Restaurant Manna

4.5 (1195 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Restaurant Manna, restavracija v mestu ljubljana.
Spremenjen Koncept, Še več Strasti: Četudi smo bili prva restavracija v Ljubljani in Sloveniji, ki je združila umetnost slow food menijev z
  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Kopalnica dostopna za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Družinam prijazno: Da
  • Skupine: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Ketering: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Prevzem ob robu ceste: Da
  • Dostava: Da
  • Prelaz vožnje: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Visoki stoli: Da
  • Otroški jedilnik: Da
  • Plačljivo parkiranje na ulici: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Koktajli: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Pijače v srečni uri: Da
  • Hrana v srečni uri: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Hrana pozno ponoči: Da
  • Organske jedi: Da
  • Možnosti za vegane: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Odlični koktajli: Da
  • Sedenje na strehi: Da
  • Bar na kraju: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • ponedeljek 12. do 22. ure
  • torek 12. do 22. ure
  • sreda 12. do 22. ure
  • četrtek 12. do 22. ure
  • Petek 12. do 22. ure
  • sobota 12. do 22. ure
  • nedelja 12 do 21:00

Prikaz na zemljevidu

1195 mnenj

We visited the place on “Teden restavracij”. Booked a table at 21:00 but didn’t get one till 21:45. Then the servise was also quite slow and the atmosphere was dark. The meat was good, but the soup and beetroot carpacio were just met. Would not recommend.


Très bon est belle endroit


So…. we were really excited about their menu The amuse bouche and the garlic soup were really amazing, but it went downhill from there. As mains we got the octopus, which was good, and the pasta with truffles and king prawns, which per no reason, came without prawns, the dessert took over half an hour to arrive and they told us after 15 minutes that one of them was not available. And when the dessert did finally arrive, it was average and served with stale granola. When we pointed these things out to the staff the excuse just seemed to be that the waiter started working there two days ago. The waiter, however, was one of the bright spots of our visit, and was nothing but polite to us the entire night. The menu and place really just seem so promising so we were really sad to be disappointed.


Visoke cene za povprečnost.


We thoroughly enjoyed our dinner here! Our waitress was excellent and very friendly, she was very knowledgeable and helped us in deciding on food and wine. We chose the chef’s menu… one vegan and one meat… we both loved our dishes, very well presented and delicious!




Dobra hrana, prijetno okolje


Great food. At least half of our company were 80+ year-olds and a few said this was the best food they've ever had. I had vegetarian dishes and everything was good, however my favorites were the pumpkin cookie entree and red beet tartare with edible flowers. I'm going back to try the cheesecake (with baked plums, ice-cream and pumpkin seed puree), which looked and supposedly also tasted divine.






We went on “week of restaurants” and tried tasted menu. The food was special and could not compare to other food. For try! I did not like soup and the portion were quite small. But for price we paid for tasting menu coud not be bigger


Res okusna in dobra hrana. Zelo estetsko predstavljena. To pa za sabo potegne tudi ceno. Vendar če si želiš kaj privoščiti, je to zelo dobra izbira👍






Restavracija Manna je zagotovo eden izmed biserov v svetu kulinarike. Osebje, ki nas je sprejelo, je bilo več kot le prijazno - bilo je izjemno prijazno, pozorno in izredno učinkovito. Nisem nikoli doživel, da bi moje jedi prišle na mizo tako hitro in pravočasno, in to s širokim nasmehom. To ni le občutek gostoljubja, temveč prava umetnost strežbe. Vse, kar sem okusil, je bilo pravo kulinarično doživetje. Okusi so bili harmonični, teksture popolne, in vsaka jed je bila pripravljena s prefinjenostjo in skrbjo za detajle. Njihova pozornost do detajlov je resnično izstopala in mi je dala občutek, da sem resnično cenjen gost. Ampak to ni vse. Manna se resnično trudi, da bi se gostje počutili posebno. Vsak obiskovalec je obravnavan kot VIP gost, kar ustvarja edinstveno vzdušje in doživetje. Hvala, Manna, ker ste poskrbeli za nepozabno večerjo, ki bo ostala v spominu še dolgo. Če iščete vrhunsko kulinariko in nepozabno izkušnjo, je Manna nedvomno prava izbira.


