

Dejan is an amazing wedding photographer and we are tremendously happy with his work! He followed through on all our agreements, helped us plan the timeline for our wedding day, and made the entire process so much easier. During the photo sessions, he created a relaxed and fun atmosphere, which is beautifully reflected in the stunning photos. He met all the delivery deadlines, and the final results exceeded our expectations. The photos are outstanding, capturing the essence of our special day perfectly. The wedding video is beautiful, and the photo album is a true masterpiece. We wholeheartedly recommend Dejan to any future newlyweds – if you choose him, we’re 100% sure you’ll be happy and at peace with your decision. Dejan, hvala za vse! 🤗


It has now been six years since our wedding, and to this day, we are beyond grateful that we chose Dejan as our wedding photographer. The photos still bring us so much joy, instantly taking us back to that unforgettable day. I had been following Dejan for many years before my wedding, dreaming that if I ever got married, he would be the one to capture the day. When the time came, I didn’t hesitate for a second to contact him. On the wedding day, Dejan and his assistant were incredibly professional, yet warm and approachable. As someone who is very camera-shy, I was worried about the photo sessions, but Dejan made the entire experience fun and relaxed—not just for me, but for our guests as well. Everyone had such kind words about his professionalism and kindness. The photos were delivered on time, and the quality was beyond what we could have imagined. Even after six years, I can confidently say that hiring Dejan was the best decision we made. The pictures perfectly captured the emotions and spirit of our wedding, creating memories that truly last a lifetime. Looking back at the photos, it’s hard to believe how beautifully Dejan was able to preserve every moment. His talent and professionalism are exceptional. Thank you, Dejan, for giving us a gift that we continue to cherish every day. We will always be thankful.


Absolute perfection and masterpiece! We couldn't be more happy for choosing Dejan as our wedding photographer. He is writing stories with his style of photography, beautifully capturing every single emotion and amazingly catching all the spontanious moments. We are truly brought back to our wedding day everytime we look through our gallery. Thank you Dejan for creating everlasting memories of our wedding day 🩷 Nastja & Martin


We decided not to have a video recording of our wedding. Instead, we chose Dejan Žagar as our photographer and have no regrets. We wanted the photographer to capture the emotions and moments of our wedding, including those of our guests, and Dejan absolutely delivered. The photos and the photo album perfectly capture the story and moments of our special day. They are not only beautiful but also evoke the emotional rollercoaster of our wedding day. Dejan's fantastic talent and vision immortalised our day.


Najboljša izbira ever! Dejan je bil res odličen in poskrbel, da je najih dan in vse najlepše trenutke prikazal v najboljši možni luči. Upošteval je vse najine želje in se nama popolnoma prilagajal, pri tem pa je bil popolnoma sproščen, zabaven, izredno natančen in profesionalen. Dejan, hvala ti za vse! Res si bil super, tvoje slike pa so le dokaz tega!




profesionalnost, kreativnost, kakovost, vse 5 ⭐️ priporocam vsem, ki si zelijo najboljse slike! Dejan zna ujet ta pravi trenutek in da naredi nekaj special iz tega.




Ko sva med iskanjem najinega poročnega fotografa naletela na Dejanovo spletno stran, nama je bilo takoj jasno, da je to to, kar iščeva. Na njegovih fotografijah je bilo moč zaznati trenutke iskrenih čustev, humorja in vseh možnih naključij, ki se zgodijo na tak dan kot je poroka. Vse to sva si želela, da bi nekdo ujel tudi za naju, in vse to sva od Dejana tudi dobila - vse tiste poglede, objeme, čestitke, nasmehe, čustva in še kanček humorja za povrh. Hvala, Dejan, še enkrat za vse! Hvala tudi za tvojo profesionalnost, za katero sva med pripravami na najino poroko opazila, da med ponudniki sploh ni samoumevna, hvala za tvoje vodenje in sproščenost, ob vsem tem sva se počutila izjemno varno. In če se slučajno odločate glede fotoknjige - vredna je vsakega centa! Toplo priporočava, David & Sonja




Dejan is a highly skilled and hard working photographer. It was a pleasure having him to work at our wedding, he became part of the experience and we really enjoyed having him around. The pictures are stunning! Highly reccomended!


