Katja & Simon Photography

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Destination Wedding Photographer. Katja & Simon Photography. We covering weddings in Slovenia, Europe and all over the world. Perfect fit for your wedding.
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

51 mnenj

Our experience with Simon was amazing, start to finish. From our initial planning calls to the weekend of our wedding, he was professional, fun, and just great at his job. My husband and I get nervous in front of cameras, and we wanted to experience the day without needing to pose or act. Simon totally understood. He coached us through the formal family portraits that we needed, and for the rest of the day we were able to just be ourselves and forget about being photographed. He has such a gift for letting beautiful moments happen and catching them at just the right time. The genuine emotions of the day really shine through in our photos. Simon, we will treasure these amazing pictures for the rest of our lives. Thank you, thank you.


We are so pleased with the way the photos turned out and love how you have captured the beauty of the day! Thank you so much for the excellent work.


Thank you to Katja and Simon for arranging such an amazing day and for making us feel so comfortable and at ease. There were times before our trip that I thought it might be silly to still do a ceremony since we've already been married three years. But I'm so, so thankful that we did. It was such a special day, and our photos are such a wonderful way to remember it.


Ciao Katja, We just got back to our house at about midnight last night so I had a moment during our layover to look back at these BEAUTIFUL photos that you captured. You seriously have such a wonderful eye and the lighting, the colors, it brought back all the amazing memories for us. The day felt chaotic for us in entertaining and helping people with their trip plans and I know I didn't relax much that day, but you were my calm to the storm! I'm serious. You were there to keep us in check, to be sure our moments still happened that we had asked for and you stayed right up until the shots of grappa started happening. I really appreciated having your calm and kind presence around for the day. Thank you for that!! Stefano and I both agreed that you were the best thing that we decided to do for the wedding, we loved having you there for a first look, the boat ride and all of the moments around the day. Also, we loved how incredibly kind you were and easy going. Thank you again for being there and we will refer you to anyone that goes to the area and needs their photos done. I've already given your info to two people that inquired about your services and I said they NEED you for their day. All the best, Kelsey, Stefano & Nadia


We are so happy and honored we were able to work with Katja and Simon as our photographers for our destination wedding. Our first zoom call put our nerves at complete ease of finding the right person to capture such a special moment of our lives with our closest family and friends. The communication and responsiveness was impeccable even with an 8 hour time difference. Neither of us are ones for the spotlight, but Katja made us feel so comfortable and captured our emotions, and each moment in the most perfect and beautiful way. We are in awe of every single photo that was taken and are forever grateful for being able to have them capture our wedding. We can’t recommend them enough!


Alexa and I were married in La-Roche Chalais, France and wanted a photographer that's able to capture our day with a natural aesthetic that portrayed our love for one another authentically. We found Katja & Simon. We saw their work and knew we found the right team to preserve memories for the rest of our lives. Our family, the grounds, the chateau, the big moments and small details were all captured with professionalism and raw emotion that immediately jumps when you see their reels. Simon did a magnificent job with such a large family as well as our six-month-old. We'll never forget it. Thank you, Katja and Simon!


We can’t tell you how pleased we are with how the photos have turned out! So many fantastic memories…! Apologies for the slight delay in replying. We only got a chance to look at them last night. We popped a bottle of champagne and linked the laptop to the widescreen TV for a proper viewing experience…! It was so amazing to see all of your hard work come together and paint such a beautiful picture of our special day. Thank you so much for everything. Your work will stay with us for a lifetime….


We are so happy that we got a chance to work with Katja and Simon. They were really professional, but very friendly and helpful in any way possible. They made us feel very relaxed in front of the camera and we are absolutely in love with their work. If we could have this day again, we would choose them all over again! Katja and Simon, thank you for capturing the best day of our lives! Blaz and Zala


Right from the outset of seeing Katja and Simon’s portfolio we knew that their approach to wedding photography perfectly matched what we were looking for. They create natural photographs of people relaxed and enjoying each other’s company. What we couldn’t have predicted was that we would have such an ally on our wedding day. In Simon we had someone expertly placed to put us at ease, who encouraged us take moments in the day to spend time with each other, and who was at the same time completely unobtrusive. As someone not accustomed to being photographed (camera shy doesn’t even begin to describe my aversion) our practice session the day before the wedding allowed me to work all of that out of our system, so that we were able to have portraits showing us at our best. The results were spectacular. He captured moments in the day that had escaped us. He brought to life the beauty of the setting and the revelry of our guests. Our interactions with Simon at every stage were enjoyable and anyone lucky enough to have Katya and Simon involved in their day will be left with a collection of memories that, like us, they hold dear.


