
4.8 (402 mnenj)

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Ali si želite izboljšati svoje delovno okolje? Potem ste na pravem mestu! Pri DeltaHub imamo vse, kar potrebujete za ustvarjanje udobnega, ergonomičnega in stilsko dovršenega delovnega prostora. Naša ponudba vključuje široko paleto izdelkov za vaše zapestje, mize, prenosne računalnike in še več. Poleg tega vam nudimo posebne ponudbe in popuste, ki vam omogočajo pridobitev kakovostnih izdelkov po ugodnih cenah. Preverite naše aktualne posebne ponudbe in izkoristite izjemne popuste!


Za našo najbolj priljubljeno ponudbo meseca smo pripravili Carpio Set, ki vključuje udoben podporni vzglavnik za zapestje in BREZPLAČNO podlogo za mizo. Ta kombinacija vam zagotavlja optimalno udobje in podporo med delom. Ne samo, da boste imeli zapestja in roke v pravilnem položaju, ampak boste tudi zaščitili mizo pred praskami in madeži. Ne zamudite te posebne ponudbe in izboljšajte svoj delovni prostor že danes!

PONUDBA TEDNA: 50% popusta na Formo prenosno torbo z kodo "FORMOXM3"

Če potrebujete kakovostno in funkcionalno prenosno torbo, ne zamudite naše ponudbe tedna. Naša Formo prenosna torba je nepogrešljiva za varno prenašanje vašega prenosnika. S popustom 50% in uporabo kode "FORMOXM3" je ta torba še posebej dostopna. Ne čakajte predolgo, saj je ta ponudba na voljo samo za omejen čas. Zagotovite si svojo Formo prenosno torbo že danes in potujte zanesljivo in stilsko!

Ostale izdelke za vaš udoben delovni prostor

Poleg vsega tega vam nudimo tudi širok izbor drugih izdelkov, ki vam bodo pomagali ustvariti idealen delovni prostor. Naša ponudba zajema tudi podloge za mizo, prenosne dodatke, organizatorje in digitalne izdelke. Vse naše izdelke odlikuje visoka kakovost, sodoben dizajn in funkcionalnost. Preverite našo ponudbo in izberite izdelke, ki bodo ustrezali vašim potrebam in željam. Zagotavljamo vam, da boste z našimi izdelki izboljšali svoje delovno okolje in povečali produktivnost!

Pri DeltaHub se zavedamo pomembnosti dobrega počutja na delovnem mestu. Naši izdelki vam bodo pomagali poskrbeti za zdrave zapestja, udobno sedenje in organizirano delovno okolje. Ne verjemite samo nam - preberite mnenja naših zadovoljih strank in se pridružite naši DeltaClub skupnosti. Ne odlašajte več, naročite svoje izdelke že danes in izboljšajte svoje delovno okolje!

  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • ponedeljek 8. do 16. ure
  • torek 8. do 16. ure
  • sreda 8. do 16. ure
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  • Petek 8. do 16. ure
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

402 mnenj



brought the mouse pad and the mouse wrist rest, wrist rest is very good and does help a lot. mouse pad is good quality but i wish it was a tad bit larger but i like large mouse pads.


Great mouse mat and wrist wrest. Really good prices and delivered really quickly. Quality of both items is really nice as well.


Nice device. Your hand will be in a better posture with this one. Anyway I would like to mention the following: 1) It's not that easy to move with the Carpio to a keyboard, as they usually have a band to place your wrist, then you won't be able to reach the high keys. 2) The rubber parts of the Carpio can be taken off. I would prefer it would have come in just one pice, then I won't have problems with parts when I'm moving the Carpio. 3) The mouse pad is made of felt, which can be irritating to the skin, which is my case. I prefer some imitation of leather.


I love the product. It released a lot of tension in my wrist while I work. Thanks for making it.


I've been using the carpio for around 2 months now, and it is absolutely wonderful. It's very comfortable, I carry it literally everywhere I take my laptop&mouse now, it's an essential for me. Shipping was quicker than expected, and the support is amazing, it's definitely one of the best out there. Brilliant products, ideas and people, just a great company.


Not sure what all the fuss is about. Shipping took 1 month. The wrist rest is about as comfortable as resting on the table and the moulds that hold your wrist come off the plastic backing when I lift my wrist off the device. Nice idea but doesn’t offer my wrist any additional comfort unfortunately.

Hey Tristan, thank you for your review. Could you write to our support team regarding the issues you had? We are trying to improve our product based on customer feedback so we would really appreciate more info there:)


Did not realize I was starting to develop wrist pains until I noticed the absence of discomfort while using Carpio. Would recommend even to those who think they do not need it.






I was very sceptical at first, but wrist pain was beginning to be a bit of a problem so thought I’d take a punt. (Initially seen a review on YouTube RandomFrankP) Anyway I’ve had the product about a month and for such a simple piece of kit it makes a hell of a difference, keeps your wrist elevated and extremely comfortable. It’s got to the point now that if I use a mouse without it, it gets extremely uncomfortable and just feels weird. Will definitely be keeping an eye on more products from them 👍🏻


After getting the carpio, I’ll admit that it felt a bit weird. I had to make some adjustments, after all, it was changing my mouse movement (for the better). Now it feels weird to not use it. I highly recommend it, I’ve already found my wrist fatigue and aches are considerably less.


Deltahub helped resolve issue with shipment quickly and professionally. Product exceeds my expectations and was exactly what I was looking for. Out of all the ergonomic products out there, i.e. various ergonomic mice, copper compression gloves, and sit stand desks, this definitely made a more noticeable difference in wrist and hand comfort. Glad I made the purchase!!! Also - shipping was very quick suprisingly.


DeltaHub is awesome. The wrist rests I ordered are super comfortable and practical, plus their shipping is insanely fast. I ordered with the expectation it would take some time to arrive in New York from Slovenia, but nope...two days and it was in my mailbox. Faster than Amazon Prime these days! (I was shocked) They are very responsive on social media as well. All around, a great company! :)


Just received my wrist rest and couldn't be happier. My wrist felt instantly more comfortable. The only thing I could even remotely complain about is the pads do come off, but that's nothing that can't be glued down. Looks amazing and works great. One of the best purchases I've made for my computer in years, hands down.


The design is cool. But it’s not as comfortable as I imagined and the rubber padding comes off easily. Also they don’t provide a return label so if you’re in United States, it’ll cost you more than the product to ship it back. I would consider another product that makes it easier for reruns in the case you are not satisfied.


A great product and an amazing staff that stands by their customer's experience. I had a wonderful experience with Primoz who helped me with the Carpio. Highly recommended wrist rest!


I bought a Carpio wrist-rest recently after a long journey of trying out a ton of products on the market. All of the previous models I have tried from other companies just caused more strain and exacerbated the issue. I saw the DeltaHub Carpio on an Instagram ad, funnily enough, and bought one without hesitation. It took about three weeks to arrive in the US but it was VERY worth it. It's got a sleek, minimalist design but the relief it has provided me is anything but minimal. I would whole-heartedly recommend buying one if you are having any issues with wrist strain or carpal tunnel.








I have been using their Carpio for a few months now and I can definitely feel the difference! It is for sure a great product! Deltahub team is very professional and have a great customer service. I would definitely highly recommend!


Great product and great customer service. Have been using it for the past few months with no issues. 10/10 would recommend!






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