Restaurant Šestica

Gostilna Šestica

4.1 (2233 mnenj)

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Gostilna Šestica Ljubljana - tradicionalna gostilna s 242-letno zgodovino

Gostilna Šestica je ena najstarejših in najbolj priljubljenih gostiln v Ljubljani, ki že od leta 1776 ponuja vrhunsko kulinariko in prijetno vzdušje. Gostilna se nahaja na Slovenski cesti 40, v središču mesta, in je znana po svojem čudovitem gostinskem vrtu, ki sprejme okoli 100 gostov.

Odlična lokacija in urejenost: Gostilna ima enega največjih gostinskih vrtov v Ljubljani, ki je ograjen in urejen v klasičnem stilu. Vhod na vrt je možen s Slovenske ceste 40 skozi gostilno ali pa neposredno s ploščadi Ajdovščina. Ta čudovit vrt je idealen kraj za uživanje v svežem zraku, okusni hrani in prijetnem druženju s prijatelji in družino.

Odpiralni čas:

Ponedeljek - petek: 10:00 - 23:00
Sobota: 12:00 - 23:00
Nedelja: 12:00 - 17:00

Kulinarična ponudba: Gostilna Šestica ponuja širok izbor jedilnikov za vse okuse in priložnosti. Na voljo so dnevna kosila, jedilni list z bogato izbiro različnih jedi ter sezonska ponudba za skupine. Vsi meniji so skrbno pripravljeni in vključujejo sveže in kakovostne sestavine, ki so lokalnega izvora. Gostilna se lahko pohvali tudi z odlično vinsko karto, ki vključuje izbor vrhunskih slovenskih in mednarodnih vin.

Rezervacije in kontakt:

Če želite rezervirati mizo v Gostilni Šestica ali imate kakšno vprašanje, se lahko obrnete na njihov telefonski številki 00386 (0) 1 24 20 855. Gostilna se nahaja na Slovenski cesti 40 v Ljubljani. Za več informacij obiščite njihovo spletno stran ali jih kontaktirajte preko elektronske pošte: Prav tako jih lahko spremljate na Facebooku in YouTubeu, kjer boste našli utrinke in več informacij o njihovi ponudbi.

Uživajte v vrhunski kulinarični izkušnji v Gostilni Šestica Ljubljana!

  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Kopalnica dostopna za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Skupine: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Brunch: Da
  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Dostava: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Visoki stoli: Da
  • Otroški jedilnik: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Koktajli: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Zdrave možnosti: Da
  • Hrana pozno ponoči: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Hitra storitev: Da
  • Kamin: Da
  • Bar na kraju: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • ponedeljek 10. do 23. ure
  • torek 10. do 23. ure
  • sreda 10. do 23. ure
  • četrtek 10. do 23. ure
  • Petek 10. do 23. ure
  • sobota 12 do 23 ure
  • nedelja 12. do 22. ure

Prikaz na zemljevidu

2233 mnenj

Bonito lugar, buen menú con gran surtido de platos. Mucha demora en la atención y el mozo nada agradable ni dispuesto hacia el turista!!!!


Bel posto e piatti buoni e abbondanti. Consigliato






Cibo molto buono e abbondante,molto alla buona ,ci tornerei


Tasty balkan food for a cheap price! We had goulash, mushroom soup and water for 20€ total and the portions were definitely filling!


Très belle trouvaille : le serveur était sympa, professionnel et parle bien anglais. La nourriture était excellente : la carte propose de nombreux plats traditionnels, saisonniers, à des prix très corrects. Ces plats sont délicieux et copieux, nous étions très satisfaits à la fin du repas. L’ambiance est agréable, le style copie celui d’une auberge traditionnelle, chaleureuse. Les salles sont spacieuses et il y a une partie en extérieur. En somme, le rapport qualité prix est excellent, tout comme les plats que nous avons mangé et le moment que nous avons passé.


Dinner at Šestica turned to be a wrong choice. I work as a tour guide and had some issues with their service the last time so I asked beforehand about individual payment. They said it was no problem but the opposite was true. The food is ok, the interior is nice and homely, all this looses its apeal though with the mediocre level of service. The waiter who was entertaining us wasn't prepared to meet even basic standards of personal zone and language skills, he kept saying "it's ok" even though the group members (15) had not expressed what they had in mind yet. O had to keep stopping him jumping into our mouth and repeated what my guests were saying in easy English and my lame Slovenian. On the top of that, they gave us tables next to the kitchen door and one group member got his arm bruised by a waiter who opened the door energically. Not an apology came from the staff, nobody seemed to care. The athmosphere thickenned significantly after another group member tried to secure a gluten free meal with waiter not able to cope with it due to weak communication skills. The payment time was the most challenging part. The waiter, after my intervention agreed on taking our individual payments, but he was not able to remember our orders and he had to ask each guest what they had had, two at a time. Their cash machine was placed inside the kitchen, the wireless card reader was not working and his handling of a bar card reader was slow with guests needing to decipher by themselves where to touch it with their card. My role was mostly standing next to the waiter most of the evening, securing personal zone of group members and translating - the waiter didn't recognize some names of meals in english from their menu. After 30 minutes of tiresome effort I was left with 12,5€ unpaid bills for drinks which I didn't want to argue about and covered by myself. My priority was to keep my group as happy as possible in the situation. The place is obviously understaffed, undertrained and underequipped to meet modern standards of organized tours. Even their position next to Nebotičnik skyscrapper doesn't heal the wound they are causing on our impressions from the last day in Ljubljana. I am not going to bring my group there any more.


Steer clear from this place as the service is like nothing anyone in my group had ever experienced. Our tour guide was recommended this place and wanted to try it out with the potential of ongoing business. The ambience was good, food selection good - but the service, well that was another thing altogether. We all felt that we were living out an episode of Fawlty Towers. The waiter was rude, abusive, had an amazing array of offensive facial expressions and hand gestures. He pretended he couldn’t speak English, despite being fluent when he wanted to be. That was when he wasn’t storming off and disappearing, often with his arms waving around and abusing our group. Took well over an hour just to get the bill paid when we wanted to leave. Initially said he would only take cash despite the tour guide being advised they did, but the bill was so high no one had cash and suddenly they took card. They refused to serve tap water, despite our guide being advised they did and other tables having water. He could have earned a lot more business for this restaurant from this tour company and our hotel - but he went out of the way to ensure our experience was terrible, and the tour guide would advise his colleagues, and our hotel, to steer clear of this restaurant at all costs, and the hotel would not have it on it’s list of recommended restaurants.






The restaurant is really old - which is pretty cool. Portions are big, big menu, and reasonably priced. The food was mediocre.














Great variety of local traditional food. Pleasant service.


An excellent choice for any tourist to get a taste of genuine Slovenian (and Balkan) cuisine. The place can get packed in summer evenings (during the tourist season), but it's well worth visiting for some gourmet experiences.


The food was amazing but in my dish (salmon filet with avocado and red onions) it needed some sauce but otherwise it was very Good food


nothing special, the food is mediocr, and the service is poor, too expensive for the such experience. just a tourist trap, go where the locals dine. i ordered soup in bread crust they gave me in a plate


Z veseljem obiscem ponovno. Vse 5!




Great as always. Friendly and sales motivated personel. Good food, nice atmosfhere. Always a nice experience.


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