Dodo Pizza Slovenija (Ljubljana Center)

4.4 (731 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

731 mnenj

Great & tasty pizza, kind service, friendly prices - will come back for sure, need to have some more!! :)

Dear Marko, sincerely thank you for your review. It is a pleasure to hear that you like our service. You are warmly welcomed to visit us again! Sincerely, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team


Da človek čaka na dve bogi pici (najmanj) 3 ure, ki na koncu sploh nista dostavljeni? Hvala, prvič in zadnjič.

Draga Vita, iskreno nam je žal, da ste se pri naročilu srečali z nevšečnostmi. Prosimo vas, da se nam javite na s številko vašega naročila, mi pa vam bomo poslai tudi kodo za brezplačno veliko pizzo po vaši izbiri. S spoštovanjem, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija


brez besed

Dragi Petar, žal nam je, da ste nas ocenili samo z eno zvezdico. Prosimo vas, da nam sporočite, s čim smo vas razočarali in nam tako ponudite priložnost, da morebitne napake odpravimo. Iskrena hvala, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija



Dragi Muamer, iskrena hvala za vaših pet zvezdic! Prijeten pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija


I ordered pizza Jul, 24, 2020 19:37. After that I called them 2 times (after 1 and 2 hours of waiting). Every time they answered that I should wait 20 minutes more. Finally, my order was not delivered.

Dear Sergei, we are truly sorry that you’ve experienced inconvenience while ordering our pizza. Please contact us, so we will have a chance to correct our mistake and give you a coupon for free big pizza. Sincerely, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team


Ljubljana I think the best pizza is. I like dudupiza's Mexican-style pizza.Very tasty!

Hi, thank you for your review! It is a pleasure to hear, that you like our pizza! Come back soon! Yours, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team


Вася топовую пиццу готовит, всем советую 5/5

Thank you for your review! Sincerely, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team



Pozdravljeni! Iskrena hvala za vaših pet zvezdic! Prijeten pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija



Dragi Tilen, hvala za vašo oceno. Lep pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija


Katastrofa. Po telefonu poveš naslov,ga ne razumejo. Klicejo se dvakrat za tem,da vprasajo za naslov. Na koncu dostavjo na drug konc...zaposleni sami bebci. Kaksna skoda! Naslov sem povedala najmanj 10x.

Pozdravljeni, iskreno se vam opravičujemo za nevšečnosti. Kdor dela, tudi greši in žal nam je, da vaša izkušnja ni bila prijetna. Zahvaljujemo se vam, ker ste nas na napako opozorili. Upamo, da nam boste dali še eno priložnost. Želimo vam vse dobro, Dodo Pizza Slovenija


Best pizza in town 😍😋

Dear Liam, thank you from the bottom of our heart!!! Yours faithfully, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team



Pozdravljeni, iskrena hvala za vaših pet zvezdic! Lep dan, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija



Dear Marianyela, thank you for your rating, we really appreciate it! Sincerely, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team


Odlična izkušnja. Samo še na bon počakam. 😁👍

Dragi Tomaž, hvala za vaš kompliment! Upamo, da kmalu znova naročite pri nas! Lep pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija


Super!!! 👍👍👍🍕

Dragi Daniil, najlepša hvala za vaš komentar in za oceno. Veseli nas, da sste z nami zadovoljni! Lep pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija



Dragi Leon, iskrena hvala za vaših pet zvezdic! Lep pozdrav, Dodo Pizza Slovenija


Danes prvič naročil od njih. Pizze so prišle z malo zamudo, kar glede na današnje vremenske razmere (naliv) ni nič prehudega. Zaradi zamude smo dobili bon za gratis pizzo, s sodelavci pa smo bili navdušeni nad okusom pic. Odlično, priporočam. :)

Pozdravljeni, hvala za vašo pohvalo in priporočilo. Veseli smo, da ste zadovoljni z nami! Prijeten pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija



Dragi Nejc, najlepša hvala za vaših pet zvezdic! Lep pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija


Dobra pizza malo draga vendar lepo polnjena za okus testo malo preslano (naj si ljudje dosolijo ce hocejo). Nisem bil zadovoljen z zaposlenim, ki se mu nekako ni dalo dostaviti po telefonu, zato sem sel po prvo pico v gostilno. Drugace za pizzo iz elektricne peci odlicno.

