Vjenčanje - 14.09.24.
Oduševljeni mladenci, oduševljeni gosti! Matijin pristup je bio toliko opušten da je prenio svoju opuštenost na sve nas i više se nitko nije brinuo oko "škljocanja" fotoaparata. Galerija fotografija je stigla u roku od nekoliko dana i oduševili su nas uhvaćeni detalji i emocije. Svaki put kada prolazimo album uočimo neki novi detalj i osmijeh koji nas nanovo oduševi. 🤗
Sve preporuke budućim mladencima koji traže jedinstvene fotografije i emocije! 🤗
We had the honor of having Matija and Marina as our wedding photographers. Seldomly have we come across such meticulous photographers. From the get-go they were super communicative and created clear expectations. We opted for their 12 hour package, so they spent our entire special day with us. They blended in nicely with the guests, while staying sharp and taking pictures of the most special moments. And we have to say; they REALLY delivered! A few of their strong suits is that they pick amazing compositions, pay attention to detail and even help you strike a pose when you're completely out of ideas. They even brought a drone which took pictures from above. We didn't even have a clue the thing was flying over our party. Finally, they're really quick to deliver the final pictures after the wedding. Apparently we hit a milestone with the total number of pictures, and still, they delivered within 2 weeks. Definitely a 5 star experience! Hats off to you Matija & Marina!
Bukirali smo ih kao poklon mladencima od nas, kumova. Već od prvog razmijenjenog maila istaknuli su se srdačnosti i konkretnim planovima i idejama za slikanje. Htjeli su znati više o mladencima i prilagođavali su se njihovim željama. Oboje su super ljudi, a slike su stvarno divne i dobili smo ih u rekordnom roku. Mi smo sretni, mladenci još sretniji. Hvala puno, Marina i Matija!
Matija i Marina su definitivno nas dan ucinili jos posebnijim. Od pocetka smo lako kliknuli i vec za par minuta sam imala feeling kao da nas fotkaju i snimaju frendovi. Love neke bas posebne trenutke i pokrete, uhvate i najmanju zraku sunca kako bi finalni rezultat bio odlican. I stvarno je tako; video je odlican, fotke su show. Komunikacija s njima je stvarno chill, brzi su, profesionalni i stvarno mi je drago da sam ih odabrala za nas W-day!
Osvrt na fotografije ili kako Vam potpuni neznanac može pokazati koliko ste sretni.
Prva stvar koju moram priznati je kako je izbor fotografa bio možda zadnja točka na popisu ''što sve moramo imati za taj jaaaako bitan dan''.
A, zašto je to bilo tako??
Pa recimo da smo mislili kako nam to možda niti nije potrebno, jer mali su to svatovi, mali je to krug ljudi, svi imaju mobitele i netko će već to sve zabilježiti - uh srećom da na tome nije ostalo, jer ovo što smo dobili od Matije je nešto što ćemo rado ponovno, ponovno i opet ponovno gledati.
Ali, sad prvo malo o Matiji, a onda ćemo prijeći na fotografije.
Matija je od prvog dana našega stupanja kontakt pokazao kakav je profesionalac i koliko mu je bitno da nas upozna, baš ništa nije htio prepustiti slučaju. Čovjeku su svi detalji bili bitni, a zahvaljujući tim nekim detaljima s kojima sam upoznavala Matiju, u trenutcima kad me je hvatala panika, sjetila bih se onog prvotnog razloga zašto će baš Miro biti taj s kojim želim dijeliti sve i onda pustiš sve te kolače, torte, jelovnike, ukrase i ostalo... i shvatiš kako je bitno samo to - zašto baš s tim čovjekom želiš dijeliti i one vesele trenutke, ali i one manje vesele... Mogu samo reći kako je Matija ispunio sva naša očekivanja, ma i više od toga, on nije samo genijalan fotograf on je uistinu jedna posebna osoba i takav spoj može donijeti samo fotografije koje pričaju priču, fotografije koje nisu namještene, fotografije koje doslovno vrište od emocija.
A sad malo o fotografijama…
Dakle, nema te riječi kojima bih opisala fotografije koje smo dobili.
