Kodila Meet Meat Eat Market

4.7 (338 mnenj)

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Opis storitve

Šunkarna Murska Sobota - Izbrana ponudba vrhunskih izdelkov

Šunkarna Murska Sobota je specializirana trgovina z izbrano ponudbo vrhunskih delikatesnih izdelkov. V naši trgovini boste našli široko paleto izdelkov, od svežega mesa in suhomesnatih izdelkov do mlečnih izdelkov, sirov, oljčnega olja, solat, kruha in drugih prigrizkov.

Za kakovost naših izdelkov jamčimo s strogimi standardi pri izbiri surovin ter tradicionalnimi postopki priprave. Sodelujemo z lokalnimi pridelovalci, kar nam omogoča, da vam ponudimo sveže in okusne izdelke iz naravnih virov.

Murska Sobota Market - Sveže pridelki in izdelki iz narave

Murska Sobota Market je odličen kraj za nakup svežih pridelkov in izdelkov iz narave. Na našem tržnici boste našli široko paleto svežega sadja, zelenjave, zelišč, medu, marmelad, domačega kruha ter drugih domačih izdelkov. Vsi izdelki na naši tržnici so pridelani na naraven način, brez uporabe umetnih gnojil ali pesticidov.

Smo ponosni na našo pestro in kakovostno ponudbo, ki temelji na sodelovanju z lokalnimi kmetovalci in pridelovalci. Na Murska Sobota Marketu podpiramo trajnostno pridelavo ter zmanjševanje ekološkega odtisa.

Murska Sobota Restavracija - Kulinarika na najvišji ravni

Murska Sobota Restavracija je destinacija za vse ljubitelje kulinarike. Naša restavracija ponuja vrhunsko kulinarično izkušnjo, kjer ustvarjamo okusne jedi iz sezonskih sestavin ter vrhunskega mesa in rib. V našem jedilniku boste našli tako tradicionalne slovenske jedi kot tudi sodobne kulinarične stvaritve.

Naša kuharska ekipa se osredotoča na kakovost in okus jedi ter uporablja sveže sestavine iz lokalnega okolja. V Murska Sobota Restavraciji vas bomo navdušili s prvovrstno storitvijo ter nepozabnimi okusi.

Šunkarna Murska Sobota Splet - Enostavno naročanje iz udobja doma

Šunkarna Murska Sobota Splet je spletna trgovina, kjer lahko enostavno naročite naše vrhunske izdelke kar iz udobja svojega doma. V naši spletni trgovini boste našli isto bogato ponudbo kot v naši fizični trgovini in restavraciji.

Naročene izdelke vam dostavimo na želeni naslov, tako da lahko uživate v naših kakovostnih izdelkih brez skrbi in napora.

  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Družinam prijazno: Da
  • Skupine: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Zajtrk: Da
  • Brunch: Da
  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Dostava: Ne
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • ponedeljek 7.00 do 15.00
  • torek 7.00 do 15.00
  • sreda 7.00 do 15.00
  • četrtek 7.00 do 15.00
  • Petek 7.00 do 15.00
  • sobota 7.00 do 18.00
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

338 mnenj

Delicious, wholesome, filling food. We had a beef and potato soup, and a cheese and cold cuts sharing platter. All the seating is outside, so you can watch the world go by. A jolly waiter tended to our needs. Very nice indeed!

Dear Guests, Thank you for your visit. Your feedback is very important to us. We are pleased to hear that you felt comfortable here, and we kindly invite you to pay us another visit sometime in the future. Kodila MMM Team



Dear Mrs. Cimesa, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.


Hrana je jako ukusna i domaća,osoblje je jako ljubazno ,ali porcija je malena ili je to neki snack dorucak

Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.


Excellente découverte au cœur du marché central. Parfait pour découvrir les spécialités locales avec un service très chaleureux !

Dear Mrs. Dufermont, We put a lot of effort into pleasing our guests, so it’s marvelous reading how happy and pleased you were. Thank you for the recommendation and I sincerely hope you visit us again soon. Kodila MMM team


Nice service. Delicious foods. Good staff.

