Restaurant Manna

4.5 (1195 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Restaurant Manna, restavracija v mestu ljubljana.
Spremenjen Koncept, Še več Strasti: Četudi smo bili prva restavracija v Ljubljani in Sloveniji, ki je združila umetnost slow food menijev z
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  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Kopalnica dostopna za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Družinam prijazno: Da
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Možnosti storitev
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  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
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  • Otroški jedilnik: Da
  • Plačljivo parkiranje na ulici: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Koktajli: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Pijače v srečni uri: Da
  • Hrana v srečni uri: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Hrana pozno ponoči: Da
  • Organske jedi: Da
  • Možnosti za vegane: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Odlični koktajli: Da
  • Sedenje na strehi: Da
  • Bar na kraju: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • ponedeljek 12. do 22. ure
  • torek 12. do 22. ure
  • sreda 12. do 22. ure
  • četrtek 12. do 22. ure
  • Petek 12. do 22. ure
  • sobota 12. do 22. ure
  • nedelja 12 do 21:00

Prikaz na zemljevidu

1195 mnenj

Fantastic service, excellent food and good wine list. Recommended!


Excellente surprise. Service IMPECCABLE. Plats succulents, nous avions pris tous les menus (poisson, viande et végé) afin de pouvoir tout tester. Prévoir du temps, clairement. Addition assez salée, mais méritée au vu de la qualité des plats et des prestations offertes.


We had a very nice evening at this restaurant. The portions were not that big but enough to be satisfied and very delicious! Mladen, our waiter, was very attentive and kind! He made our experience in this restaurant very enjoyable. Very nice fine-dining place.


excellent and kind service. the food was ok (not slovenian cuisine). they propose an overpriced 3 dish menu at 45€. the place is a wannabe gastronomic/chef restaurant, but it's far to be real. its seems just a tourist trap for me. I don't suggest it. for the owner: your bathroom is like a highway bathroom, your food. lt enough and not exceptional. please visit some restaurants with your prices in Nice, Lisbon, Madrid or Monaco and think about the changes your restaurant needs.

Dear Panos We are glad that you liked our food and service and that only the price bothered you. Considering the current situation on the market, unfortunately, even in our restaurant, we are forced to regulate our prices according to the prices of raw materials and the prices of operating costs, but we certainly do not deviate with prices from comparable restaurants in Ljubljana. Regarding the toilet, we can't agree, because in addition to the smaller toilet on the ground floor (which is really not that big, but is always 100% clean), we also have two large toilets on the first floor, where the main salon of the restaurant is also located. We have also hosted the Queen of England in our restaurant, but she had no comments about the toilet, like you? We do not even agree with your statement about a tourist trip, since our primary guests are primarily local guests and not foreigners, but of course we always welcome them. The American Chamber of Commerce, which connects Slovenian companies with the American market by hosting most of the best Slovenian companies, has hosted the Buissines meeting here for the eighth year. Our quality and honest attitude towards our guests is demonstrated by many years of awards from renowned domestic and foreign guides such as Ljubljana Quality Mark, Gault&Millau, Falstaff, etc. Unfortunately, you are not serious about the comparability of prices in Nice and other European cities, and from your profile we can see that you mostly like restaurants with fried food and you have obviously chosen the wrong restaurant. We are sorry that we did not recommend the dishes that we prepare for the youngest guests, e.g. Fried chicken fingers in panko crumbs, the price of which is of course also more friendly, 13.50 EUR and you would get a good rating. In any case, you could have chosen the dishes yourself, because you received the menu and we also have the prices published on our website, and we don't understand why you didn't leave the restaurant and go somewhere else when you saw the prices of our dishes? Best regards, Joc


Menú degustación impresionante , vale la pena esperar …. El servicio muy atento Un lugar para repetir


Great place with amazing food and service, 5 course meal was enough for a nice dinner. Definitely worth the visit.


