OTOKI japanese restaurant

OTOKI japonska restavracija

4.7 (203 mnenj)

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Opis storitve - Restavracija Japan Bistro OTOKI

Restavracija Japan Bistro OTOKI

Restavracija Japan Bistro OTOKI se nahaja na naslovu Prešernova ulica 6 v Celju. Ponosni smo na kakovostno hrano in prijazen ter profesionalen odnos do naših gostov.

Ponudba hrane

Ponujamo vam širok izbor okusne in sveže pripravljene japonske hrane. Na jedilniku lahko najdete:

  • Uramaki
  • Maki
  • Nigiri
  • Gunkani
  • Mini sete
  • Sete
  • Solate
  • Juhe
  • Toplo hrano
  • Prigrizke
  • Sladice
  • Pijačo

Ponudba malic

Poleg naše redne ponudbe imamo tudi dnevne malice, ki zajemajo juhe, solate ter druge priljubljene jedi po ugodnih cenah. Dobrodošli ste ob kosilu!

Odpiralni čas

Restavracija je odprta od ponedeljka do sobote med 11:00 in 20:00 uro.


Za več informacij, rezervacije miz ali naročanje hrane za sabo nas lahko kontaktirate na:

Prešernova ulica 6, Celje

E-naslov: info@otoki-celje.si

Telefon: 051 675 868

© Vse pravice pridržane restavracija Japan Bistro OTOKI

Take away

Če si želite hrano vzeti s seboj, imate možnost naročiti hrano "take away". Preprosto nas kontaktirajte po telefonu ali po e-pošti na naslov info@otoki-celje.si.

Telefon: 051 675 868

  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Družinam prijazno: Da
  • Skupine: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Zajtrk: Da
  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Ketering: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Prevzem ob robu ceste: Da
  • Dostava: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
Od podjetja
  • Prepoznavanje kot lastnica ženske: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Organske jedi: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Možnosti za vegane: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • ponedeljek 11. do 20. ure
  • torek 11. do 20. ure
  • sreda 11. do 20. ure
  • četrtek 11. do 20. ure
  • Petek 11. do 20. ure
  • sobota 11. do 20. ure
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

203 mnenj



Лучшее место в Целье! Мега вкусно!






Езжу из Брежице в Целье только ради этого заведения. Ну уж очень вкусно! Если вы любите японскую кухню, сюда обязательно следует зайти. Могу смело сказать, что тут лучшие суши во всей Словении. И ещё очень приятный плюс: блюда не острые, по желанию можно попросить острые добавки.






Very tasty japanese lunch






Narocim eno japonsko jed in cocacolo pa mi rece natakar: kaj! Cocacolo v japonski restavraviji?! Star sem 30 let in prvic v zivljenju se mi je zgodil da se je natakar zgrazal nad mojim narocilom. Hrana solidna, postrežba katasrofalna

Joj! Prvič vidim negativno oceno o restavraciji samo zato, ker gost ni mogel naročiti Coca-Cole. Čeprav je verjetno res škoda: že si star 30. let, pa še vedno ne moreš dobiti Coca-Cole zase na prvo zahtevo. Da, v naši restavraciji ni Coca-Cole, imamo pa čudovite in zelo okusne japonske brezalkoholne pijače, kot sta gazirana limonada Ramune in ledeni zeleni čaj Pokka brez sladkorja. Prav nič mi ni hudo, da naš gost ni dobil Coca-Cole. Če ta gost ne more živeti brez Coca-Cole, lahko on prinese jo s seboj, dovolim to. Zelo pa se razburim, ko me gostje vprašajo, ali imamo v ponudbi na primer Kombuči. V tem primeru me kar grabi panika, saj želimo gostom ponuditi pravo japonsko pijačo Kombuči, ki jo znamo kako pripraviti, a še nismo našli tukaj vseh sestavin, da bi pijača bila okusna, zdrava, kakovostna in poceni. A zagotovo bomo kmalu, res kmalu, v naši ponudbi imeli in Kombuči, in tudi klasično japonsko kumarično limonado in celo japonsko kavo. Lep pozdrav, Gleb, šef restavracije Japan Bistro OTOKI


Все замечательно, вкусно, душевно. Владельцы - очень хорошие люди.