Svaka fotografija jasno priča što se događa, daje nam do znanja gdje smo, što smo, što se događa, a ono što ima daje posebnu čar je to što su tako iskrene… uhvaćeno je toliko emocija, tako divnih i iskrenih, a sa sigurnošću mogu reći kako su iskrene, jer mislim da nitko nije niti bio svjestan da ih Matija fotografira, jer on je bio kao nindža s fotićem.
Fotografije su nam dočarale mnoge trenutke kojih nismo niti bili svjesni, a jednako tako dočarale su nam kako je za čaroliju dovoljno imati prave ljude na pravom mjestu.
I da - fotografije tako lijepo prikazuju cijelu našu priču, ljude koji su dio te priče i pokazuju nam da se ljubav krije na najneobičnijim mjestima i kako samo treba biti dovoljno hrabar da je pustiš k sebi i prepustiš se…
Matija i Marina su prvo bili fotografi na vjenčanju naše prijateljice i već tada sam mogla vidjeti da su zaista vrhunski fotografi i koliko se trude oko svojih mladenaca i njihovih gostiju. Kad je došao red na nas, znala sam da je to ono što i mi želimo. Već od prvog kontakta sam znala da nismo pogriješili jer uz to što su jako brzo odgovarali, htjeli su nas upoznati i saznati više o našoj vezi i životima tako da bi što bolje uhvatili sve ono što je nama bitno.
Na dan vjenčanja su nas oduševili svojim pristupom, trudom i savjetima, a uz sve to su bili nenametljivi i osjećali smo se jako opušteno. Već dan nakon vjenčanja su nam poslali predivan slideshow sa izabranim slikama, koji je i nama i obiteljima bio na "repeatu" sve dok nisu (jako brzo) stigle i preostale slike :)
Malo je reći da smo presretni sa svojim izborom, a slike govore same za sebe.
Sve preporuke za ovaj divni par!
We recently hired Matija + Marina as our wedding photographers (earlier we've had a couple shooting too) and couldn't be happier with the results. :)
So, firstly I want to mention that we are a couple who are not super comfortable in front of cameras, nor with expressing our emotions in front of others.
From the very beginning, Matija + Marina were prompt and friendly in communication, punctuate and took care into getting to know not only us, but also our families and closest friends and ensured that everyone was included in the photos.
On the day of the wedding, Matija + Marina were so professional, kind, made us feel relaxed and good about ourselves. They were creative and dedicated to taking that perfect shot (it might be worthy to mention that it was raining that day).
They are in general a great couple to be around, have great chemistry that can also be felt in their work and have captured some truly stunning shots that we will keep forever.
I would like to also point out that they delivered the first batch of photos within a couple of days after the wedding!
Highly recommended!
Matija i Marina su sve sto se ocekuje od fotografa/snijmatelja: Brzi, profesionalni, ljubazni, dragi i jednostavno savrseni u svom poslu. Kad smo pogledali fotke i video nismo se mogli načudit ljepoti i kvaliteti svega! Predivno su uhvatili sve te trenutke i stvarno nemamo rijeci!! Sad ćemo podijelit sve sa gostima svadbe da i oni uživaju u njihovom savršenom radu.
Hvala vam još jednom od srca, stvarno smo presretni i jako nam je drago da smo vas izabrali da nas pratite kroz nas dan😍😍 Nemozemo vas dovoljno pohvalit❤️
Quickly got the pictures back (2 days!), and they were perfect. Amazing what a photographer can do in an hour. Matija was really easy going and helped us get the best possible pictures.
Lak i brz dogovor. Susretljivi i profesionalni. Premda nam je na naš dan padala kiša izvukli su i više od maksimuma - predložili mjesta i ideje koje nam nikada ne bi pale na pamet, te nas oduševili fotkama. Spontanost i oko za detalje je kod njih vještina. Uhvatili su svaki trenutak atmosfere i sačuvali ga za sva vremena. Apsolutna preporuka za sve trenutke koje želite ovjekovječiti!
Matija and Marina are great photographers and film makers, as well as great people to have around on your wedding day. I would describe them as being professional, relaxed and enthusiastic about catching *that* perfect shot. They listened to our wishes and produced stunning material from filming a couple that doesn't feel comfortable being photographed and showing emotions in front of other people.
Also, Matija is very responsive in email communication - personally this is a major factor to consider when booking any service for the wedding.
