Kodila Meet Meat Eat Market

4.7 (338 mnenj)

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Šunkarna Murska Sobota - Izbrana ponudba vrhunskih izdelkov

Šunkarna Murska Sobota je specializirana trgovina z izbrano ponudbo vrhunskih delikatesnih izdelkov. V naši trgovini boste našli široko paleto izdelkov, od svežega mesa in suhomesnatih izdelkov do mlečnih izdelkov, sirov, oljčnega olja, solat, kruha in drugih prigrizkov.

Za kakovost naših izdelkov jamčimo s strogimi standardi pri izbiri surovin ter tradicionalnimi postopki priprave. Sodelujemo z lokalnimi pridelovalci, kar nam omogoča, da vam ponudimo sveže in okusne izdelke iz naravnih virov.

Murska Sobota Market - Sveže pridelki in izdelki iz narave

Murska Sobota Market je odličen kraj za nakup svežih pridelkov in izdelkov iz narave. Na našem tržnici boste našli široko paleto svežega sadja, zelenjave, zelišč, medu, marmelad, domačega kruha ter drugih domačih izdelkov. Vsi izdelki na naši tržnici so pridelani na naraven način, brez uporabe umetnih gnojil ali pesticidov.

Smo ponosni na našo pestro in kakovostno ponudbo, ki temelji na sodelovanju z lokalnimi kmetovalci in pridelovalci. Na Murska Sobota Marketu podpiramo trajnostno pridelavo ter zmanjševanje ekološkega odtisa.

Murska Sobota Restavracija - Kulinarika na najvišji ravni

Murska Sobota Restavracija je destinacija za vse ljubitelje kulinarike. Naša restavracija ponuja vrhunsko kulinarično izkušnjo, kjer ustvarjamo okusne jedi iz sezonskih sestavin ter vrhunskega mesa in rib. V našem jedilniku boste našli tako tradicionalne slovenske jedi kot tudi sodobne kulinarične stvaritve.

Naša kuharska ekipa se osredotoča na kakovost in okus jedi ter uporablja sveže sestavine iz lokalnega okolja. V Murska Sobota Restavraciji vas bomo navdušili s prvovrstno storitvijo ter nepozabnimi okusi.

Šunkarna Murska Sobota Splet - Enostavno naročanje iz udobja doma

Šunkarna Murska Sobota Splet je spletna trgovina, kjer lahko enostavno naročite naše vrhunske izdelke kar iz udobja svojega doma. V naši spletni trgovini boste našli isto bogato ponudbo kot v naši fizični trgovini in restavraciji.

Naročene izdelke vam dostavimo na želeni naslov, tako da lahko uživate v naših kakovostnih izdelkih brez skrbi in napora.

  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Družinam prijazno: Da
  • Skupine: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Zajtrk: Da
  • Brunch: Da
  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Dostava: Ne
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • ponedeljek 7.00 do 15.00
  • torek 7.00 do 15.00
  • sreda 7.00 do 15.00
  • četrtek 7.00 do 15.00
  • Petek 7.00 do 15.00
  • sobota 7.00 do 18.00
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

338 mnenj

Very nice and friendly staff, especially Ziga was very hospitable and gave us good recommendations for the city. Food was also nice, especially the stew was great.

Dear Mr. Arenja, Thank you for your visit. Your feedback is very important to us. We are pleased to hear that you felt comfortable here, and we kindly invite you to pay us another visit sometime in the future. Kodila Gourmet Team


Not good value for money, and no restrooms available.

Dear Mrs. Pepermans, We are very sorry for your experience. Because we are located at central market (we are not tipical restaurant), the toilets are 20steps left of our location, it is public and most of the time was very clean and available. We hope that until your next visit, we will improve our skills. Sincerely, Kodila gourmet team



Dear Mr. Hudeček, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila gourmet team.


Such a nice place! The food was excellent and our waiter as well! Locally produced and really high quality! We ordered the Taste of Slovenia -plate and a cheese plate. Very very good! Also great with our allergic child who always has to bring her own food . No fuss, no comments (which some restaurants do) just very welcoming and service minded. Even cleaned her bowl without us having to ask nice:) before we left.

Dear Mrs. Olsson, Thank you for that amazing review. This is more than we could even hope for. We are delighted that you had a great time and we welcome you back with open arms. We try to be even better the next time you come and visit us. Kodila Gourmet team


Delicious food, top services, keenly priced, 200% recommendations

Dear Mr. Švelch, We put a lot of effort into pleasing our guests, so it’s marvelous reading how happy and pleased you were. Thank you for the recommendation and I sincerely hope you visit us again soon. The Kodila team


Una meraviglia di esperienza! I prodotti tutti de qualità, un sapore particolare e i camerieri sono sempre simpatici. Chiude alle 15h quindi sarebbe buono una programmazione per non perdere di provare

Dear Mrs. Cintia, Firstly thanks for visiting us and second thanks for writing a lovely review. It’s great when someone see’s the passion we all have. Hope to see you back another time. Kodila gourmet team


First restaurant where we went after arriving in Ljubljana and it could not be better! Fantastic lunch place 😎☀️

Dear Mr. Tuderman, Firstly thanks for visiting us and second thanks for writing a lovely review. It’s great when someone see’s the passion we all have. Hope to see you back another time. Kodila gourmet team


Service lent mais très très bonne qualité

Dear Mr. Lon, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Till your next visit, we will try to be faster. 😬😉 Kodila gourmet team.


