Caretronic d.o.o.

3.0 (4 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Caretronic d.o.o., proizvajalec v mestu kranj.
Transform your healthcare processes with the #1 digital Nurse Call System. Mobile & wireless options for hospitals & care homes. Nurse call, Dementia and Patient Engagement Solutions.
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Ne
  • ponedeljek 8. do 16. ure
  • torek 8. do 16. ure
  • sreda 8. do 16. ure
  • četrtek 8. do 16. ure
  • Petek 8. do 16. ure
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

4 mnenj

We are extremely dissatisfied with our collaboration with Caretronic. There has been a complete lack of communication and feedback on every inquiry we have made. Every time assistance was needed regarding malfunctioning devices that were sent to them over half a year ago and that required repairing, we encountered negligence towards the seriousness of the issue. This greatly deprives us from ensuring quality medical care to our patients. We are deeply disappointed by the demonstrated lack of personal and professional responsibility, despite having signed a maintenance and cooperation agreement and paid monthly fees for it. We do not recommend utilizing Caretronic's services.


Extremely incorrect






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