Overall, working with them was a great experience :)
Najbolji fotografi :) Iznimno susretljivi, sve se da dogovoriti, ugodni za rad, fenomenalne fotke, video, book... 5 zvjezdica bez ikakve dvojbe!
Matijin i Marinin rad smo imali prilike vidjeti na nekoliko vjenčanja naših prijatelji i odmah smo bili oduševljeni njihovim pristupom i posvećenošću detaljima. Očekivali smo da ćemo dobiti predivne fotografije, ali Marina je uspjela nadmašiti sva naša očekivanja!
Od prvog trenutka kad je stigla u naš stan uspjela je zabilježiti toliko emocija, detalja, sitnica, spontanih situacija koje nam izmame veliki osmjeh na lice svaki put iznova kad gledamo slike. Njezin izuzetno ugodan pristup šarmirao je cijelu obitelj, bila je nenametljiva, a opet tu da ulovi svaki moment. Svaki kadar koji smo dobili priča priču, najbolje su nam to potvrdili oni koji nisu mogli biti uz nas, ali su nakon što su pogledali našu galeriju proživjeli svaki trenutak kao da su bili tu.
Session mi ostaje u sjećanju kao najljepši dio dana, vrijeme samo za nas dvoje, uživali smo u svakom trenutku i bili stvarno opušteni. Marina je najviše zaslužna za to, imala je odlične ideje, minimalno nas je usmjeravala i uspjela postići da budemo svoji, da obožavamo svaku sliku i da se ta sreća vidi u svakom kadru.
Naša sreća je bila još veća kad smo dobili wedding book – savršeno posložena priča, izrazito kvalitetan tisak i suze u oku opet iznova <3
Prezadovoljni smo cjelokupnim iskustvom, iskrene preporuke svima koji žele imati zabilježen svoj dan na poseban način. Hvala od srca!
Većini parova jedna od najvažnijih stavki u organizaciji vjenčanja je odabrati dobrog fotografa pa je tako bilo i s nama. Znali smo da želimo malo „drugačije“ slike i da se želimo osjećati ugodno tijekom sessiona. Na Matiju i Marinu naišli smo posve slučajno, no odmah nam se svidio njihov stil. Sva vjenčanja koja su fotografirali bila su posebna, tj. bilo je jasno da znaju dočarati priču i stil svakoga para. Od početka komunikacije putem maila osjećali smo se kao da nam je Matija prijatelj, a taj se osjećaj potvrdio i kada smo se upoznali. Na dan vjenčanja Matija i Marina bili su odlično raspoloženi i puni ideja. Doista nismo očekivali da će nam session biti toliko ugodno iskustvo. Uživali smo u svakome trenutku i zauvijek smo zahvalni, ne samo na predivnim slikama, nego i na svoj pomoći i savjetima koje su nam pružili. Matija i Marina savršeno su ispričali našu priču upravo zato što su postali dio nje.
Marta i Josip
One of the most important things for couples is to find a great photographer for their wedding. That was our mission too. We wanted to feel comfortable during the session and photos that feel a bit different from standard wedding photos. When we came across Matija and Marina we fell in love with their style. Every wedding looked special and it was clear they know how to translate your story and style into photos. From the beginning, we felt like we were talking to a friend. This feeling was confirmed when we met in person. On our wedding day Matija and Marina were in good spirits and had bunch of great ideas. We didn't expect to enjoy our session as much as we did. We are eternally grateful for their help and beautiful photos we will cherish for ever. Matija and Marina told our story perfectly because they truly became part of it.
Marta & Josip
Matija and Marina are incredibly passionate, creative and talented photographers, extremely hardworking and organized professionals genuinely dedicated to their work, they are two fun, emotional and artistic souls that complement each other and most importantly friends for a lifetime.
We stumbled onto their website quite by accident when we searched the internet looking for Croatian wedding photographers. The funny thing is that the first thing we noticed which distinguished them from the others was their description of who they are and the fun facts about them. Their sincerity, simplicity and playfulness is what attracted us to look at their photo gallery. And their photos were breathtaking, capturing so many details and moments, full of colours, life and emotions, so spontaneous and natural, exactly what we imagined perfect photos should be.
