GoOpti l.l.c.


3.4 (293 mnenj)

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GoOpti can take you from Central European cities to nearby and distant airports. Book your transfer now!
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

293 mnenj

Servicio carísimo, nada flexible y poco profesional. Si tienes que ir a Pádova desde el aeropuerto de Venecia, es mucho mejor ir en autobús (8 euros) o en taxi.

Dear Laia Quílez, thank you for taking the time to write your review. We have a dynamic pricing system, so prices can vary according to different factors. The booking process depends on the chosen route, the desired pick-up / drop-off time, the number of passengers, the demant, the booking date, etc. A cheap transfer can be purchased in advance, we always suggest booking a transfer immediately after purchasing a flight ticket. Booking last minute can be more affordable only if there are free seats available in a vehicle. Otherwise, a new vehicle is opened, which in terms of prices can be comparable to a taxi. We regret that your experience did not match your expectations, but we hope to see you on board again. Kindest regards, GoOpti


They should learn more about the airports they drive people from. I would suggest to travel with them just if you need.

Dear Mr. Ivan Josipović, Thank you for taking the time to write your review. We regret that your experience did not match your expectations. Please feel free to reach out via email at with any further comments, concerns, or suggestions you wish to share. We are always striving to do better. Kindest regards, GoOpti



Dear Sonja Pavlovič. Thanks for giving us a 5-star rating. We're happy to see that you had a great time with us! We hope to see you on board again soon! Best, GoOpti Team


Kljub temu, da sem letos uporabljala že okoli 15x vaše prevoze za naše stranke, je bilo danes to zadnjič. - odnos vaših šoferjev je pod kritiko. - danes ena od naših strank ni imela signala na telefonu. Pripravljena je bila ob uri in neprestano preverjala, ali je voznik priše. Šofer naj bi jo pobral pred našo hišo. Baje je šofer prišel, poklical, vendar se, ker signala ni bilo, ni želel toliko potruditi, da bi potrkal na vrata hiše. Naša stranka bo zamudila let. -Eno od naših strank so pustili v baru ob cesti (niti ne v naselju) kjer je čakala 2 uri na nadaljnji prevoz, kljub temu da smo plačai prevoz do našega naslova. Na napačen naslov so jo peljali, ker vaši šoferji uporabljajo drugačne zemljevide kot vaše podjetje. Naša lokacija je bila ob nakupu potrjena na vašem zemljevidu. - ko sem želela račune v pdf obliki za naše podjetje, mi večine niste želeli poslati, kljub temu, da sem vam poslala številke vseh nakupov (kot mi je naročila ena od zaposljenih po telefonu). Vse nakupe je opravilo naše podjetje, kar bi lahko preverili. Mislim, da se vam takšen odnos na dolgi rok ne bo obrestoval.

Spoštovana Petra Matos, Zahvaljujemo se vam za povratne informacije. Resnično nam je žal, da z našo storitvijo niste bili zadovoljni. Če še niste, vam svetujemo, da pošljete pritožbo na naš elektronski naslov Naše stranke so običajno zadovoljne z našimi storitvami; zadovoljstvo v letu 2019 je ovrednoteno s povprečno oceno 4,64/5, merjeno na Lep pozdrav, Ekipa GoOpti


Adria Airways went bankrupt, therefore we had to change our travel plans. Unfortunately no refund from these guys :-(

Dear Mr. Dennis Keltjens, Thank you for your review. We regret that you were not satisfied with our service. Only our private tranfers are refundable; our shared transfers are non-refundable in case of cancellation, which is also stated in our Terms and Conditions as well as in the descriptions of the services we offer. For more information we are available at Best regards, GoOpti



Dear Tine Mlakar, thank you for your review. We always strive to offer the best possible service to our customers, and we are sorry to see that your travel experience with us has not met your expectations. Unfortunately, we cannot improve or address your specific concerns without further explanations, however, we hope to have another chance and see you on board our vehicles again. Sincerely, GoOpti Team


너무 좋았음 :)

Dear Wooyeol Jung, Thank you for taking the time to leave your positive review. We are pleased to read that you have had a great experience and we hope to see you again soon in our vehicles. Sincerely. GoOpti


Mi hanno trasportato da casa all'aeroporto di Milano e viceversa con la massima efficienza, sono arrivato prima del previsto e sia all' andata che al ritorno ho trovato due ottimi autisti. Prima volta che utilizzavo questo servizio, sicuramente in futuro li chiamerò ancora. Ottima esperienza.

