Spoznaj svet Apple izdelkov v spletni trgovini iSTYLE. Preveri našo ponudbo naprav Mac, iPhone, iPad in Apple Watch ter širok izbor raznolike dodatne opreme. Vse na enem mestu.
Lokacija je ok z velikim parkiriščem tudi za invalide, edino mal prijaznosti nebi bilo odveč!
Borislav A. Z.
Apple, sta reci!
Tadej M.
Neodzivni! V 2 dneh ne dobis nobenega na telefon in klicev ne vracajo. Predlagam, da odstranite telefonsko iz vasih kontaktov ali napisete, da se ne oglasate!
Niko K.
Neresni, neodgovorni.
Juraj Z.
I bought a (needless to say) very expensive MacBook pro 15” here and upon bringing it home I discovered that the computer would produce audible noise without any apps open. This was in the first week after buying the computer at iStyle, so the guarantee hadn't expired yet, needless to say. When I took it to the iStyle shop to repair it, the customer service was terrible. The guy working there looked at me as if I was making things up just because he himself didn’t hear the noise the computer was making (music was playing in the shop so what a big surprise!). I had to really insist that they take a look at it and surprise surprise the repair guy discovered that the whole left ventilator was faulty and in need of replacement. So they did replace it (they wouldn’t have if I hadn’t insisted!) but when I came to pick it up there were no appologies from the sales guy in order to own up to his mistake. I was very disappointed.
A second incident was a few days ago, when I asked them to install Windows 10 on my mac (I need it to run a program that unfortunately won’t run on Mac OS). After they did the installation, not only did they charge me twice the amount in their price list but they also didn’t do it well. I experienced blue screen twice upon running Windows 10 at home. When I called them they didn’t want to even consider taking any responsibility nor did they want to atleast check what was wrong with the computer that they worked on! They said they would charge me additionally for diagnosis . The repair guy was very arrogant on the phone. I told him that I paid for a working Windows copy and not a faulty one! So I don’t need to pay additional money for something they didn’t make work in the first place! Absurd level of arrogance but unfortunately there is not much that one can do. Don’t fall into this trap! Find better service. I was very disappointed a second time myself.
Update: the computer wasn't under warranty anymore that is true but it isn't some old machine either (2017), in fact, the whole motherboard was changed just a year ago. They will deflect endlessly just to fight off any responsibility on their part. Very dissappointing!
Lag K.
Really bad costumer service, i better not talk about repairment section. And it costs alot.
Would nit recommend! Iam buying and repairing my products elsewhere.. shame on distributers of such great brand...
Romana K.
I ordered a second generation Apple pencil, they sent me the wrong one. They are very disorganized. The postage costs I had due to their mistake (€ 10) I had to cover myself. Disappointed :(
Uros M.
Rok K.
OGROMEN NATEG, Hoteli so me okrasti za približno 600EU
prosim ne hodite tja... pojdite k uradnemu Apple serviserju....
na servis sem pripeljal Macbook Pro-ja 2017, ki se ni hotel več vključiti. Tam sem ga pustil, nato pa so me poklicali da je znesek popravila 630 EU, in da ni drugega načina, da bi ponovno deloval. Ko sem jih vprašal za koliko bi mi ga odkupili so dejali 58 EU po čemer sem takoj vedel, da me hočejo pretentati, saj samo deli stanejo veliko več. Računalnik sem peljal na drugo mnenje v Epl, kjer so me po enem dnevu sporočili da je bilo potrebno samo notranje čiščenje za kar sem skupaj z analizo odštel manj kot 40EU in računalnik dela brez problemov.
Vega A.
Jure T.
Predago. Zelo arogantni prodajalci. Ce kupujete apple izdelke uporabite raje electronics4you.
Ni za kaj :)
Katarina J.
Tadej G.
Zoran A.
Uroš S. (.
Hvala za prijaznost, uporabne nasvete in pomoč pri nakupu :)!
jože K.
pri reklamaciji oz uveljavljanju stvarne napake na zasloni, odstopanje sloja, so me gladko zavrnili, skrajno vzvišeno in arogantno, češ kje ste bili pa do zdaj.dejstvo je da je Apple imel težave z zasloni MacPro, kot sem zasledil na njihovi spletni strani, zato sem tudi zahteval menjavo oz uveljavljati stvarno napako izdelka. Očitno se na balkanskem trgu prodaja drugorazredna roba, ker se takšnih reklamacij oz stvarnih napak očitno ne da uveljavljati.
priporočam nakup v sosednji Avstriji, kjer so me takrat tudi opozorili,
vendar sem laltop kupil v Sloveniji zaradi slo tipkovnice.
še čevlje ti po daljši uporabi zamenjajo, če gre za uveljavljanje stvarne napake izdelka, laptop ki je stal preko 3000eur, pa to ne gre, enostavno so me napotili na Apple, posmehljivo kaj bi pa rad
enka m.
V servis je bil prinešen iPhone, ki zaradi napake pri posodobitvi ni več deloval. Prodajalec se je začel sklicevati na to, da je telefon ukrivljen, kar pa sploh ni bil razlog za napako.
Na podlagi tega so kljub temu zaračunali 20 eur za pregled.
Zaradi zavajanja in iskanja razloga, da mi ne upoštevajo garancije, se kot stranka počutim popolnoma ogoljufanega. Skrbi me, da bodo tudi pri drugih kupcih poskušali iskati razlog za neuveljavljenje garancije.
Moja ocena je 1 zvezdica.
Žan R.
Good service and helpful people. I am not an Apple person, but I was really impressed by the quality of service, I got.
Tim S.
Gasper S.
Moram reči, da imajo res vse produkte in nekateri so zelo znižani, recimo ker so bili razstavljeni (torej so še vedno zelo dobri). Moti pa me da je osebje neprijazno, čakal sem 15 minut da so dali račun.
Sekic M.
Robert L.
Quite good selection of Apple and related products, but most importantly they have nice and knowledgeable staff!
The prices are high compared to the US but same as other Apple resellers. Would not buy a device here due to price but accessories are ok.