The best thing about them is their simple interaction by emails, mostly with Matija, to which he always promptly responded providing us with all the necessary information about how they work and what we could expect from them, giving us unobtrusive friendly advice and useful suggestions, but also it was his way of getting to know us in advance and our preferences as a couple, what we are planning and how we have imagined our wedding day.
Just one friendly coffee before our wedding showed us that we really made a right decision and how professional and organized they are. They had been planning the course of the wedding day to the last detail so that we could be everywhere right on time but also that they get to know things that are important for us, so they would be prepared to capture everything. We were amazed at how much time, effort and energy they invested in exploring the best locations for a short session that we wanted to have that day before everything started, the weather forecast for the day, when the sun sets so we could catch natural daylight and all that in their simple, sincere, funny and relaxed way. They are real photo enthusiasts, they listen, observe and notice so they could transfer all that onto the photos. The results are photos that are telling your story by capturing the real you and your personality, your deepest emotions, the magic of every little moment in its real beauty, the real essence and feeling of your wedding day making it all part of a time capsule for the future generations, a lifetime memory that will bring you tears of joy by looking at it 30 years from now.
Matija and Marina do their job with such ease and pleasure, they looked so happy and thrilled that day and they made us feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible, as if they’re not even there, so we didn’t have any awkward feelings of posing, they just let us be ourselves and that was a really fun and exciting experience for us. Their unlimited imagination, childish curiosity and inexhaustible energy helps them create their magic.
But there is one more special thing to this story. We had the privilege of being the first couple that Matija made a video of and we are really happy and proud to say that from now on they aren’t just the best photographers that you can find, they are also the best videographers out there. They made us a short video edited with music with a home-made handcrafted vibe that gives it a warm feeling as you look at it. It’s a beautiful, emotional video which recorded the most dazzling moments of our wedding day, giving the day a second dimension, one of movement and sound.
At the end, what more can we say except that Matija’s and Marina’s attention to detail and ability to catch the right moment exceeded our every expectation and without any doubt we couldn’t be happier that we chose them to tell our story in their unique way through two different lenses. We are so grateful for the beautiful memories that they gave us. They really are proof that “a picture is worth a thousand words”.
It was such a pleasure to work with Matija; he is a very nice person who is ready to joke and at the same time be dedicated an ready to give you honest and the best possible advice, which all led to relaxed and awesome atmosphere among guests and us, groom and bride :)
The result are the most astonishing photos, which present us all in our best light, whether that's the most beautiful smile I've seen on my husband, or the most silly face expression while dancing :)
Thank you Matija and I hope we will see again, when you will be catching some other personal and important moments of our life :)
We've chosen Matija and Marina to capture our Dubrovnik honeymoon. First of all, they were very professional, kind and friendly from the beginning. Any arrangements made with them very quite easy, starting from choosing the shooting venue etc. Most importantly, the photos they've delivered very truly magnificent. They've captured the right moments and emotions, and surely made photos that are going to be memorable for the rest of our life.
From the first time we met, Matija was more than kind and professional. He showed real interest in our story and in getting to know us so he could capture the real us in the photos.
Photosession with him was really enjoyable and relaxed.
After the wedding, we got the comments from all of our guests how professional and low-key he was (even tho he managed to capture everything we hoped he would - and much much more!).
All of our photos were ready way before given deadline and the wedding book left us speechless!
We are definitely going to book him again for our family photoshoot as soon as our newborn is here! :)
100 % would recommend.
Matijin dosadašnji rad smo pratili putem Instagrama neko vrijeme.
Kada smo krenuli u potragu za fotografom, u moru upita i odgovora samo se on istaknuo. Srdačan, topao, s individualnim pristupom.
Vrlo jednostavno smo dogovorili sve detalje oko fotografiranja i naših želja. Pažljivo nas je saslušao te dao sjajne prijedloge i ideje. Nismo požalili ni najmanje jer smo uz Matijine ideje i iskustvo dobili sjajne fotografije.
U svakom trenutku je ''iz svog kuta'' pratio što se zbiva oko nas kako bi sve zabilježio. Svojom ne nametljivosti stvorio je opuštenu atmosferu i toliko željene spontane trenutke.
Kada su fotografije pristigle dobili smo i vizualni dokaz koliko se potrudio da nas upozna i kako je u kratkom vremenu shvatio što nam je sve važno u životu.