Prijeten majhen bistro, ki ponudi več, kot sprva daje občutek. Postrežba je prijazna in natančna, kar včasih deluje celo smešno, ker natakar ima mize res pod kontrolo. Osebno tam rad pojem soba rezance na vege in solata na japonski način z rdečo peso in sojinimi zrni.


Prijazni ljudje, dobra in hitra postrežba, odlična hrana.


The sushi is good. The mochi too, we ordered 8 mochi to go and we paid for them and they gave us only 3. We did notice that we only got 3 boxes but because it was our first time there, we didnt think that much of it. Just so we are clear, they gave us the bag with the boxes and gave us the reciept+we paid and they said nothing that this isn’t the entire thing and we should wait for the rest. Probably just a huge misunderstanding but it was still a bummer.

Dear Mr.Marko. Apologies, but when did this happen? I checked all of our orders for the last 3 days and I want to tell you that we didn't have an orders for 8 takeaway ice creams Mochi during this period. There must have been a mistake? Maybe you have confused our establishment with some other restaurant? You probably should have called or emailed before posting your negative review and we could have quickly resolved the issue if it was our fault. But even if it is your mistake and you confused our restaurant with a different one, then it's okay, we invite you to come over to us, we have great sushi and Japanese hot dishes, and I will treat you to 5 servings of ice cream Mochi for free. We will fix your bummer :-) However it was not our fault, as we stated earlier. Sincerely yours, Gleb, Head Manager of the restaurant Japan Bistro OTOKI, Prešernova ulica 6, Celje, Slovenia




The best Japan restaurant in town. Perfect Gyoza!

Thank you very much, we invite you to come back to our establishment in september and try our new hot dish Korokke with rice and salad Bito. Sincerely, team of Japan Bistro OTOKI




I will only come again if I have no other choice. “The Unagi sushi roll” we had was not so good! My opinion the chef may not agreed but it tasted too much of the sesame and hardly taste the eel which supposed to be the key ingredient. The rice was too soft! The fried rice dish was ok; my wife had the salmon noodle kind of stir fried and noodle was watery (wet), hardly any salmon inside. My daughter had Teriyaki chicken rice but only the plain rice, My opinion apart from the name Teriyaki it doesn’t taste like any Japanese cuisine. I would say if you follow any Google Teriyaki Chicken recipes will taste better that! We have been to many great Japanese restaurants around the world so we know what good Japanese foods taste like. This one surely ok for the local since they got many awards and good reviews. But definitely not for anyone who got high expectations for Japanese foods!

Dear Mr Leo. We are very sorry that you were not satisfied with the cuisine of our restaurant. We respect criticism and are attentive to the claims of our valued guests. We will double check the eel received from the supplier, of course the taste of sesame should not overpower the taste of eel. We're glad you enjoyed the teppanyaki. We do not agree that the Yaki-Udon noodles in this recipe should be different, and the amount of salmon in the dish is a matter of taste, because the main thing is the taste of the noodles, and the salmon only gives an additional flavor to the real Japanese Udon. And of course, we absolutely disagree with the opinion about chicken with Teriyaki sauce with rice. Why is rice here? This is a side dish. The main thing is fresh, tender, fried chicken meat with Teriyaki sauce. You didn't like the sauce? This is also a matter of taste. We trust the quality of Kikkoman and love working with this sauce as it perfectly brings out the taste of our chicken, in our opinion. We apologize, but it is hardly appropriate to say that our cuisine is only suitable for the local population, it seems to us that it sounds a little humiliating towards them. We will continue to offer our guests only the highest quality food prepared according to original recipes. Sincerely, team of Japan Bistro OTOKI






Eten was lekker, vriendelijk personeel en klein maar fijn restaurant met leuke muziek.


Odlično. Še pridemo.




Prijetna atmosfera. Prijazna postrežba. Hrana zelo okusna. Jedli smo suši,rezance z lososom za sladico pa odličen mochi sladoled. Gotovo še pridemo.


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