Arriva d.o.o.

2.0 (87 mnenj)

Napiši svoje mnenje
Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Arriva d.o.o., prevozna storitev v mestu ljubljana.
Avtobusni prevozi podjetja Arriva skrbijo za mobilnost slovenskih mest. Izberite svoje mesto in preverite vozni red za želeno destinacijo.
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • ponedeljek 9.00 do 15.00
  • torek 9.00 do 15.00
  • sreda 9.00 do 15.00
  • četrtek 9.00 do 15.00
  • Petek 9.00 do 15.00
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

87 mnenj

Our experience with the bus service (airport to Ljubljana) was absolutely awful. We waited for over 2 hours in freezing 2°C weather, despite the timetable stating that buses run approximately every half hour. We tried calling the service multiple times, but no one answered. When a bus finally arrived—headed to a different destination—we approached the driver for assistance, hoping he could call someone to check on the situation. Unfortunately, he showed no interest or willingness to help. In the end, a group of us had to pool together and book a shuttle bus out of sheer frustration. I have no idea how long the remaining passengers were forced to wait. This level of service is completely unacceptable, and I wouldn’t recommend relying on this bus service to anyone. Avoid at all costs!


Very rude drivers!!! They scream and shout at people!! Today I used bus with number LJ 58 DPA (Šlofja Loka bus) it was awful! A very aggressive driver!!!!! He shouted at me because he wanted that I bought a ticket in kolodvor, but usually I always buy a ticket with cash in buses and it was no problem!


First driver was on time but rude, refused to let our dog on even though we had been told they would allow dogs. Eventually allowed us to get on with her on agreement that she would wear a muzzle and sit on my lap. For the return from Ljubljana we arrived at the stop six minutes early and saw the bus pull away - why have a scheduled time and pass it early without waiting?! The bus schedule is every hour so we got the train instead of waiting a full hour for the next one.


Make ppl life easier by improving ticket sale methods. Huge queues at the bus stations, no machine to buy from, no website to buy for visitors without their subscription card. Garbage.


June 10, 24 We took the arriva bus from Bled to Ljubljana at 10:06. There was a lot of luggage, but the driver didn't talk about it. We boarded the bus and it cost 11.4 euros for 2 people, but the bus driver only gave us a receipt for 5.70 euros for 1 person. It seems like the company is charging a lot of money for just one person. In addition, we paid 50 euros, but did not receive 6 euros because we did not have change, and when we arrived in Ljubljana, they did not return it and were rather shameless and said it was the price of our luggage. They didn't charge us for the luggage from other passengers, but in an attempt to extort money from us, they made ridiculous claims and didn't give us 6 euros. The person in charge at the Ljubljana Office Center also backed out, saying he didn't know anything. We called the information phone, but they didn't solve the problem and avoided it even there. I was busy doing it. Beware of the irresponsibility of the Slovenian arriva bus company and theft by bus drivers!!




Kako oceniti monopolista, če ni možnosti primerjave? Arriva se je razlezla po vsej Sloveniji. Polivica voznikov je dobrih in vestno opravljajo svoje delo, drugi pa... kot da bi bili na prisilnem delu. Dozdeva se mi, da je takih vse več in da ustvarjajo svoj red. Če se odpravljam na daljšo vožnjo, me vedno skrbi: bo avtobus prišel po voznem redu?




Bus driver took me off casue he had no change I got on a direct bus from bohinj to ljubljana, which takes 1.5 hours.the bua driver had no change so he asked me to chage to a different bus that has change for me. Little did i know it wasn't a direct bus, it was a 2.5 hours bus! Stopping in eveey town on the way. And he didn't even explqin me that. I would never agree!




Ce bi startu pes iz kranja do ljubljane bi pomojm hitrej prsu kokr pa da se peles z temu zivalskmu vrtom na 4 kolesih!!!! Vozniki nikdar niso tocni, nato pa so se nesramni v tujih jezikih, avtobusi so umazani, brez klimatizacije( savna) ter zmeraja nabasani z turisti da se niti usedt nemors. Prosim vas da prenehate delovati hvala!!


Najdrskiji vozači autobusa koje sam ikada imao prilike da sretnem, čast izuzecima. Šofer na relaciji Ljubljana - Bohinj se svađao sa gotovo svakim putnikom koji je ušao. Dve zvezdice jedino zbog cene, koja je stvarno pristupačna.


Ok so






Soferji se idpeljejo mimo otroka ,ki caka na postaji,sofer ni hotel ustaviti na postajaliscu Galjevica otroku ,sram vas bilo


To podjetje če se mu sploh lahko tako reče je groza od groze, avtobusi VEDNO ZAMUJAJO kljub zamudam pa obvestila o zamudi nikjer, pripravite se in s seboj na avtobusno postajo prinesite kar šotor kajti lahko se zgodi da avtobusa sploh ne bo in boste morali na naslednjega čakati 2 URI!! Da sploh ne omenim njihove podpre potnikom, njihova številka je tista kot pri vedeževalskih šovih da ko jih kličeš in se ti ne javijo račun nabije na 60€, preko maila in obrazcov na spletni strani pa ni nikakeršnega odgovora.


Worst bus company ever, bus never exist as timetable. The most unreliable bus company ever








20min sem na glavni avtobusni postaji v Lj cakala na avtobus. Voznik je 2 min za urnikom pripeljal na peron. Ker je imel 2 min zamude, se je voznik odlocil, da na postaji ne bo ustavil in mi, ko sem mu pomahala, da bi rada prisla na bus, skomignil in s praznim avtobusom odpeljal dalje.




Bus driver didn't stop at kino siska, had to arrange different transport


They sell more tickets than the capacity of the bus and you need to wait until the next one


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