Sb - Trade trgovina in posredništvo d.o.o.

3.3 (7 mnenj)

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Prodaja plovil in rezervnih delov, transport čolnov, registracija bark ter ostale navtične storitve. Vse navtične storitve na enem mestu. d.o.o.
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
Možnosti storitev
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  • Kreditne kartice: Da

Prikaz na zemljevidu

7 mnenj

Jaro pedros


Super cijene brodskih dijelova.


Я купил мотор для лодки и использовал его для дрона который влетел в Кремль и всё это всего лишь за 100 Шекелей


Приехал в Словению в лодочный магазин за 800км от меня и маленький мальчик лет 14-15 обманул меня на 1500000ШКЕЛЕЙ я потерял иза него свою детсвеность


Podjetje mi uspešno zagotavlja rezervne dele za Mercruiser in Kohler. Priporočam to podjetje



Can you please explain why you gave us negative mark? We even do not know you and by our records you was never any of our clients?


Be careful with this guy. He stolen our money. He lie. We traveled 500km to take part on boat. Nobody was at home. We stayed with family in Slovenia without part but with minus 1500€. And after many month. We don’t have money back. And he threatens us that he have friends in Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland etc and they can “visit” us. I hope, this will help many people to find other better company. Now we talking just with police to take back our money.

Dear Miriam, I do not know why you lie, but you received what you paid. You ordered new ECM unit for your Volvo engine and this ECM was sent to you with GLS. You know from begining that ECM units are not returnable if they are opened. I also gave you direct contact with Volvo and they told you the same like I told you. If ECM unit is opened you can not return it. I never threat you with any Russian, Czeck, Slovak,Poland or any other country friends, I just told you that I sell our products to all European countries and that We are doing all the best to provide clients the best possible service.


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