Dear Guests, Thank you for your visit. Your feedback is very important to us. We are pleased to hear that you felt comfortable here, and we kindly invite you to pay us another visit sometime in the future. Kodila MMM Team



Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.



Dear Mr. Gladek, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.



Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.



Dear Mrs. Šarlija, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.


Must go! Amazing. Great wine and great local sausages.

Dear Mr. Grantham, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.



Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.


Great locally produced food from their own farm in the northeast of Slovenia, friendly waiter who is hospitable!

Dear, Firstly thanks for visiting us and second thanks for writing a lovely review. It’s great when someone see’s the passion we all have. Hope to see you back another time. Kodila MMM team


Great for a Saturday lunch with a glass of wine

Dear Mr. Hardaker, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.



Dear Mrs. Claudia, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.


Σε εξωτερικό χώρο, δοκιμάσαμε νόστιμα σλοβενικα πιάτα κατόπιν προτροπής του εξυπηρετικού σερβιτόρου.

Dear Guests, Thank you for your visit. Your feedback is very important to us. We are pleased to hear that you felt comfortable here, and we kindly invite you to pay us another visit sometime in the future. Kodila MMM Team


好天氣 在這吃個早餐 美味搭上帥氣服務生。

Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.



G. Ponikvar, Zahvaljujemo se za vašo oceno in upamo, da se ponovno kmalu spet oglasite. Ekipa Kodila MMM


Yes, it is called Meat Market, but nevertheless we had just coffee and pastries. A Cremeschnitte to be precise, and it was very good. The ambiance was relaxed and he weather sunny, the perfect place for a relaxing break between walks.

Dear Mr. Maarek, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.


Sehr gutes Frühstück mit regionalen Produkten aus ganz Slowenien. Service freundlich, Essen herausragend, direkt am Zentralmarkt, vollste Empfehlung!

Dear Mr. Gruber, We put a lot of effort into pleasing our guests, so it’s marvelous reading how happy and pleased you were. Thank you for the recommendation and I sincerely hope you visit us again soon. Kodila MMM team


Wir sind hier zum Frühstücken eingekehrt. Die freundliche Bedienung brachte uns flott die Karte und schnell haben wir uns für Ham and Eggs und das Ljubljana Frühstück entschieden. Nach kurzer Wartezeit bekamen wir das bestellte und waren sehr zufrieden. Es schmeckte wirklich gut und auch wenn es etwas "minimalistisch" aussah, war es mehr als ausreichend. Besonders die Grammeln hatten es mir angetan

Dear Mr. Meyer, Firstly thanks for visiting us and second thanks for writing a lovely review. It’s great when someone see’s the passion we all have. Hope to see you back another time. Kodila MMM team


Excellent fresh breakfast. Good service. At the market. Fair price.

Dear Mr. Boom, Thank you for your visit. Your feedback is very important to us. We are pleased to hear that you felt comfortable here, and we kindly invite you to pay us another visit sometime in the future. Kodila MMM Team


Do yourself a favour and visit this restaurant. The bograc was delicious and the wine was so reasonably priced you can't afford not to have another. Friendly staff and an interesting location cap it off. Make sure you leave room for the vanilla ice-cream with pork crackling and pumpkin seed oil, you will be pleased you did.

Dear Mr. Wilkinson, Thank you for that amazing review. This is more than we could even hope for. We are delighted that you had a great time and we welcome you back with open arms. We try to be even better the next time you come and visit us. Kodila MMM team



Dear Mr. Carnemolla, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.


Service catastrophique et très peu aimable !!!

Dear Mr. F. F., Thank you for your opinion and assessment. We appreciate your feedback very much, but we would be very grateful if you could give us more details about what disappointed you or what problems you had. Your opinion helps us improve our services and provide a better experience in the future. Kodila MMM team.


Prima plek voor een traditioneel laagjescake te eten en een kopje koffie te drinken.

Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila meet meat market in such a great memory. Kodila MMM team.


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