" In search of our wedding venue, we came across amazing photographs of a beautiful historical garden in Sežana. We fell in love with the place and with the photos at the same moment - they were from Katja & Simon and so naturally, they became our first choice. We were a little bit worried that our wedding wasn't "big enough" for a worthy project, also it was only about three months away so we were crossing our fingers that we could work with them :) Rest assured, after the first zoom call all worries went away, and further planning went on smoothly. On the day - well pictures speak for themselves. Simon was on time, kind and helpful, very present but never intruding. Professional in all meaning of the word, but made us feel comfortable - like we're being photographed by a friend. He captured the venue, us, and our guests beautifully, but most importantly, he captured the feeling and the emotions of the day. So much so that after looking at the photographs now, we get to relive all of them. Also praises to Katja for a great selection and editing. The colors are wonderful. So, to anyone looking through testimonials for (another) confirmation that Katja & Simon are the right choice - this is it. They are. You won't be sorry. "


Die sind nicht gerade zuverlässig, als ich die Info wegen den Preisen und Terminen angefordert habe, haben die mir einfach gesagt das ich deren Instagram Siete sehen soll, und das die sich noch melden werden. Nach knapp zehn Tagen habe ichbdie wieder kontaktiert und die haben einfach kurz geschrieben das die auagebucht sind. Also meiner Meinung echt unprofessionell.




Thank you again for these. I could not be more thrilled with how these photos turned out. Everyone who sees them comments on how happy we look. That is really everything that I wanted for this day - pictures that will continue to call to mind all the genuine love & joy we were experiencing. Thank you for making us feel comfortable and going above and beyond to make this so special for us - from the extra pictures of the rehearsal dinner (which turned out wonderfully) to the mesmerizing slide show


We absolutely loved working with Katja & Simon. Despite the pandemic and rescheduling, they were very flexible and gracious. We also felt more comfortable with them behind the camera than for professional pictures in the past. And the photos turned out BEAUTIFULLY. We feel like they really capture the beauty of the day, of the venue and of the town of Trogir.


Za najin poročni dan sva imela zelo jasno vizijo: preprosto, naravno in pristno. Ko sva začela z aktivnim načrtovanjem, sva med prvimi stvarmi želela izbrati poročnega fotografa. Med pregledovanjem ponudnikov sva naletela na Katjo in Simona. Ko sva si ogledala njuno spletno stran in socialna omrežja sva vedela, da si želiva sodelovanja z njima. Po našem prvem online srečanju se je ta občutek še okrepil, saj njuna energija in preprostost enostavno pritegneta. Leto priprave na poroko je bilo zaradi trenutnega stanja v svetu pestro in stresno. Katja in Simon sta bila vedno zelo hitro odzivna, pripravljena pomagati in nama s svojimi idejami olajšati situacijo v kateri sva se znašla. Poročni dan se je odvijal na Krasu v Štanjelu in bil je čudovit. Katja je s pozitivno prezenco navdušila naju in svate. Niti za trenutek naju ni skrbelo, da stvari ne bi funkcionirale. S svojim prijateljskim pristopom nama je vlila potrebno samozavest, da sva bila med samim fotografiranjem preprosto midva, sproščena, taka, kot sva. Dobila sva več pohval, kako dobro se je zlila s svati, jih koordinirala in fotografirala na povsem nevsiljiv način. Ko sva prejela fotografije, se nisva mogla nagledati in načuditi, kako lepo je vse skupaj izpadlo. Fotografije so točno take, kot sva si želela: brez balasta. Izražajo cel spekter čustev in intenzivnih občutkov, ki so se zvrstili čez cel dan. Res sva vesela in hvaležna, da bova lahko najin poročni dan podoživljala ob tako čudovitih fotografijah. Brez kančka dvoma lahko rečeva, da sta bila Katja in Simon najboljša izbira. Urška in Peter


Katja in Simon sta par, ki izžareva posebno energijo, ki je pripomogla tudi k temu, da smo se že na prvem sestanku odlično ujeli. Posvetila sta se najinim željam in predlogom, ter nama svetovala tudi kar se tiče poteka poročnega dne. Na poročnem dnevu si ne bi želela koga drugega, saj sta se zlila z gosti in je fotografiranje potekalo popolnoma neopazno. Pri fotografiranju ''ena na ena'' sta dala veliko napotkov, poiskala lepe lokacije, vse je potekalo zelo sproščeno. Vesela sva, da sva se odločila za Katjo in Simona, saj sta na fotografijah ujela pristne trenutke, fotografije pa so spontane in naravne.


