
4.8 (402 mnenj)

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Ali si želite izboljšati svoje delovno okolje? Potem ste na pravem mestu! Pri DeltaHub imamo vse, kar potrebujete za ustvarjanje udobnega, ergonomičnega in stilsko dovršenega delovnega prostora. Naša ponudba vključuje široko paleto izdelkov za vaše zapestje, mize, prenosne računalnike in še več. Poleg tega vam nudimo posebne ponudbe in popuste, ki vam omogočajo pridobitev kakovostnih izdelkov po ugodnih cenah. Preverite naše aktualne posebne ponudbe in izkoristite izjemne popuste!


Za našo najbolj priljubljeno ponudbo meseca smo pripravili Carpio Set, ki vključuje udoben podporni vzglavnik za zapestje in BREZPLAČNO podlogo za mizo. Ta kombinacija vam zagotavlja optimalno udobje in podporo med delom. Ne samo, da boste imeli zapestja in roke v pravilnem položaju, ampak boste tudi zaščitili mizo pred praskami in madeži. Ne zamudite te posebne ponudbe in izboljšajte svoj delovni prostor že danes!

PONUDBA TEDNA: 50% popusta na Formo prenosno torbo z kodo "FORMOXM3"

Če potrebujete kakovostno in funkcionalno prenosno torbo, ne zamudite naše ponudbe tedna. Naša Formo prenosna torba je nepogrešljiva za varno prenašanje vašega prenosnika. S popustom 50% in uporabo kode "FORMOXM3" je ta torba še posebej dostopna. Ne čakajte predolgo, saj je ta ponudba na voljo samo za omejen čas. Zagotovite si svojo Formo prenosno torbo že danes in potujte zanesljivo in stilsko!

Ostale izdelke za vaš udoben delovni prostor

Poleg vsega tega vam nudimo tudi širok izbor drugih izdelkov, ki vam bodo pomagali ustvariti idealen delovni prostor. Naša ponudba zajema tudi podloge za mizo, prenosne dodatke, organizatorje in digitalne izdelke. Vse naše izdelke odlikuje visoka kakovost, sodoben dizajn in funkcionalnost. Preverite našo ponudbo in izberite izdelke, ki bodo ustrezali vašim potrebam in željam. Zagotavljamo vam, da boste z našimi izdelki izboljšali svoje delovno okolje in povečali produktivnost!

Pri DeltaHub se zavedamo pomembnosti dobrega počutja na delovnem mestu. Naši izdelki vam bodo pomagali poskrbeti za zdrave zapestja, udobno sedenje in organizirano delovno okolje. Ne verjemite samo nam - preberite mnenja naših zadovoljih strank in se pridružite naši DeltaClub skupnosti. Ne odlašajte več, naročite svoje izdelke že danes in izboljšajte svoje delovno okolje!

  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • ponedeljek 8. do 16. ure
  • torek 8. do 16. ure
  • sreda 8. do 16. ure
  • četrtek 8. do 16. ure
  • Petek 8. do 16. ure
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

402 mnenj

I can’t express how good the new Carpio 2.0 is. Small gadget but real life saver for my wrist. Desk mat still looks great over time. The packaging & company approach is just amazing. Deltahub you guys rock!!














I've been using Deltahub Formo for a while. It's a practical product that makes me didn't have to bring a lot of laptop stuff as it already have everything I need. The only improve I can suggest is adding small pocket inside so I can put small stuffs like memory card, credit card, etc.


My newest product from DeltaHub is absolutely Amazing! The laptop case "TransFORMO-tion" short "FORMO" is crafted with exceptional quality, leaving no room for disappointment. I am utterly amazed by its performance and durability. It has become an indispensable companion for all my travels and my setup. I simply cannot imagine embarking on any journey without it anymore. I highly recommend all DeltaHub products!