Tasty wine, creative tasty food, polite service (though there have been some confusions)




Not in strict center but earned our trust for being one of the best small restaurants around


The lemonade was way too sour, the menu was way too expensive and there were also only 3 or more courses menus. Also my soul was sucked up by the face of the waitress.

Dear Seppe We believe that your assessment is unrealistic considering the fact that you did not even order the food and that we have our offer presented on our website and on the boards at the restaurant itself, as well as in the price list that you received. Price is a relative term. As for the lemonade, we would be happy to bring you an extra pitcher of water and sugar if it was too sour for you. Best regards, Joc


We tried the 5 course meat and fish menu. The food was delicious and beautify presented. The staff were welcoming and professional but did seem a bit lost on occasions (e.g., speaking to us in English, instead of Slovenian mid-way through the meal). I did miss a bit more options for drinks (only simple mixers, no cocktails). All in all, a good experience with room for improvement.






슬로베니아 여행 중, 기억에 남는 훌륭한 식당 중 하나입니다. Since 1854년이 맞다면, 오랜 역사를 자랑하는 식당에 방문할 수 있어 행운입니다. 평일 점심 때 방문했고, 2층에서 여유 있는 식사를 할 수 있었습니다. 친절한 직원이 추천해 준 맥주와 와인, 식사를 즐기고 왔습니다.






Delicious! Really good meal and lovely staff made our evening excellent


What a disaster! I have to say that the service and the food is good. BUT the organisation and the time among dishes is terrible. The amount of food is small. We arrived on time and we spent three hours to complete the dinner. You lose your hunger. 26 € for a bottle of wine... I'm not going to eat here anymore. Too posh and expensive for what you receive.

Dear Mireia what shall we say. You were in a group of 15 people who reserved a table just before arriving at the restaurant. Precisely because of the speed of service, for groups larger than 12 people we always want to get information in advance about how many of which menus they will choose and we also wanted to get this information from you, but you ignored us and said that you will wait even longer if necessary. Despite the fact that you booked as a group, you requested that orders be taken for each guest separately and that each guest be charged separately. If we take into account that you arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes later than announced, i.e. at 8:15 p.m., and that we spent 30 minutes taking orders and discussing how much wine and water to charge each guest and what you should not eat, you already left the restaurant at 10:30 p.m., which means that you were served at exactly the normal time. Since you were the only one in the group who was dissatisfied, the waiter warned you that we need 75 minutes for a 4-course menu, which is also stated in the price list and on our website, and for a group we always need a minute or so more. As you mentioned to the staff, you are dissatisfied with our restaurant because we could not prepare dishes that you could eat, but unfortunately you did not inform us of your problems in advance. We always try to adapt to the guests and can always prepare a dish without e.g. nuts, gluten,... but if a person is allergic to all allergens, it is of course difficult to prepare a 4-course menu in a fully occupied restaurant without certain raw materials in stock... Regarding the size of the portions, we are sure that if you ate the first course and dessert, you would certainly be full. The price of EUR 26.00 for a good bottle of Slovenian wine is certainly fair and competitive. Best regards, Joc


Odlican gastronomski doživljaj!


Service too slow. Annoying

Dear Suely We are very sorry that you did not like the speed and method of service, but unfortunately, a 3-course lunch for a group of 36 people cannot be served earlier than 60 minutes, and we also have an agreement with the client, the Ekorna agency, that the lunch is served within 60-90 minutes. Thank you for your understanding and best regards, Joc


So delicious food and excellent service with good atmosphere


Loc placut


Cibo discreto, non tanta scelta nel menù di domenica di pranzo, qualche disguido col conto ma poi risolto.




Una estafa en toda regla......infame...nunca he comido tan mal.....lentos... malo...y alguien quiere comer bien...este no es su sitio....apuntaba maneras....pero nada más lejos de la realidad...una vergüenza

Dear Maria, Yes, you were together with mr. Rodrigo, spaghetti and similar, I would have answered you the same, see the answer below. Kind regards, Joc


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