So delicious beef sandwich! And tasty coffee.

Dear Mrs. Kamila, Thank you for visiting Kodila gourmet, we are really happy to read your review and see how much you enjoyed what we have to offer. Kodila gourmet team



Dear Mrs. Munk, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila gourmet team.


Pourquoi 5 étoiles de moyenne ??? 7,40 euros pour 3 feuilles de salade, 1 tomate cerise, de l'emmental et des graines de courges ! 9,40€ le sandwich! Bref, très cher et sans intérêt !

Dear Mrs. Gonneli. We are really sorry for your experience. Regarding our prices. We buy all the ingredients from the farmers, which sell their products on the central market and it affects the price. For the steak sandwich we use our own meat products, pumpkin seed mayonnaise and mushroom duxelle which are made from scratch by our chefs. We try to use the best ingredients. Your feedback regarding the prices has been passed along to our managment. We hope that we will see you again and we match your expectations at your next visit. Sincerely. Kodila gourmet team.


외국인이었음에도 자연스럽게 능숙한 영어로 빠르게 재미있게 서빙을 해주었습니다. 특히 아침 일찍부터 연다는 것은 확실한 장점으로, 꼭 한번 가보시는 것을 추천드립니다. 특히 이미지에 있는 만갈리차 간식이 참 맛있습니다.

Dear, Thank you for visiting Kodila gourmet, we are super happy to read your review and see how much you enjoyed what we have to offer. Kodila gourmet team


Trevlig personal, god mat (åt deras variant av gulasch som hette bograch eller liknande) och billigt för en svensk

Dear Mr. Svensson, Thank you for visiting Kodila gourmet, we are super happy to read your review and see how much you enjoyed to eat bograč. We hope to see you soon again. Kodila gourmet team


Excellent Perkmurska gibanica!

Hvala lepa za vaše mnenje, upamo, da nas kmalu spet obiščete. Ekipa Kodila gourmet


Wonderful lunch spot with attentive and friendly waiters. They made great recommendations for Slovenian sourced food and I enjoyed everything. Definitely visit this place.

Dear Mrs. Herbertz, We only want what is best for our customers, and we know that the secret lies in details. We are grateful for your trust, and we hope that you visit us again soon. Kodila Gourmet Team



Dear Mr. Parra, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila gourmet team.


Super ponudba in izredno prijazno osebje. Priporočam!

Gospa Bučuk, Najlepša hvala za priporočilo in mnenje, veselimo se vašega ponovnega obiska. Kodila gourmet team.


Excellent restaurant. Serveur très sympathique, bon conseil. Nous avons excellent bien manger, et contre tout attente nous avons eu du mal à finir. Prix très attractif.


Très bonne adresse. Les serveurs sont sympathiques et de bons conseils pour voir aider à choisir les spécialités Slovéne. Nous avons passer une bonne soirée.

Dear Mr. Chevillard, Our efforts are rewarded as soon as we meet our customers’ expectations. Your feedback proved just that, for which we are sincerely grateful. Kodila Gourmet Team



G. Andrič, Zahvaljujemo se vam za vaše mnenje, Ekipa Kodila gourmet


Best meet in town

Dear Mr. Fišter, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. 😉 Kodila gourmet team.


Delicious, and very funny waiter :) also, great traditional food for an amazing price

Dear Mr. Geels, Thank you for your visit. Your feedback is very important to us. We are pleased to hear that you felt comfortable here, and we kindly invite you to pay us another visit sometime in the future. Kodila Gourmet Team


Unfortunately not a single vegetarian option for lunch. They also weren’t very helpful in offering anything else or leaving anything away that would make it vegetarian.

Dear Mr. Johannes. We are really sorry about your experience. Kodila is known for making its own meat products which are based on quality. Mostly meat-lovers come to our place, but that doesnt mean we dont do vegeterian and vegan options for our dear guests and customers. We have a few options for the vegeterians. * cheese charcuterie with seasonal vegetables * refreshing salads from the farmers in the central market * continental breakfast with 3 types of cheese, honey, homemade jam, butter and dried fruit We want to apologize for the misunderstanding with the waiter and we would love it if you gave us a second chance to remedy your experience at our place, because we care about all our guests. Customer feedback is also important for us so that we can strive to be better. We wish you a nice stay in Ljubljana. Kodila gourmet Ljubljana


Not enough bacon but beautiful breakfast

Dear Mr. Electrikal, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory, next time we will add more bacon for you and day will be perfect. 🤷🏼‍♂️😉😬 Kodila gourmet team.


Fantastic traditional Slovenia soup, excellent customer service. Love it !

Dear Mr. Louis, Thanks for finishing your review, we are honored that you have kept our Kodila Gourmet in such a great memory. Kodila gourmet team.


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