ISL Online

5.0 (8 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

8 mnenj

I have been working with ISL for at least ten years. My job is assisting clients in using the software. It was never a problem with accessing, connection and support during this time. The developers are hardworking and successful. Keep it that way.


We have been using ISL Light in our company since 2007 on daily basis and we are very satisfied offering great support to our clients with it. It is reliable, easy to use, safe and improving every year. We have tried other products as well. Some also good but for us ISL Light is still number one.


Zelo zadovoljen z izdelkom in njegovo podporo


We use ISL light in our comapny on a daily baisis. It is very easy to use and very reliable. I would recomend it to every user in need for remote suppport. Also, their team in very kind and always ready to help.


ISL is really great product. We have been searching for solution for quite a while, before it we were using all sort of different solutions. Few features that really help us save time: - remoteDesktop (ISL do tunnel, you do not have to use vpn) - option for seeing all network details on costumer pc - conference option The most important thing for use is also speed as we are often traveling, connection to PC from other continents can be very slow often but ISL deal with it quite good!


In our company we use ISL Light daily, helping our customers remotely. I would strongly recommend ISL Light due to its ease of use and simple design. In case you need any support for the product, their employees are happy to help.


We use ISLLight for remote support and find reliable and easy to use. Our experience with the support is great and we can only recomment ISL for other that need a remote support tool.


ISL Online is a great product. Our company is using for allmost 10 years now as a on-prem server solution to support our customers. Its super easy to install and configure. It has a sleek design, its totaly secure with SSL connectivity and the tech support behind the product is super friendly. I reccomend it to all IT companies that want a Nice and Secure remote support software.


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