OK so these guys have a bad pay history they take bookings and don't pay vendors and leave you in the lurch.. Nina knific their partner has now joined another company to fraud other companies get in touch in case you too have lost money and to know how they are using different company names to fraud more companies..
Manjari A.
This is a fraudulent company who does not pay its suppliers - hotels, coach companies, guides etc. We have been ripped by them for booking passengers and getting no service in return. We ended up paying Panoramic and the hotels twice for our passengers who traveled to Central Europe in June. Please beware and do not make the same mistake of trusting them as we did
Aurora Travel Tours Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India
Enda Z.
The company doesn't pay the restaurant and do not reply to emails
Tine D.
so neplačniki, ne plačujejo prevoznikov...........