Kodila Meet Meat Eat Market

4.7 (338 mnenj)

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Opis storitve

Šunkarna Murska Sobota - Izbrana ponudba vrhunskih izdelkov

Šunkarna Murska Sobota je specializirana trgovina z izbrano ponudbo vrhunskih delikatesnih izdelkov. V naši trgovini boste našli široko paleto izdelkov, od svežega mesa in suhomesnatih izdelkov do mlečnih izdelkov, sirov, oljčnega olja, solat, kruha in drugih prigrizkov.

Za kakovost naših izdelkov jamčimo s strogimi standardi pri izbiri surovin ter tradicionalnimi postopki priprave. Sodelujemo z lokalnimi pridelovalci, kar nam omogoča, da vam ponudimo sveže in okusne izdelke iz naravnih virov.

Murska Sobota Market - Sveže pridelki in izdelki iz narave

Murska Sobota Market je odličen kraj za nakup svežih pridelkov in izdelkov iz narave. Na našem tržnici boste našli široko paleto svežega sadja, zelenjave, zelišč, medu, marmelad, domačega kruha ter drugih domačih izdelkov. Vsi izdelki na naši tržnici so pridelani na naraven način, brez uporabe umetnih gnojil ali pesticidov.

Smo ponosni na našo pestro in kakovostno ponudbo, ki temelji na sodelovanju z lokalnimi kmetovalci in pridelovalci. Na Murska Sobota Marketu podpiramo trajnostno pridelavo ter zmanjševanje ekološkega odtisa.

Murska Sobota Restavracija - Kulinarika na najvišji ravni

Murska Sobota Restavracija je destinacija za vse ljubitelje kulinarike. Naša restavracija ponuja vrhunsko kulinarično izkušnjo, kjer ustvarjamo okusne jedi iz sezonskih sestavin ter vrhunskega mesa in rib. V našem jedilniku boste našli tako tradicionalne slovenske jedi kot tudi sodobne kulinarične stvaritve.

Naša kuharska ekipa se osredotoča na kakovost in okus jedi ter uporablja sveže sestavine iz lokalnega okolja. V Murska Sobota Restavraciji vas bomo navdušili s prvovrstno storitvijo ter nepozabnimi okusi.

Šunkarna Murska Sobota Splet - Enostavno naročanje iz udobja doma

Šunkarna Murska Sobota Splet je spletna trgovina, kjer lahko enostavno naročite naše vrhunske izdelke kar iz udobja svojega doma. V naši spletni trgovini boste našli isto bogato ponudbo kot v naši fizični trgovini in restavraciji.

Naročene izdelke vam dostavimo na želeni naslov, tako da lahko uživate v naših kakovostnih izdelkih brez skrbi in napora.

  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Družinam prijazno: Da
  • Skupine: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Zajtrk: Da
  • Brunch: Da
  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Dostava: Ne
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • ponedeljek 7.00 do 15.00
  • torek 7.00 do 15.00
  • sreda 7.00 do 15.00
  • četrtek 7.00 do 15.00
  • Petek 7.00 do 15.00
  • sobota 7.00 do 18.00
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

338 mnenj

Très bon accueil, très bon conseils, très bon emplacement, excellent cochon.

Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.


Tasty, cozy, friendly. Nice breakfast. Great tea & coffee. I love this place.

Dear Mr. Danilov, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.


We had to wait a bit for our table but we were offered to wait at the standing table while we could already order a drink (so it was not really waiting). Once seated we got some recommendations of our waitress. We followed her suggestions and we're happy we did. The food was really really tasteful. This combined with the friendliness and efficiency of the staff makes this place definitely worth visiting. Thank you for the great food and time!

Dear Mr. Nijs, Thank you for that amazing review. This is more than we could even hope for. We are delighted that you had a great time and we welcome you back with open arms. We try to be even better the next time you come and visit us. Kodila team


Excellent breakfast, and all staff incredibly helpful and friendly. Highly recommended - kids loved it !

Mr. Lautier, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet team and breakfast in such a great memory. Kodila team.


Profi kiszolgálás, nagyon finom ételek

Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.



Mr. Rodrigues, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.


Dégustation de bons produits régionaux. Personnel de bon conseil.

Dear Mrs. Dubois, Thank you for visiting Kodila gourmet, we are really happy to read/get your review. Kodila team


Very good food. Everything is freshly cut, we recommend the premium platter. Bread is freshly made and amazing

Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.


We had to wait a bit for a free table, but it was totally worth it. Our waitress was exceptionally friendly and funny, and we had a super rich cheese platter and the best eggs ever. After breakfast we could buy some more klobas and cheese for a very fair price.

Mr. Szabo, Firstly thanks for visiting us and second thanks for writing a lovely review. It’s great when someone see’s the passion we all have. Hope to see you back another time. Kodila team


Wir fühlten uns als Touristen sehr willkommen und waren mit dem Essen und Trinken, ebenso mit dem Preis sehr zufrieden. Unser Kellner war überaus aufmerksam und kompetent.

Mr. Schaffart, Thank you for visiting Kodila gourmet, we are really happy to read your review and see how much you enjoyed what we have to offer. Kodila team


Świetna obsługa, pyszne jedzenie. Ceny ok. Pieczywo wypiekają na miejscu, a właściciel robi własne wyroby mięsne. Bardzo polecam!

Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.


Kann die sehr guten Bewertungen nur bestätigen. Sehr lecker, wirklich faire Preise, entspannte Atmosphäre - und sehr nette, aufmerksame Bedienung Emma :-)

Dear, Firstly thanks for visiting us and second thanks for writing a lovely review. It’s great when someone see’s the passion we all have. Hope to see you back another time. Kodila team


Amazing homemade ice tea.

Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.



Dear, Thank you for visiting Kodila gourmet, we are really happy to read/get your review. Kodila team


The food here and service were great! We tried the meat stew and bread with jam and honey as well as a local beer and sausage with cheese. Would return!

Dear, Thank you for visiting Kodila gourmet, we are super happy to read your review and see how much you enjoyed what we have to offer. Kodila team



Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.



Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.



Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.


Prijazna postrežba in res okusna hrana.

G. Kušer zahvaljujemo se za vaše mnenje. Upamo, da nas kmalu ponovno obiščete. Kodila team



Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.


Simon je zakon!

G. Jerman zahvaljujemo se za vaše mnenje. Upamo, da nas kmalu ponovno obiščete. Kodila team


Wirklich super für einen Snack oder ein herzhaftes Frühstück! Die kalte Platte hat wirklich toll geschmeckt, man sitzt super und kann sich während dem Essen das Treiben auf dem Markt ansehen und dafür ist das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis auch noch toll. Der Kellner kann sowohl super Englisch als auch Deutsch und hat uns die hausgemachten Spezialitäten erklärt.

Lieber Gast, Danke für den Besuch des Kodila-Gourmets. Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihre review zu lesen und zu sehen, wie sehr Sie das genossen haben, was wir zu bieten haben. Vielen dank Kodila-Team



Dear, Thank you for visiting Kodila gourmet, we are really happy to see your review. Kodila team



Zahvaljujemo se za vaše mnenje. Kodila team


Gorgeous food and wonderful staff. Such a beautiful place to sit for an hour or two eating delicious local food and drinking good beer

Dear, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila team.


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