
4.8 (402 mnenj)

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Za našo najbolj priljubljeno ponudbo meseca smo pripravili Carpio Set, ki vključuje udoben podporni vzglavnik za zapestje in BREZPLAČNO podlogo za mizo. Ta kombinacija vam zagotavlja optimalno udobje in podporo med delom. Ne samo, da boste imeli zapestja in roke v pravilnem položaju, ampak boste tudi zaščitili mizo pred praskami in madeži. Ne zamudite te posebne ponudbe in izboljšajte svoj delovni prostor že danes!

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

402 mnenj

The wrist rest is worth it. If you are thinking of getting it you should. I no longer experience wrist pain when using my computer mouse for long periods of time. One thing I wish they could improve on is having international dealers to avoid paying duties on their products, but at the end of the day even with the higher price tag I had pay on the wrist rest its worth it for the absence of pain and overall good comfortability of the wrist rest. I got the Carpio 2.0 and its great I have no suggestions or wishes for improvements on the product


I love the carpio wrist rest. I got one for each hand. much better than the traditional wrist rest






Muy buen producto, se ve de calidad y es cómodo al usar. Seguro lo volvería a comprar.


I came across Carpio 2.0 in search for a wrist rest for Keychron K1V4, and can not recommend the product enough. The website notes it might take up to 1 month to get use to, but in my case, right after I find the intended location to rest my hand/wrist, it instantly feels natural and comfortable and makes using the flat low-profile keyboard much more pleasant. So much so that I made another order right after, to have a pair for both home and office use. And shout out to Jaka and their customer service team, for all the great assistance and willing to go beyond to help out. Excellent product matched with exemplary customer service, really appreciated.




After requiring to use computers for approximately 12hrs a day for the 5-6 days a weeks out for the past 26years, majority for work and I tend to get a little bit of wrist strain and pain despite using a gel wrist pad, so when I saw these on a Tech Youtuber channel I thought wow these look impressive and seemed appear to be a comfortable solution to wrist pain. I saw the price and thought hmmm, are these worth trying for the money, about $100AUD (Australia) for my purchase at the time.....roughly $70USD on a sale for both the left and right palm rests. I decided to pull the trigger as I’d already spent a couple hundred dollars on wrist rests etc with minimal success. Well, after using them now for a few months, I’m yet to experience any of my previously mentioned wrist pain and strain I used to experience. So for me they work wonderfully and I’m able to slide and glide my wrist across my keyboard and mouse, rather then picking them up to move/change position when typing on keys and resting my wrist on the desk when using my mouse. It was fairly easy to change my keyboard typing and mouse movement habits and now I’m glad I purchased these. They glide very easily across my desk pad and on my wooden desk depending where I type. Best surface is a desk pad or may. Also as these palm rests are fairly small, I can transport these with minimal space and weight being basically plastic with a little bit of rubber on it. While I feel these are a little pricey for what they are, the R&D and production costs I imagine aren’t cheap which helps justify a large portion of their cost. I would recommend these palm rests!!! If you know of anyone that has these to try them out to see if they’re right for you as they can feel a little unnatural compared to a gel pad. But if you are experiencing wrist strain and pain despite using a gel wrist pad etc, then definitely get these as you will notice a level of improvement in your daily keyboard/mouse usage. They also fine in a well presented sliding draw box for storage which is where a little more of their cost has gone too. Comfort for me 10/10 Wrist pain & strain improvement for me 10/10 Initial outlay cost 6/10 Ease of use and transition from gel pad 9/10 Cost for me on initial outlay was they only concern I had, but the comfort results are amazing for me 🥰👍🎉








The second generation is far better than the first generation. Even the box the second generation came in, goes above and beyond my expectations.


already ordered many times and their service quality is keep getting better




I've the Carpio v1.0 and it does provide some support for my wrist and slides well. The bad news is that I live in Singapore where the weather can get really humid so when I sweat, it gets hot and sticks to my skin






Really like the carpio product has greatly added comfort to my large right hand while I'm at my PC. It felt weird the first day I used it but after that it has been nothing, but comfort. The only issue I had was that it was delivered in the wrong color, but that's not much of an issue for me they were prompt to respond about it though. I would do business with again.


This review has been updated from 4 to 5 stars based on receiving the version 2 of the Carpio. It got a top down redesign and they did a great job addressing and eliminating all of the cons I had with the previous version. This thing is an absolute slam dunk. its a 3 piece construction now that doesn't fall apart if it falls of the desk. It feels like its utilizing a softer silicone for the rest halves for a softer, smoother feel that somehow is less sticky in sweaty times (i haven't been 100F sweaty yet though, just 90F sweaty). It also has super super smooth pfte (or equivalent) feet that allows me to glide across even the dirtiest of desk mats. There are also more feet contact points than the version 1 which does make it feel more stable (though I will say the version 1 was also very stable feeling). It feels wrong to use a mouse without this and I HIGHLY recommend this Carpio 2.0 to anyone who uses a computer for more than 30 minutes a day. Actual game changer. THANK YOU (old review of version 1 carpio 4/5 stars)After using this product and getting used to it I have noticed a reduction in the soreness and stiffness that I get from using the mouse all day. It locks into the hand like a glove and the material is very agreeable to the skin. It sticks a little during the sweaty summers but that's life. Be sure to check the sizing chart, and it helps to secure the components with glue to prevent separation if it falls on the ground or sticky hand lifts it up. The only core drawback I have at this time is that the feet dont glide very well on mousepads, especially if they are older and more worn. I have switched to a new mousepad and it is adequate but would do very well with some pfte pads. This is not a deal breaker though as I still use it every day.




This really supports your wrist. Can’t use the mouse without the rest anymore. I do not normally write reviews but this product is a must have for everyone who uses a computer with a mouse. The service by the company was also outstanding they were prepared to send out a brand new order as mine was delayed. If you are thinking about buying this done do not wait place the order - your wrist will feel the support almost instantly. Excellent reviews all round for me. You should start making these for children too I’d love for my kids to have one each.


Deltahub were great at communicating my order and the shopping details and the products I ordered are amazing and perfectly as described






Desk pad is nice, good quality and a perfect size. Delivery is a bit slow, but that’s not the end of the world.


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