Dejan je že po porfelju izstopal, zato sem ga tudi izbral. Izkazalo se je, da je bila to kot vrhunska odločitev. Izjemno zadovoljen s fotografijami, barvami, motivi, zgodbo, odnosom in celotno storitvijo na sploh. Dosežena in presežena vse pričakovanja. Vsem ženinom zelo priporočam, presenetite svoje bodoče žene :D


Fotografiranje poroke z Dejanom je bilo izjemno. Fotografije poroke so neverjetno lepe, polne občutkov, emocij, so spontane in hkrati umetniške. Niso nastavljene in preobdelane ampak odražajo njegov občutek in tehniko fotografije. Dejan se je izkazal tudi kot odličen vodja in pomočnik poročnega dne, saj je s svojo pozitivno energijo ogromno pomagal in poskrbel, da sva bila tako ženin in nevesta, ter svatje sproščeni, še posebej pri kakšnih skupnih slikah :) Je izjemno prilagodljiv in res z veseljem ustreže željam slavljencev, kar se tiče fotografiranja in kar se tiče poteka dogodka. Ni mu težava biti na več koncih hkrati, je poln energije, ustrežljiv in res odličen fotograf. Priporočal bi ga vsakemu :)


Dejan is an amazing wedding photographer and I truly recommend him for your special day! Already before the wedding day, he showed commitment and professionalism in delivering photos that would follow our wishes and ensured fluent communication between us. On the wedding day he was doing a great job as he made me and my husband feel very relaxed in front of the camera (usually we are both a bit camera shy), he put no pressure on us and gave us some instructions in a funny and playful way. But the part of his work that I appreciated the most was seeing the photos after the wedding - they were amazing! He brought back all of the emotions we lived trough that day, showed us the day in a different perspective and additionally he captured some happy and funny moments of our family and friends that we simply missed out because the day went so fast. And that was in my opinion priceless!


Cannot fault this guy! Highly recommend.


Dejan je bil najina prva in edina želja, ko sva izbirala poročnega fotografa. Ob ogledu fotografij z najine poroke sva ostala brez besed in s čudovito dobrim občutkom ob obujanju spominov na najin dan. Na koncu ostanejo le spomini in fotografije - in tiste, ki jih posname Dejan, so takšne, da ujamejo ravno pravi trenutek za vedno, so polne občutkov, vedno znova rišejo nasmehe in so preprosto žive. Dejan, hvaležna sva, da si bil z nama in da si naju prav ti "ovekovečil", saj bodo obujanja spominov tako pristnejša in še lepša.


Dejan, hvala za dobro voljo, svojo predanost in profesionalno opravljeno delo! Fotografije so izjemne in čudovite in res sva hvaležna, da si bil prav ti najin fotograf in da si ujel vse spontane in nepozabne trenutke na najini poroki.


Da sva za poročnega fotografa izbrala Dejana je bila res najboljša odločitev. Pričaral nama je čudovite spomine in ujel vsak pomemben trenutek. Obvlada fotografiranje in je res odličen opazovalec okolice. Nič mu ne uide. 😁 Na poročni dan nama je zelo pomagal in poskrbel za sproščeno in prijetno vzdušje. ☺️ Dejan, še enkrat hvala!




Kreativen in pozoren na detjle, zna ustvariti zgodbo v fotografijah. Poleg tega super oseba.


Dejan je s svojo strokovnostjo, prilagodljivostjo, umirjenostjo in izkušenostjo pripomogel, da je bil najin poročni dan še bolj čaroben. Največ nama je pomenilo, da je ulovil spontane trenutke, najine poglede, dotike, in da je v na videz ''normalni'' situaciji videl priložnost za čudovito fotografijo. Z njim nisva imela nobenega dodatnega dela, kar ti na poročni dan pomeni ogromno! :) Tudi ko nam je zmanjkalo časa, da bi se odpeljali na portretno fotografiranje na drugo lokacijo, je na lokaciji posnel čudovite fotografije. Za vse, ki nimajo izkušenj s fotografiranjem ali imajo mogoče malce strahu, kako bo to izgledalo, toplo priporočam predporočno fotografiranje. Tu ni napetosti, dobiš občutek o načinu dela fotografa, se že malce spoznaš in ste na poročni dan že stari znanci. Dejan je tudi zelo ustrežljiv in s svojimi nasveti skrbi za dobro počutje mladoporočencev. Vse izdelke sva prejela v dogovorjenem roku in sva navdušena nad kvaliteto. Dejan, najlepša hvala za vse in veliko sreče pri ustvarjanju še naprej!




If you are looking for someone who perfectly captures emotions, easily reduce stress which is natural part of this Big Day - then you are in the right hands! Dejan made quite a long trip for us, he visited Poland and I hope he had a great time and enjoyed the final result as much as we did. I recommend it with all my heart, here the quality goes hand in hand with passion and personality. Thank you once again ! <3


Best quality and definitely the best price performance!




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