Restavracija Cool House

Cool House Vič

4.5 (580 mnenj)

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Restavracija Cool House Ljubljana

Restavracija Cool House v Ljubljani vam ponuja vrhunsko kulinariko in edinstveno gastronomsko izkušnjo. Vabimo vas, da se prepustite okusom in uživate v našem prostoru, kjer gurmani oživijo.

Aktualna ponudba kosil

Ponedeljek 15.4.2024 1. "Pulled pork" tortilja s coleslaw solato, krompirčkom in bbq omako 2. Morska rižota na rdeče Bowla s piščancem (piščanec, riž, rdeče zelje, granatno jabolko, avokado, kalčki, edamame, vložen ingver, sezamov preliv) 12,90€
Torek 16.4.2024 1. Nadevano piščančje bedro s feta sirom in žajbljem, pečeno v testu in sortirano zelenjavo na maslu 2. Parmigana iz jajčevca Bowla s piščancem (trgana govedina, riž, rdeče zelje, granatno jabolko, avokado, kalčki, edamame, vložen ingver, sezamov preliv) 12,90€
Sreda 17.4.2024 1. Svinjski file welinghton na tartufnem pireju z vinsko omako 2. Zelenjavna loparnica Bowla s piščancem (piščanec, riž, rdeče zelje, granatno jabolko, avokado, kalčki, edamame, vložen ingver, sezamov preliv) 12,90€
Četrtek 18.4.2024 1. Piščanec francese (piščančji file paniran po pariško z limonino omako) in zelenjavnim pirejem 2. Frigani kalamari s tatarsko omako in krompirčkom Bowla s piščancem (piščanec, riž, rdeče zelje, granatno jabolko, avokado, kalčki, edamame, vložen ingver, sezamov preliv) 12,90€
Petek 19.4.2024 1. Račja bedra v konfitu s pomarančno omako in pečenim krompirjem z rožmarinom, zelenjava 2. Dagnje z belim vinom in domači kruh Bowla s piščancem (piščanec, riž, rdeče zelje, granatno jabolko, avokado, kalčki, edamame, vložen ingver, sezamov preliv) 12,90€

Dobrodošli v Cool House! Veselimo se vašega obiska v naši restavraciji. Naša zgodba sega že desetletje nazaj, ko smo začeli oskrbovati restavracije kot grosisti. Leta 2011 smo odprli tudi trgovino v Šiški, ki je postala del foodie revolucije v Sloveniji. V Cool House vas vabimo, da postanete del naše zgodbe.

Delovni čas

Ponedeljek - sobota: 9:00 - 22:00
Nedelja: 9:00 - 17:00


Vabimo vas, da si rezervirate obisk v naši restavraciji. Rezervacija je priporočljiva, še posebej za večje skupine in ob vikendih.


Telefon: 059 340 531


Gerbičeva ulica 120, 1000 Ljubljana

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  • ponedeljek 8. do 22. ure
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  • četrtek 8. do 22. ure
  • Petek 8. do 22. ure
  • sobota 8. do 22. ure
  • nedelja 8. do 17. ure

Prikaz na zemljevidu

580 mnenj





Bel locale, servizio eccellente, cibo ancor di più nonostante la semplicità delle nostre scelte. La Caesar salad stupenda, ben strutturata e porzione abbondante. Hamburger deliziosi. Anche facilità di parcheggio. Stra consigliato




A disappointing first experience. At first glance the establishment looks top notch. Great atmosphere with well dressed staff and nicely furnished space. The menu is a little more on the pricy side. The expectation is set high if the burger costs 15€. I proceeded to order their house Cool Burger. Visually looked really good and that's all the positive that can be said. The burger bun was stale, the fries were soggy, and the worst part was the roast beef which was spoiled and inedible. I left half of the fries and all the roast beef. No comments from the staff after I explain the roast beef was spoiled. This could be an unfortunate one time thing, but as it stands for now, I wouldn't recommend.










This review is for the Coolhouse online shop, and by extension the whole company. Their website is VERY misleading. You can order some gourmet foods and everything looks delicious, and they even offer free delivery if you order more than 80 euros' worth. The website will cheerfully take your money. But then, if you don't happen to live in Ljubljana, you'll get an email saying they don't deliver to your town and you have to go to them to pick up your stuff. They don't ACTUALLY deliver outside Ljubljana even though their website leads you to believe they do. I don't know how they are legally allowed to take customers' money under such false pretenses, but they do. As a person with a severe mobility impairment who lives more than an hour away by train, I can't just pop off to the capital city on a lark. I ordered delivery because that is what I needed. So I can't buy anything from these people at all. They've offered to return what I paid, but that doesn't compensate me for the time, effort and aggravation they have caused. And as a general principle, I cannot recommend any company that presents itself in such a dishonest way. It is not okay to discriminate against customers who don't live in Ljubljana and waste our time and money. I can't recommend this shop or the restaurant attached to it because of the bad impression this experience has left with the whole company. Even if you do live in Ljubljana, please support the rest of us and don't buy from Coolhouse until they decide to start treating every customer equally. Edited to add: there is a reply claiming that the restaurant and the online shop are different businesses. I have no proof of that, but they share the same web presence and branding. So if I have a bad experience with one, then yes, it should affect the reputation of the other. If they have no relationship they should not be sharing a brand. Secondly, my honest review isn't hurting Cool House or their workers. Readers of these reviews deserve all sides of the story. They can make up their minds what to believe. Negative reviews do happen. Credible negative reviews hold businesses accountable for negative experiences, and businesses should not try to manipulate those reviews or get them taken down because that interferes with free speech. The readers are free to make their own decisions about where they want to spend their money. I'm just here to see that they are fully informed.

Dear Melinda. This is profile of the restaurant Cool House, which is sepated from the online store (2 different companies). By giving 1star review to the restaurant, which you didn’t visit, you are doing damage only to our hard working staff in the restaurant. I suggest that you erase this review and write an email directly to online shop. When you visit Ljubljana, you are welcome to visit us. Kind regards, Luka


Okusna mesna ponvica z njoki in tartufi.


Sehr gutes Essen, sehr freundliche Bedienung, hat uns sehr gut beraten und Preis Leistung sehr gut.




Prečudovit ambient 🤩 Velik prostor in ogromno miz. Postrežba na nivoju in zelo prijazno osebje. Hrana je zelo okusna in izbira raznolika 👌 Lasten parking.


Very nice staff, good service, delicious food.






Zelo zelo zadovolni. Postrezba vrhunska . Hrana vrhunska. Se se bomo vrnili




Vse je bilo popolno.


Savrseno mesto za pauzu za rucak ili samo pice!


Super hrana, zares prijazen natakar, nasploh odlicno.




Great food, especially good meat!


Excellent burger with homemade fries, good meat, very big meal ! The waitress and waiter are super friendly, they made a pola picture of us with our burger ! The place is beautiful, stylish and warm. Thank you, I recommand this restaurant 100% ! Cheers from France 🇫🇷


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