Pozdravljeni, hvala za vaš komentar! Veseli nas, da ste bili zadovoljni s pico, hkrati pa se vam opravičujemo, če je prišlo do nerodne komunikacije z našim zaposlenim. Vsekakor bomo zadevo preverili in morebitne napake takoj odpravili. Vabljeni ponovno! Prijeten pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija



Draga Ana, najlepša hvala za vaših pet zvezdic! Lep pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija


I'll start off saying that previously, I've had a great experience. However, this time was different. I don't know whether to attribute it to a fluke or not, but it's irrelevant, because I'm most likely not ordering here again. I ordered a thin crust half-half pizza. Felt like experimenting with the toppings, expecting the end product to be good. Sure enough, it was the only order on my list (for staff wanting to improve things, it was today, order 21) and it got off rather quickly. 12 minutes after order, it was done and "ready for delivery". It stayed so for another 5, 10, 20 minutes. I know sometimes orders are slow and they send out more pizzas at a time, so that was in the back of my mind. I called into the store and the guy on the other end assured me that my pizza has already been sent out, despite the tracker on the website still showing "ready for delivery". It was only later when, "coincidentally", three or so other pizzas were done, that it was marked as sent. If the guy had just been honest or explained, this review probably wouldn't have been necessary. It still bothers me that the pizza was sent out just in time - it came 5 or so minutes before the full hour, after which the pizza is free. All of this would have been forgotten if I were just able to sit down and enjoy the pizza. Needless to say, it didn't happen. The moment I opened the box, a rather unpleasant smell hit me - something pickled/canned. I know that chain restaurants would hardly be profitable if they used fresh toppings, but this smell was too much. I wasn't able to even discern which topping it was coming from, because they all seemed to blend together in their mediocrity. The pizza felt artificial, like a programmed robot assembled it, it was fairly tasteless, and the quantity was less than wanted. A large pizza usually leaves two of us sated with perhaps a slice leftover, whereas with this one, after half of it, I was left wondering: was that it? An attempt to not have to make lunch resulted in me, back in the kitchen looking for something to fill me. The pizza wasn't good, it wasn't large, and the delivery process itself was annoying. People touting this as the best pizza in town oughta try some actual pizza.

Dear Domen! Thank you for your review. We are truly sorry that you were not satisfied with your Dodo Pizza experience. It was certainly not our intention to disappoint you; on the contrary, we always try to do our best to provide professional and delicious services for our customers. We have carefully checked your order and investigated the situation to determine where the mistake occurred. The information you received on the phone was true. Your order has already been sent out. Unfortunately our staff member mistakenly changed your order status a bit too late in the system, that's why you still saw your order status as »ready for delivery«. Please forgive us for this mistake. When your order was sent out, delivery guy had to deliver more orders to the customers so it took some time before your order arrived to you. Still your order arrived on time – 5 minutes before the full hour. We are sorry that you have to wait a bit, but we can assure you that this was not intentional. We regret that you didn't like the taste of our pizza. We guarantee you that all our pizzas are handmade; we always use only fresh ingredients. Full transparency is our main standard, we have no secrets in front of our clients, and we speak openly about our mistakes in order to improve them. We wish you all the best. Yours faithfully, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team



Draga Petra, najlepša hvala za pet zvezdic! Prijeten pozdrav, Ekipa Dodo Pizza Slovenija



Thank you so much for your rating, we really appreciate it! Kind regards, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team


Tasty pizza. Fast delivery. Kind personal!

Dear Wan Derer, thank you for your review. We try hard to keep our service standards on a very high level. We appreciate that you’ve noticed this! Hope you are going to visit us again very soon. Yours faithfully, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team


I tried pepperoni pizza, it was very delicious! Thanks, guys!

Dear Evgenii, thank you so much for your review. It is a pleasure to hear, that you were satisfied with our Pepperonni Pizza. You are warmly welcomed to visit us again and try other toppings as well! Sincerely, Dodo Pizza Slovenija Team


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