5.0 (3 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za LKW TOMIĆ doo, prevozna storitev v mestu rijeka.
  • ponedeljek 8.00 do 21.30
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  • sreda 8.00 do 21.30
  • četrtek 8.00 do 21.30
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  • sobota Zaprto
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

3 mnenj

Ako tražite prijevoznika za unos automobila iz EU (a i drugo), toplo preporučujem LKW TOMIĆ d.o.o. Brzina, profesionalnost i komunikacija iznad svih očekivanja. Brže i bolje nije moglo biti! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Najbolji autoprijevoznik na planeti Zemlji a i šire


It was a real pleasure dealing with Tomić during our recent shipping of our personal effects from Canada to Croatia. There were some difficulties and complications which were handled extremely well and saved us $1,000.00’s of Euros. Everything was handled remotely by email and telephone so that we did not have to make the journey to Zagreb which would have entailed renting a car and me carrying heavy boxes up stairs into my flat. The delivery service Tomić arranged was exceptional. The delivery man was very polite and even offered to unpack the boxes which we did not need him to do. And the price for this service was a fraction what the shipper wanted to charge us. From the beginning to the end my experience of Tomić d.o.o. was efficient, professional and reasonably priced and I would recommend their services to anyone who needs a custom clearance house here in Croatia.


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