Katja & Simon did such a phenomenal job on our photos. From the initial conversations to the execution of the event, they made the process so easy and natural. The finished product was amazing and the direction and suggestions were great. We are so appreciative for the creativity and ease in which they made the entire process.


"It was an absolute pleasure to work with you, from the beginning (facetiming about our ideas) until the end (the final pictures). You are both very kind people and we loved to have Simon on our wedding day; besides that you can take the most beautiful pictures, you were also a pleasant company; you were present in a very calm and professional way, with a very gentle smile. And you didn't miss any important moments. We also really enjoyed the slideshow you guys have made! Thanks a lot for everything!!"


A good wedding photographer must not only be able to take beautiful photos, he needs far more skills. And finding someone with these skills for our wedding in Italy proved to be a big challenge. We are all the happier that we found Katja & Simon. Everything went smoothly and perfectly. The coordination before the wedding was already very open and uncomplicated, with the help of a video conference we were able to get to know each other despite the physical distance. On the day of the wedding itself, Katja & Simon did a more than perfect job. They already accompanied the Getting Ready and later the entire wedding - from the ceremony to the party. They were present at all times and took wonderful photos. They did a great job coordinating the guests and also us as the bride and groom, because let's face it, on the day of your own wedding you don't have a head for that yourself. They have a great talent to be at the right place at the right time and to press the shutter button of the camera at the right moment. This enabled them to perfectly capture the emotions of us and the guests and the respective mood. At all times, the collaboration was relaxed, friendly and completely stress-free. But what impressed us most was the result. The photos perfectly reflect the emotions and the mood on location. We couldn't imagine a more beautiful memory of this extraordinary day. To be able to document emotions to this extent is not simple photography, it is true art. This unbelievable variety of pictures, perfectly prepared in an online gallery, so that we could forward the link directly to our guests. Thank you :-)


Extremely rude and unprofessional. Boring spammers with repetitive annoying emails. If you are looking for a truly professional wedding photographer beware and just stay away from the correspondence with them.




We left the picking of our wedding photographer a bit last minute, and we were resigned to hiring someone we were not 100% happy with. We decided to do a little more research on wedding photographers in the Loire Valley and Katja & Simon popped up. After looking through their social media and their website we fell in love with their photos and style, it was exactly what we were looking for! We contacted them right away hoping they would be available and we were so lucky they were. Even though they were in Slovenia and we were in Chicago, we never felt like we were 100’s of miles away. Simon & Katja were so warm and kind and professional from day one. It felt like a friend and a family member took our photos during the wedding day. One thing that stands out to me so much is that everyone in our photos are laughing and smiling, they really brought out the joy of our special day and the love we felt for each other and everyone that came to celebrate our love. Looking at our photos makes us feel like we are back in France getting married again. I would 100% use Katja & Simon again for any of the big and little moments in our lives they are truly truly gifted in their craft and wonderful humans as well.


When we first started planning our wedding we wanted our photos to be authentic, real and emotional, so when we came across Katja & Simon's photography online, we knew they were the one. Choosing them to capture our wedding day was the best decision ever. They exceeded our expectations. Photos are perfect, even better than we ever imagined them to be. When we look through them, we can really feel all the emotions, all the laughter and all the tears from our special day. We felt their love for photography and this also reflects in their work. Katja and Simon thank you for everything!!!


Dear Katja & Simon, Thanks a lot for everything, the photos are perfect, wonderfull, and you were perfect during the weding day. Again thank you very much, it was a real pleasure to meet you, and to have you at our wedding day. With you and your photos our wedding is a dream that persists... We wish you the best, and if we are doing renewal of wishes, we'll ask you to come again :-) With love Emilie and Bruno


Life doesn't always introduce you to the people you want to meet. Sometimes, life puts you in touch with the people, you need to meet. So we met Katja and Simon. They are so relaxed and always with good vibes and a smile on their faces. We are blessed, that they were with us on our special day, not just as a photographers, but also as our friends. They capture intimate and authentic moments, from tears, to dancing like no one is watching. With their magic they created the most amazing and beautiful photos; we cry and laugh at the same time, everytime we watch them.... Love you!! J&M


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