GeoCodis Ltd.

5.0 (3 mnenj)

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GeoCodis Ltd. – Geoinformation systems

GeoCodis Ltd. - Geoinformation systems

About our company

GeoCodis Ltd. is a company specialized in geoinformation systems. We offer a range of services to help businesses analyze and understand spatially distributed data. Our team of experts uses modern technologies and develops user-friendly applications tailor-made to our clients' needs. We have rich experience in the field and can provide customized solutions to fit seamlessly within existing systems.

Our services

At GeoCodis Ltd., we offer a variety of services to meet your geoinformation needs:

Information Systems Using modern technologies, we develop up-to-date user-friendly applications that help businesses analyze spatially distributed data.
Web Mapping We create easily accessible web maps based on Google Maps API or OpenStreet maps combined with the powerful mapping library OpenLayers.
GIS Tools We help businesses choose the right GIS tools and customize them to seamlessly integrate into their systems. Our focus is on providing only the functionalities that are truly needed.
Consulting We offer consultations and specific trainings to help businesses integrate GIS into their business processes.
Business Solutions Our solutions provide consulting, information technology, and services to help businesses develop a competitive advantage by better understanding and analyzing spatially distributed business data.
Data Services We integrate different data sources and provide added value to public and customer's data to support our clients' critical business needs.

Featured Projects

Here are some of our featured projects:

  • Egypt Earth Observation Platform: Based on satellite data, this project aims to revitalize and develop the city of Kairo.
  • UPMIS Upgrade: We are upgrading the UPMIS water management information system in Uganda.
  • ML4EO Machine Learning for Earth Observation: We offer a course in Rwanda on machine learning for earth observation.
  • Ethiopia Earth Observation Project: This project assesses the impact of water spread weirs on landscape using satellite data.
  • EO4MASRISK: We use satellite data to detect landslides.
  • Amazi Hafi Project: Our focus is on water management and related resources to increase the economic capacity of vulnerable people in the spirit of sustainable development.
  • FAT - Protective Forest Assessment Toolbox: This innovative tool provides user-tailored support for ecosystem-based natural hazard risk management.
  • Slow Drives Portal: We develop services for the visualization of assets within integration of IBM Maximo and ESRI ArcGIS systems.
  • CEOIS - Customized Earth Observation-based Information Services: We assist the geo-spatial unit of the World Bank in this project.
  • Water Sector Reforms Portal: Our goal is to support water sector reforms communication and staff inductions in Kenya.

Our skills & experience

We have extensive experience in processing satellite data and utilize developed algorithms and machine learning to detect changes in space such as water, settlements, and forests. Our expertise lies in the areas of earth observation, water management, geoinformatics, and telecommunications.

Contact us

If you would like to learn more about our services or discuss a potential project, please reach out to us:

Address: Ljubljanska cesta 24B, 4000 - Kranj, Slovenia


Phone: +386 59 334 120

Vat no.: 15733483

Company registration no.: 6578730000

Bank acc.: SI56 0203 7026 0865 011

From our blog

Stay up to date with our latest news and projects:

Snowy Slovenia - January 22, 2024

UPMIS Workshops - October 18, 2023

Busy End of Summer - August 31, 2023

Floods August 2023 - August 8, 2023

The End of the Student Internship - August 2, 2023

Useful Links

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

3 mnenj

It's a great company to work and to do your student practises! Me, Alejandro and my friend Gabriel, learnt a lot of interesting things about GIS and Python. The 2 CEOs are wonderful people and the workers too!






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