Veliki profesionalac koji je posvećen onome što radi.
Apsolutno sve što smo željeli smo i dobili.
Dajemo tople preporuke.
Matija is an incredible photographer. A wonderful photographer who captures the soul of his subjects. His style is completely honest and full of character, capturing every moment in its true beauty. He’s super easy-going and so quick with his shots.
We had the most amazing time shooting with Matija and the beautiful photos are testament to his skill. We didn’t know what to expect for the shoot, but it was so fun and relaxing working with him. The combination of talent and hard work is evidenced through the most beautiful shots ever.
We could not be happier. It is without any doubt that we recommend Matija to picture any important event of your life. His pictures are emotional, elegant and breathtaking!
We can't recommend him higher, he is an absolute pleasure to work with.
Thank you Matija for the special memories we now have in print!
Andrea & Igor
Kad već nakon prvog maila imaš osjećaj da komuniciras s osobom koju znaš cijeli život, onda toj osobi s potpunim mirom u duši prepustiš fotografiranje jednog od najvažnijih dana u životu.
A kad Matija nakon cijelog dana fotografiranja vjenčanja okine zadnju fotku i dođe se pozdraviti s vama prije odlaska, nemate osjećaj da s vjenčanja odlazi fotograf, nego prijatelj! On je osoba koju odmah drugo jutro poželiš nazvati da podijelite sve dojmove s vjenčanja :)
Kad smo tražili fotografa bili smo svjesni da je upravo to osoba koja će tog dana s nama provesti najviše vremena, biti kraj nas u svim važnim i zapravo vrlo privatnim trenucima i zato nam je bilo važno da to bude netko uz koga ćemo se osjećati ugodno, opušteno i spontano i tko će nas prikazati u najprirodnijem svijetlu, točno onakve kakvi jesmo.
Matija je izuzetan profesionalac, pun kreativnih ideja i znanja o organizaciji vjencanja, skroz predan svom poslu, super simpatičan, ugodan, veseo, strpljiv...on je prijateljsko lice koje je tu uz vas cijelog dana dana i koji svojim objektivom sve događaje prati na vrlo diskretan način. Potrudio se upoznati nas prije samog vjenčanja i upravo su zato njegove slike vjerodostojan i prirodan prikaz nas samih i točno onakve kakve smo si željeli i zamišljali. One sve - od prve do zadnje - pričaju priču, to su prava mala umjetnička djela koja na jednostavan a tako poseban način prikazuju toliko malih detalja, krasnih emocija, trenutaka od kojih smo neke smo po prvi puta vidjeli tek na slikama jer ih od silnog uzbuđenja nismo uspjeli ni primjetiti, a ostali su zabilježeni i neće biti zaboravljeni upravo zahvaljujući Matiji.
Hvala ti od srca na čitavom uloženom trudu i što si bio bitan dio našeg posebnog dana!
ps. samo još jedna "sitnica" - znaš li da je i sam P. (mladoženja) rekao da su mu upravo fotosessioni bili jedni od najljepših trenutaka u danu, a od cijelog vjenčanja najviše je strepio upravo od fotografiranja? :))
A great photographer and a great human being. Working with Matija was a blast, we felt more like he's an age-old friend attending our wedding than a photographer, and the photos turned out AMAZING, not only did he pick up on all important moments in the wedding, but everything was arranged and presented with such class it was an exceptional pleasure reliving it again.
Highly recommend!
Remarkable and talented photographers with great ideas and energy to make the photoshoot as comfortable as possible. I really don't like posing in photos and I enjoyed every second of the photoshoot with them as it was relaxing, casual and they captured all the amazing moments on our wedding.
Matija and Marina, thank you for the amazing photos and for taking your time to take all of our wishes and desires into consideration.
Dear Marina & Matija, we absolutely love your pictures! Every time we look at them we relive every feeling and every moment of our wedding again and again! You have captured the very heart of our wedding...We would like to thank you for your good vibrations and amazing creativity! You made us felt completely relaxed, as if we were drinking coffee on a terrace during the warm summer afternoon :) You two make photography so much fun! Thank you for being a part of our story! Hugs & kisses from Mrs. & Mr. Š. :)