Gentile Giorgio Leo, la ringraziamo per aver dedicato del tempo a lasciare la sua recensione positiva. Siamo lieti di leggere che ha avuto un'ottima esperienza e speriamo di rivederla presto a bordo dei nostri veicoli. Cordiali saluti. GoOpti



Dear Olger Hasa, We are very grateful for your 5-star review. Thanks for sharing your rating with us and the community. Best, GoOpti Team


Such a great experience!

Dear Olger Hasa, Thank you for taking the time to leave your positive review. We are pleased to read that you have had a great experience and we hope to see you again soon in our vehicles. Sincerely. GoOpti


Zadovoljen s prevozom iz Zagrebškega letališča do Ljubljane

Spoštovani Prešeren 1, najlepša hvala za vašo pozitivno oceno. Veseli nas, da ste bili z našo storitvijo zadovoljni in upamo, da se kmalu spet vidimo v naših vozilih. Z lepimi pozdravi, Ekipa GoOpti


RES POLOM! Videli so da smo brez prevoza imeli so 2 mesti prosti do Graza in naju niso želeli peljati, ker ne smejo v isti državi pobirati in odlagati.. Prenocima torej na letališču...

Spoštovana Simona Drajzibner, zelo nam je žal, da ste imeli slabo izkušnjo na potovanju. Na žalost, kot vam je tudi sam voznik povedal, ne smemo pobirati in odlagati potnikov v isti (tuji) državi. Kazni so zelo visoke, voznik pa lahko ostane tudi brez licence. Enako pravilo velja za vse države in prevoznike v EU. Naši vozniki seveda morajo upoštevati zakone. Takšen postopek ne bi ogrozil le podjetja in voznika samega, temveč tudi vse potnike v vozilu. Hvala za razumevanje in lep pozdrav! GoOpti


Viaggiato con Vladimir verso Treviso ottima guida e Play list fantastica,lui di eccezionale simpatia ed educazione!Grazie alla prossima!!!

Gentile Michela della torre, la ringraziamo per aver trovato il tempo di condividere le sue impressioni sul nostro servizio. Ci fa piacere sapere che ha avuto una bella esperienza con noi. Speriamo di rivederla presto a bordo dei nostri veicoli. Cordiali saluti, GoOpti


GROZNO! Cisto razocarana, 11.9. bi zaradi GoOptijevega voznika, ki ni pravocasno sporocil, da ga ne bo, skoraj zamudili letalo! Ob 14:00 bi morali imeti odhod z glavne zelezniske postaje, ob priblizno 14:30 sele po klicu na centralo izvedela, da voznika ne bo in potem se celo uro cakala Z 7 MESECNIM DOJENCKOM na novega voznika, ki nas je hvala Bogu sicer pravocasno pripeljal, vendar brez ustreznega sedeza za otroka, ker nismo imeli casa, da bi odsli ponj in smo otroka prevazali v sedezu, ki se ni primeren zanj. Naj povem se, da sem voznika, dlje kot pol ure klicala na nedosegljivo stevilko. Nikoli vec z GoOptijem.

