Capra Restaurant and café, Koper

4.5 (1659 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Capra Restaurant and café, Koper, restavracija v mestu koper.
Restavracija Capra v Kopru živi že od decembra 2014, leta 2021 pa postane glavna zvezda hotela Grand Koper.
  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Stranišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
Hišni ljubljenčki
  • Dovoljeni psi: Da
  • Skupine: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Zajtrk: Da
  • Brunch: Da
  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Dostava: Ne
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Visoki stoli: Da
  • Otroški jedilnik: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Koktajli: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Zdrave možnosti: Da
  • Hrana pozno ponoči: Da
  • Organske jedi: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Možnosti za vegane: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Odlični koktajli: Da
  • Bar na kraju: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • ponedeljek Zaprto
  • torek 1 do 22:00
  • sreda 1 do 22:00
  • četrtek 1 do 22:00
  • Petek 1 do 22:00
  • sobota 1 do 22:00
  • nedelja 12. do 17. ure

Prikaz na zemljevidu

1659 mnenj

Strasno cekao sam racun 25minuta, o hrani da ne govorim iskreno topla preporuka da se zaobidje ovaj restoran

Dear Mr. Aleksandar, thank you for your visit & a review. We are sorry if you had to wait for the bill for such long, we will talk to our team in order to avoid such delays. Best regards, your Capra Team


Sehr gute Pizzas. Außergewöhnliche Auswahl nach Sternzeichen genannt.. aber mega lecker.. Im Steinofen gemacht, nicht allzu dünn, ausreichend Belag drauf!!! Etwas teurer als anders aber absolut Wert. Kalamari Portion kleiner als bei anderen, frisch zubereitet und lecker.

Sehr geehrte Frau Spindler, Vielen Dank für Ihre Besuch & schőne Rezension. Wir hoffen dass Sie bald zu Uns wiederkömmen. Liebe Grűße aus Koper, Ihr Capra & Caprizza Team


Beautiful restaurant right on the waterfront. The service was very friendly and accommodating. The meal was one of the best we had in Slovenia. The fish is fresh and cooked perfectly. Must try the octopus starter and seafood delights but really can't go wrong with anything there. Even the cocktails are well balanced.

Dear JL, thank you for visiting us & providing us with an excellent review. We are very happy that you enjoyed the Capra experience and are looking forward to hosting you again. Warmest regards from the Capra Team!


Excellent restaurant presque gastronomique.

Dear Mrs. Bozdag, thank you very much for choosing our restaurant & providing us with an excellent review. We are looking forward to hosting you again anytime soon. Best regards, Your Capra Team



Spoštovani g. Medved, najlepša hvala za obisk & odlično oceno. Se priporočam tudi v prihodnje. Lep pozdrav, ekipa Capre


Decadent! Beautiful outside location overlooking the marina! Starter of scallop au gratin and dinner of truffle pasta with clams and shrimp was stellar. Highly recommended.

Dear Mr. Corey, thanks a lot for your visit & a lovely review. We are looking forward to hosting you again and surprising you with other delish dishes from the menu. Your Capra Team


Excellent service, Pasta, Truffles, Shrimp, and Pasta, Shrimp, Goat Cheese, and Tomato prepared perfectly and timely, Cold beverages, Large dessert menu, Thank You ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Dear Mr. Corey we thank you so much fr the visit and excellent review that melts our hearts. We are trying hard to exceed the expectations of our lovely guests and so very happy each time when the magic happens.Looking forward to hosting you again. Your Capra Team


Repas délicieux.Une soupe aux champignons, une salade poulet pour moi et un hamburger du directeur pour monsieur. Rien à redire je recommande vivement ce restaurant qui se trouve dans l'hôtel le Grand Koper. Félicitations à l'ensemble du personnel pour votre cuisine et le service.

Merci mille fois pour cette révision magnifique! Nous sommes trés heureuse que vous avez passé une excellente soirée chez nous. A bientôt, on espere!


Zelo dobra hrana in gostoljubno osebje. Za našo psičko dobili celo priboljške.

Spoštovana ga. Zupančič, veseli nas, da ste se v Capri odlično počutili in vas vabimo ponovno v našo družbo. Lep pozdrav, Vaša Capra



Spoštovani g. Kletecki, najlepša hvala za odlično oceno. Veseli bomo vašega ponovnega obiska. Vaša Capra



Dear Mrs. ΑΝΘΗ ΚΟΚΑΡΙΔΑ thank you for your excellent review! We are looking forward to hosting you again soon. Your Capra team



Spoštovana ga. Jeličič, najlepša hvala za odlično oceno. Veselimo se vašega ponovnega obiska. Lep pozdrav, ekipa Capre


Cibo molto buono, servizio leggermente sottotono rispetto alla qualità offerta. Per la quinta stella basterebbe affinare il servizio in sala.

Gentile sig.ra Zuppini, grazie mille per la vostra visita e la recensione. Stiamo sempre cercando di migliorare i nostri servizi quindi faremmo il nostro meglio per ottenere la Sua fiducia. Tanti saluti da Capodistria, Capra



Gentile sig. Verzi, grazie mille per la ottima recensione ed a presto. Tanti saluti da Capodistria, Capra


Un excellent restaurant, nous nous sommes régalés avec les pâtes, le risotto et le poisson. Les serveurs sont très sympathiques.

Chère Madame Thibout, merci beaucoup pour votre appréciation. Á bientôt, on espère! Votre Capra Team


Kellner sehr freundlich, essen einsame Spitze Lasagne, Pasta und Pizzen wovon einmal Vegan. Würden Sofort wieder herkommen.

Sehr geehrte Herr Erhart, vielend Dank fűr die schöne Wörter. Wie freuen uns Ihr bald Wiedersehen! Ihr Capra Team


Ottimo ristorante, bel design pulito, servizio cordiale ed ottimi piatti. Da non perdere se andate a Capodistria, ma prenotate prima.

Gentile sig. Sabbatini, grazie mille per i complimenti che ci hanno fatto molto piacere. Speriamo di rivederla presto! Capra


Eccellente posto e cucina,personale gentile , professionale e preparato

Gentile sig. Gardenghi, grazie mille per i complimenti. Ne saremmo molto felici se ci visitereste anche in futuro. Tanti saluti da Capodistria, Capra



Grazie mille!



Gentile sig. Marzari, grazie mille per la Sua recensione. Ne siamo molto felici e speriamo di rivederla presto. Cordiali saluti da Capra Team



Dear Mr. Gori, thank you so much for your excellent review. We are looking forward to hosting you again. Your Capra Team


Pizza au top, attention à flasher le QR code pour avoir le reste du menu (pâtes & salades). Attention quand la terrasse est pleine le service peut être un peu lent. Si vous êtes pressés ne prenez que des pizza car les autres plats sont préparés dans la même cuisine que le grand restaurant à côté, le délai peut en être largement plus long. Personnel serviable

Cher Monsieur Ambon, merci mille fois pour vos compliments et un peu de critique - on essaierons d'améliorer notre service pour la prochaine fois que vous nous rendez visite. Votre Grand Team


Very good pizzas for affordable prices. Pizzas according to astrological signs are special and interesting. Love it.

Dear Marjetka, thank you very much for your review. We are glad to hear that you loved our pizzas and are looking forward to hosting you again soon. Your Capra Team


Great restaurant

Dear mr. Artmargo, thank you very much for your review. We are looking forward to seing you again. Your Capra Team


Nagyon finom volt a rendelésünk, köszönjük szépen!

Dear Mr. Laszlo, köszönöm! We hope to see you again soon, your Capra Team


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