Pop’s Pizza & Sport

Pop’s Pizza

4.5 (2477 mnenj)

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Pop's Pizza - Description

Pop's Pizza

Pop's Pizza je bil ustanovljen leta 2019 in predstavlja najboljšo reprezentacijo "Pizza Napoletana" izven Italije, čeprav se zgodba začne že nekaj let prej. Pregledali smo ulice stare Napoli in se naučili vse trike za pravo "Pizza Napoletana". Medtem ko radi eksperimentiramo s različnimi tehnikami, se držimo načel tradicionalne neapeljske izdelave pice, kot jih predpisuje združenje Verace Pizza Napoletana. Ljudje nas sprašujejo, kaj naredi pravo "Pizza Napoletana", in radi rečemo, da "veš, ko jo vidiš". Naše pice predstavljajo najboljše iz Naplija, spoštujoč njegova dolga leta zgodovine, hkrati pa uporabljamo moderne tehnike in kombinacije sestavin, ki vas bodo presenetile. Vsak dan začnemo z izdelavo našega "impasta" s pomočjo najboljše italijanske moke. Nato testo fermentiramo do dva dni z uporabo lastnega naravnega kvasa, ki ga skrbno varujemo. Uporabljamo le najboljše kombinacije regionalnih italijanskih sestavin za izdelavo nepozabne pice.


Travelers' Choice® Award - 28.09.2023
Pop’s Place Pizza priznana kot zmagovalka nagrade Travelers’ Choice® 2023 Pop’s Place Pizza je prejela nagrado Travelers’ Choice® 2023 in se uvrstila med najljubše gostinske obrate potnikov.
Najbolj prijazna pizzerija za pse v Ljubljani - 13.07.2023
Pop’s Place Pizzerija je prijazna do psov. Sprejemamo pse vseh vrst z odprtimi rokami. Razumemo in se strinjamo, da so tudi oni del družine in zaslužijo, da so z nami na vsakem koraku.
40. najboljša pizzerija v Evropi! - 02.06.2023
Ste vedeli, da ima Ljubljana 40. najboljšo pizzerijo v Evropi? Imenuje se Pop’s Place in se nahaja na Bregu 2, v središču stare Ljubljane. Ste vedeli, da je solastnik Američan s hrvaško-slovenskimi koreninami?

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Breg 2, 1000 Ljubljana

Email: pizza@thepopsplace.com

Tel: +386 59 828 480

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

2477 mnenj



one of the best pizzas I've had so far. you have to wait a bit to get a seat but it's worth it. The waitresses are very friendly, sometimes you have to wait longer.


Lekkere pizza's met vriendelijke en snelle bediening








Super leckere Pizza, toll organisiertes Restaurant und sehr guter Service. Am besten etwas Zeit mitbringen oder reservieren. Wir empfehlen es gerne weiter


Excelente Lugar para comer pizza al horno de leña. ¡Muy ricas!


Délicieuses pizzas dans un cadre magnifique au bord de la rivière. Service parfois un peu expéditif, c'est dommage.




Sehr gute Pizza und guter Wein, die Bedienungen sind sehr freundlich und äußerst sympathisch fragen nach ob alles recht ist etc. Kommen gerne wieder - da lohnt sich auch eine kleine Wartezeit 😎👌👌👌


Great pizza but it is difficult trying to get service. They forgot one of our drinks. It appears that they make people line up to look exclusive when tables are empty.




Very good pizza, divine tiramisu and great staff.


Verjetno odlicne pice, ampak odnos natakarice pa za zbruhat. Sej razumem, da je guzva, sam lahk na lep nacin poves, ne pa z arogantnim odnosom in se stran obrnes, ko vprasas, ce se je mozno kje vsest, brez zdravo ali adijo. Hvala lepa, bomo sli drugam!




I wanted to take a group of international co-workers out for pizza on a July evening and reviews seem to point to Pop's Pizza as one of the best pizzas in town. I stopped there physically the week before to book a table and saw one of the staff enter my name into the reservations book. When I book well in advance, I expect that at the time of the booking: the table is waiting for me, I get seated and served within a reasonable amount of time and I can enjoy the evening with whomever I am dining with. When we arrived on the evening of the reservation, all the tables were occupied (only outdoor sitting, for context). First, I waited standing for what was probably about 5 min, trying to get the personell's attention, but it felt much longer with my colleagues waiting behind me. Then I managed to get hold of a waiter and told him that we have a reservation. I was met with a sigh and was told that we need to "wait a bit". This should have been enough for us to walk away. I quickly checked out other restaurants nearby, but they were all full, so having no immediate alternative, we decided to wait. We observed at least one large table, big enough to sit our group, which was occupied by a pair of guests still waiting to be served. The personnel did not make an effort to offer them a smaller table, and told us to take a seat next to them, while we were waiting to be seated properly. After sitting awkwardly with these other guests for some time, which felt quite long again, another table was freed up and we decided to take it. This was met with some eye-rolling and grumbling by the waiter. During the whole time, loud early 2000s hip-hop and pop music was blasting from the speakers (Justin Timberlake and similar). We had some problems hearing each other and could not really talk normally at the table. Asking the staff to reduce the music volume a little bit seemed to help, but only for about 3 minutes. Then the music found itself back at its original volume. We ordered pizzas and drinks and got them served to us about an hour after our original reservation time. The pizzas were ok, but nothing spectacular. All in all, I would rate the experience as 1 star, but the ok quality of pizza raises it to 2 stars. If the restaurant wishes to improve their service, they should start honouring the reservations, invest in skilled serving staff (skip the eye-rolling and the sighs) and improve the ambiance by severely reducing the volume of music. It is possible that the kind of treatment we got is not the norm here, but this shouldn't happen at all. My overall impression is that Pop's Pizza has become a victim of its own success. With several people lining up to get a table throughout the evening, it seems that they have little incentive to provide a high-quality experience to their guests. The loud music added significantly to the discomfort and made us leave quite promptly after finishing our meal. Perhaps this is what it was meant to do. With disappointment, I found our visit at Pop's Pizza to be the low point of the evening. There are other places in Ljubljana, which will honor your booking and not have the disturbingly high volume of music playing. And I know of at least 2 other places that have as good or better pizza, but I do not want to make this review about promoting other restaurants. So, in summary: Food: *** Service: * Ambience: *






Incredible pizza... classic italian delicious and tasty pizza....


We have been coming to this restaurant for years with no problems. Now the rules have been changed,First you wait 15 minutes and there is no service and than without food there are no drinks and no service it's a disaster.And the restaurant wasn't half full, the tables was empty.






Top pizze in postrežba😊




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