MAG-LEV Audio d.o.o.

2.1 (7 mnenj)

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MAG-LEV Audio’s ML1 Turntable visually enhances the experience of listening to vinyl records by levitating the platter. By joining our love for music with careful integration of technology and high-range audio components, we’ve created a turntable of the future for the medium of the past.
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • ponedeljek 8. do 16. ure
  • torek 8. do 16. ure
  • sreda 8. do 16. ure
  • četrtek 8. do 16. ure
  • Petek 8. do 16. ure
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

7 mnenj

They stolen a lot of money from 2 crowdfunding platform where a lots of people never receive promised product. I hope they will go out of business fast! Really fast!


Absolutely not serious at all.


BEWARE of this company. They offer discounts with pieces bought with money from backers like me. Backers who will never receive their turntable. Never buy anything from them, you risk losing your money. It is only lies upon lies. The company will soon close, they told us in an email. In this way, they will be able to keep their stocks of pieces they bought with our money, and make a few turntables from time to time, which they will sell from time to time. Beautiful scam, very well mounted with a few dozen customers delivered on several hundred who have already paid !!!!


I have never been delivered from the turntable that I ordered 2 years ago! I lost all my money. Above all, never buy anything from this brand.


Maglev is a master piece! Worth every penny. If you are serious about turntables this is the magic you need. First levitating turntable which is actually well made. After 2 months of usage I'm very happy with it.


ML1 Wood is perfect!


►►Never buy anything from this company !!!◄◄ In 2016 they have begun 2 crowdfunding campaigns and sold hundreds of turntables. A very few backers have finaly received theirs, just a fistfull. Now, they claim they can't be able to send all the remaining turntables to the backers without an add of 1.200€ in add of the crowdfunding. We are hundreds of backers in this deseperate situation. What a shame !!! Of course, they never answer to the mails sent on their crowdfunfing plateform, their Facebook or even on their personal mail. To AVOID & FLEE !!! to AVOID & FLEE !!! to AVOID & FLEE !!!


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