Spoštovana Melissa M, najprej naj se vam opravičimo za pozen odgovor na vašo oceno. Hvala, da ste si vzeli čas in nam zaupali svojo izkušnjo. Na različne nepredvidene situacije se vedno skušamo pravočasno odzvati. Na žalost je bil zaradi prometne nesreče naš voznik nedosegljiv tudi nam, zato smo lahko ukrepali šele, ko smo bili obveščeni o dogodku. Vsekakor se vam za neprijetni dogodek opravičujemo in upamo, da nam boste dali še eno priložnost. Ekipa GoOpti



Dear Sara Čoš, thank you for your review. We are sorry to see that your travel experience with us has not met your expectations. Unfortunately, we cannot improve or address your specific concerns without further explanations, however, we hope to have another chance and see you on board our vehicles again. Sincerely, GoOpti Team


Thiefs. No refund possible, they give you a "bonus" to spend on your next request of the value of 10%. Thiefs.

Dear Mr. Campisani, Thank you for your review. We regret that you are not satisfied with our service. Our shared transfers are non-refundable in case of cancellation, which is also stated in our Terms and Conditions as well as in the descriptions of the services we offer. For more information we are available at Best regards, GoOpti


Terrible policies about no refund!! our plane was late and they did not want to drive us, although we paid full price for drive upfront! No refund and no drive! Awful!

Dear Ms. Lovrecek, thank you for your review. We regret the unpleasant experience, and we know that you already filed a formal complaint. Unfortunately, as your plane arrived more than 2 hours late from the predicted arrival, our drivers (and passengers) couldn't wait because of their next scheduled transfers. We always try to provide each passenger with transportation, even in case of major flight delays, but this is not automatically secured, except when purchasing the Absolutely No Worries Package, designed specifically for these situations. We did manage to find another option for your transfer to Zagreb, but unfortunately it did not suit you. At that moment, it was the best option we could offer without compensation. We always strive to ensure a safe and comfortable ride for all our passengers, and we try to find the best solutions in unforeseen situations, such as flight delays. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. We are sorry you were not satisfied with our service. Kind Regards, GoOpti


Simple and excellent service. Website is easy to navigate and book through. Communication once booking is made is very good with a confirmation email immediately on booking and detailed booking information the day of or before transport, via both text and email. Details of the driver, vehicle reg, pick up time and emergency contacts are provided. We used Goopti twice whilst in Slovenia. Once to go from Ljubljana airport to our Airbnb and once to go from our hotel in Lake Bled to Ljubljana airport. Going from the airport to Ljubljana city the pick up point was very easy to find and very well described in the confirmation emails. The driver and meeting staff were all friendly and the journey was quick and comfortable. Going from Lake Bled to the airport the driver was ready ahead of pick up time, uniformed and easy to find and very friendly. Again the journey was quick and comfortable. I really couldn't fault the service. It's exactly what you want in booking transport abroad.


I would advise you to take any other transfer! I went with them from Venice to Maribor back when they didn't have their parking yet, so I was searching like crazy where to wait for the van (eventhough I was on time, but I just didn't see the van) . Then I called and they told me wherre to wait, but the driver was Italian and of course didn't know any other language, then we had to switc the vans somewhere and thank good the driver was Slovenian, so he could explain to us. Right now, I was also supposed to have a goopti transfer again from Venice to Maribor at 1.30 (got 2 messages), so we waited on their parkinglot with other people and at 1.45 I called them....of courseee the transfer was moved to 2.45, withouth any message or notification....oow and you have to pay additional if you have big suitcase. I would seriously advise anyone to not make your traveling more stressfull by going with them.


Zelo prijazen voznik (Ivan S.), na našo željo nas je nekatere odložil na dolgem mostu, čeprav prej o tem nismo bili dogovorjeni.




Spend an extra €10 and get a cab. Waiting for 30mins to depart, they said it'd be 10 mins


Paid for a transfer from the Venice port to the airport. When we got off the boat they refused to pick us up because we were late (15 minutes). They said they had no drivers available. They are not giving me a refund either. Take a taxi from the port to the airport. They are sitting right outside the ship and are more reliable.




Well when I used it, I have to say efficient. Very good!! Once I risked losing the plane because of an accident on the highway, but it's not their fault. luck wanted the plane to be late for departure.


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