I use this every single day for coding and gaming it's very comfortable to use helps my wrist fell better at the end of the day


NL: Ik heb al een lange tijd last van mijn pols. Dit komt vooral door mijn werk als programmeur. Voor dit werkt zit ik lange dagen achter een PC en mijn hand zit daardoor vastgeplakt aan de muis. Nu heb ik al meerdere dingen aangeschaft om ergonomisher te werken maar de G 2.0 werkt heel erg fijn. Ik krijg ik naar/pijnlijk gevoel als mijn pols over het bureau/muismat schuurt door het gebruik van de muis. Maar door de Carpio leg ik mijn pols eigenlijk op 2 kussentjes die dit gevoel compleet wegnemen. Mijn klachten zelf zijn hierdoor niet ineens weg, hiervoor heb ik nu een brace. Maar het helpt wel enorm met het irritante gevoel wegnemen tijdens het vasthouden van een muis. De magnetishe lus die erbij komt is ook ideel. Je hoeft hem maar één keer in te stellen op je hand en je bent klaar. Deze lus zorgt ervoor dat de Carpio goed op zijn plaats blijft zitten. Al met al ben ik erg tevreden! Bedankt Deltahub EN: My wrist has been bothering me for a long time. This is mainly due to my work as a programmer. I spend long days behind a PC and my hand is stuck to the mouse. Now I have already bought several things to work more ergonomically but the G 2.0 works very nicely. I get a nasty/painful feeling when my wrist scrapes over the desk/mouse-pad from using the mouse. But because of the Carpio, I actually put my wrist on 2 cushions that completely eliminate this feeling. My symptoms themselves are not suddenly gone because of this, I now have a custom made brace for this. But it does help enormously with taking away the irritating feeling while holding a mouse for me. The magnetic loop that comes with it is also ideal. You only have to set it once on your hand and you're done. This loop ensures that the Carpio stays firmly in place. All in all, I am very satisfied! Thanks Deltahub!


I’m a huge fan/user of the multiple products they offer. I started with the Carpio, next bought desk mats and my last purchase was the Carpio 2.0 Gaming. I'm so used to it, that the other day I went to receive a package from Amazon with the Carpio in my hand. If you spend 4+ hours in front of a computer, buy one Carpio. Is the best present you can do for your wrist


Delivery was very fast and the Product is amazing.


Great product.






Not so good quality desk mat. After about 6 months of use, the threads in the felt started to come off and it looks and feels like a rag now. It feels nice for the the first few months until you use the mouse on it for a while. Another inconvenient thing about it is that it is quite difficult to clean if you get small pieces of food or other random small things like tobacco on it.


I am working with a laptop half the day and suffered from wrist pain quite often. I bought the Carpio 2.0 and the desk pad AND without any adjustment time it felt natural to use it and the wrist pain was gone within a few days.


Here goes an honest review, after two weeks of using this, I have to say not what I expected, if you move your hand away from the mouse regularly as I do with programming and design it will be hard to find the right placement every time you try and find the mouse and Caprio 2.0 together and you end up gliding all over the place and sometimes even using it with a badly adjusted position cause you haven’t got time to check every time if you place your hand right! I can’t take a second each time to find the right palm position to use this and becomes super annoying, I reached out to them to see if they will give me the strap that hooks to your hand or simply exchange my Caprio 2.0 with a version that has a strap but they wanted me to buy a whole new one making this one useless. Watch out in what type you buy depending on your usage.


So far enjoying my product! the looks that provided to my desktop, so minimalistic, I loved it!


I have been using the Carpio 2.0 now for some weeks, and I am very happy with the product. It is very comfortable, I take it with me even when I am traveling. And luckily my wrist pain got away thanks yo to the Carpio.


You make a purchase, they use the cheapest option to send the item even though you pay for the shipping but no we use local postal service, And now my item has been sitting with local postal services/customs since the 11 of October. What solution do you give the customers you got to wait, it is in the hands of the postal service. One time and never again. Oh, and I agree with the other reviews, your CS is rotten slow and not good enough.


Te acostumbras rápido a los soportes. Llegaron en tiempo y forma hasta México. Bastante recomendables.


Takes some time to get used to, as expected. You will immediately begin to glide all over your mouse pad like sweet butter, pain-free.


It takes time to getting used. But then it’s such an amazing feeling you can really feel the difference.


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