
4.4 (886 mnenj)

Napiši svoje mnenje
Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za TaBar, restavracija tapas v mestu ljubljana.
Slovenian-inspired tapas is the name of the game at this sleek restaurant.
  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Ne
  • Skupine: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Brunch: Da
  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Dostava: Ne
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Visoki stoli: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Koktajli: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Hrana pozno ponoči: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Bar na kraju: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • ponedeljek 11. do 12. ure
  • torek 11. do 12. ure
  • sreda 11. do 12. ure
  • četrtek 11. do 12. ure
  • Petek 11. do 12. ure
  • sobota 11. do 12. ure
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

886 mnenj

Nice staff and centrally located, but I wasn't very convinced. Not really a fan of strange mixtures, and, although I understand this is a more "gourmet" and trendy place, I found the doses are ridiculously small. For instance, the zebra tomato with cheese is literally A (one) tomato with a teeny tiny spread of cheese. The brioche with mussels, the same, you get 1-2 mussels in each of the three tiny pieces of brioche and that's it. The service was good, the person attending to us was very nice and explained everything very well, but I was very disappointed, especially after reading these reviews on Google Maps...


Ristorante dall’arredo un po’ scarno, un lungo divano rosso domina tutta la sala centrale a ridosso del banco, che però non è più di servizio ai clienti successivamente al Covid (ci raccontano). Il servizio è cortese e professionale, si capisce da come si muovono che il progetto ha una base solida di ricerca e passione! La carta del vino é tutta non convenzionale, con una attenzione particolare agli orange wines! Noi ci siamo diretti però su un bianco: il Friulano di Renato Keber, 2020 vino di facile bevuta, con una spiccata mineralità in bocca e un accenno di profumi di frutta fresca non troppo invasiva. Il locale la sera propone solo menù degustazione o un percorso da 6 o 9 portate, noi abbiamo optato per il 6. La cucina in chiave moderna spicca per l’utilizzo anche di prodotti mediterranei, come i pomodorini confit su crema di melanzane e crema di parmigiano e basilico, piatto semplice ma ben fatto, buoni i finferli fritti su crema di legumi, ben fatto il vitello arrosto con patate e rape fermentate. Conto finale 209 euro di cui 35 di vino. Per un passaggio in viaggio vale la pena fare una sosta.


Magnifique dîner hier au Tabar à Ljubljana ! Beaucoup de délicieuses surprises du talentueux chef et de sa brigade. Nous avons pris le 6 courses menu, avec des conseils de vins (tous des vins naturels ce qui nous réjouit), au verre très bien choisis. Nous quittons Ljubljana avec tristesse, mais nous espérons revenir bientôt !


The 6 course menu is absolute delight - creative, tasty, and totally unforgettable tastes. The wine selection is truly a gem... local wines with a crazy wide range of flavors! Unique experience which I recommend to everyone!!!!


Very accomplished cooking, shame about the rest. We arrived for our lunch to be told that the (almost empty) restaurant was full. After making a rather reluctant check of the diary we were allowed to take our table for two. A lovely a la carte lunch served by waiting staff who clearly preferred we had dined elsewhere.


A very nice restaurant with equally nice food and lovely people




Wir haben uns an einen Tisch im Schatten setzen wollen. Dieser war noch nicht wieder hergerichtet, womit wir kein Problem hatten. Der Kellner kam schon patzig an den Tisch und sagte uns wir sollen uns an einen sauberen Tisch setzen. Wir sagten Ihm, dass wir aber wegen der Kinder lieber im Schatten sitzen wollen. Er sagte heute wäre es nicht so sonnig und für den von uns gewählten Tisch im Schatten bräuchte man eine Reservierung. Ne is klar. Spacko. 😃 Ambiente sah toll aus aber Personal sollten die mal vom Chef checken lassen. Gibt genug andere gute Restaurants in dem Viertel.


Just go for it and let yourself be surprised and indulged. The service is great and the food simply excellent. We liked every dish (all its flavours combined into something unique on your plate) and left with a big smile on our face. We came here a bit by accident and were completely overwhelmed. Thanks a lot for such a lovely experience!!


We had the best time at Tabar with the 5 course tasting menu. Great food, wonderful attentive service and we learned more about delicious Slovenian wine, all while sitting in an idyllic square in old Ljubljana. Highly recommend!


Hot smoked carp: fish from the muddy river, the smoking process enhances the muddy taste, which is elegant but not too strong. Horseradish and the lemon help with the heavy taste from the fish. Adriatic fish/dashi/kimchi : so well balanced, the kimchi has a unique peanut taste and the umami from the dashi goes really well of the sauce and the fish. (Celery really helps!) Goat tongue / summer truffles: when the dish comes to the table, it smells like Spermien tbh. The aioli underneath tasted almost like cheese sauce and there is some crunchy vegetables inside. The goat tongue is ok tender but not really goes well with the sauce. Truffle is mild and settled. But don’t present in the bowl, not pretty enough


We had the six course menu and it was very delicious! And very friendly waiter who let is try different wines before we chose. Many Slovenian wines.


De la très haute gastronomie. Si vous n'appréciez pas ce type de cuisine vous n'allez pas aimer cet endroit. En effet le prix est très élevé (75€ le menu 6 plats, 100€ le 9 plats) mais c'est vraiment une belle expérience de dégustation. Par contre comme certains l'ont dit, à ce prix et avec une telle qualité de cuisine, cela mérite un service plus poussé et un plus beau cadre. Attention pour les étrangers, pour apprécier il est important de parler anglais pour comprendre toutes les subtilités des plats.


Trop cher pour ce que c’est quantités vraiment minuscules Je serais prête à revenir si les portions étaient plus conséquentes mais là je ne recommande vraiment pas


Prix exorbitant, quantités ridicules, temps d'attente très long. Pour un joli visuel certes et du goût dans les 2 bouchées par plats (15 balles chaque). Se montrant comme un restau tapas et vin, il n'est en fait qu'un attrape touriste curieux. A part si vous avez envie de dépenser 150 balles pour découvrir un bon cuistot mais sans plus, évitez cet endroit.




Tapas style restaurant. We tried from the à la carte menu maybe seven dishes. Quite pricy, as one tapas ranged between 8-20€. Some from the menu were worth the price (such as lardo, beef tartare and brioche bun) and then some not.


Creative, delicious food in fine dining style but very relaxed and chilled atmosphere. Great selection of local wines.


Wonderful! Service was amazing. Food was fresh, creative and fun! I wish I could come back in fall to see how the menu changes. Our host was generous with his time educating us on the local wines.


Had an amazing half-lunch half-wine tasting there today. Some of the dishes are stunning (celery with mole!!), others just ok, so go for the a la cart. But Rok really made the day! Can't wait to go back.


Sorbet made me happy.




Un peu trop cher mais très bon...on s'attendait à mieux au vu du CV mais ça reste bon


Very nice location at the river with high quality food and very well schooled personal!




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