Obisk restavracije Manna med tednom restevracije je bil prava poslastica! Okusne jedi, gostoljubno osebje in čudovita atmosfera so nas resnično navdušili. Hrana je bila izvrstna, vsaka jed pa je bila prava paleta okusov. Poleg tega so ponujali odlične možnosti za vegetarijance, kar nam je bilo v veliko veselje. Hvala Manna za nepozaben obrok in prijazen sprejem.




Prvič sem bila tukaj in sem bila razočarana. Slaba organizacija, med prvih hodom in drugim smo čakale 1h, hrana ni bila dobra. Postrv v okisanem zelju se ni okusila, ker jo je zelje povozilo, okusi v juhi-žajbelj, losos in ingver mi nikakor niso šli skupaj.Malo sem bila razočarana in pričakovala sem več.


Last year was perfect so we went this year. This was one of the most disgusting mixes of all time. 9 out of 9 people that went in our group left almost everything except main course. 1. Cookie - o.k. 2. Beetroot tartare - just sugar 3. Cold pumpkin soup with cinnamon milky thing and salmon and pesto - not edible 4. Salmon sarma? With white bean puree - o.k. without cabbage. I must add this was for week of restaurants so experiments are usual. So I would not say the chefs are bad, just whoever came up with this menu should be locked up, respectfully.




“Restaurant Week” used to be when restaurants put their best face forward. Todays 60€ dinner, was probably worth 4€ all together. The only good thing was the cookie. Appetizer was raw red turnip, then cold pumpkin sauce with a centimeter of salmon and ginger in it and for the main dish a mini fish file wrapped in cabbage. We wanted to leave before the menu was even finished but still remained hopeful. Each dish on the menu was bad unfortunately. We went for another dinner after to improve our dinner impression.


Vzeli smo 5 hodni meni z vinsko spremljavo. Vsaj dve jedi sta bili čisti presežek. Vino lepo usklajeno z menijem. Natakarji prijetni, eden malo pozabljiv.


Week of Restaurants ..


Hrana bi izstopila iz povprečja, če bi jo znali natakarji predstavit in poleg ponuditi primerno vino. Razvrednotenje kuharjev. Škoda. Postrv v zelju je bila izjemna.


Nous avions été attiré par la jolie façade ainsi que le menu avec trois plats, malheureusement c'est une expérience que nous ne recommandons pas du tout. La nourriture est bonne et on ressent le travail de recherche du chef, mais cela n'est pas suffisant pour justifier le prix. J'avais des exigences plus élevés. Dès notre arrivé le serveur nous propose un verre de vin en apperitif, et lorsque l'on demande le prix il ne sait plus parler anglais et répond n'importe quoi. Le menu que l'on nous apporte est déchiré, ratturé et c'est gribouillé à la main de manière grossière dessus. Le service est cordiale sans plus, pas très souriant, on ressent une ambiance désagréable. Les plats s'enchaînent, c'est bon mais nous ne sommes pas impressionnés. Les vins étaient bons en revanche. Consommer pour plus de 100€ seulement pour deux menus et deux verres de vins (dessert et café non inclus) dans un restaurant mal entretenu me semble cher payé. Il manque encore du travail pour atteindre un niveau premium. Je suis déçue, mes attentes n'ont pas été satisfaites. Update : Les clients mécontents quittent apparemment très souvent votre établissement étant donné que vous nous confondez entre nous :) Nous ne faisons pas partie d'un groupe de touristes avec un quelconque guide. Nous étions deux mon ami et moi. Et nous savions que le menu ne comportait effectivement que les "3 courses" qui nous ont laissé perplexe, presque autant que l'anglais éclaté de votre serveur.

Dear Giovanna You came to the restaurant as a tourist group, which had a pre-determined menu WITHOUT DRINKS, which you certainly knew, because you also had a guide with you, or you could ask him. Considering that the waiter who served you doesn't speak French and you don't speak English, it's no wonder that you probably didn't understand each other and our waiters speak fluent English. The dishes follow one another because we have such instructions from your agency, which wants us to serve the menu in the shortest possible time. We really don't know how much the agency charges you, but we can only say that our regular price of a 3-course menu is 35.00 euros, without drinks, of course! Best regards, Joc Manna


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