Slovenska Hiša - Figovec

4.4 (2723 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

2723 mnenj

The servers were a bit frenzied as there were lots of customers. No worries for us though as we were wanting a leisure dining experience. We had the fried chicken, the goulash and a salad and were satisfied though not overwhelmed. The traditional layer cake desert was the highlight of our meal.


Great food, unfortunately doesn’t take reservations. This means that if it’s a busy night, you will have to wait in line to get a table. When we waited in line for a table the first time we tried to eat there, it was really long, and I noticed empty tables where they could have easily seated people to get the line down further. They may just not have enough staff. The second time we went, even though there was no line, it still took an unusual amount of effort to grab a staff member and see if we could sit down somewhere. One said we would have to check with the person in charge of the inside but we didn’t know who that was. Service did slowly get better as we continued throughout our meal. In conclusion, food great, service not so great. I would recommend for some good Slovenian cuisine.


This place was visited on the recommendation of a local, I would say that the service is slow. We had to wait to have dinner, even though there were tables available in the premises, they explained to us that they were short on staff so not all the tables were available, then we agreed to share a table with another couple at the suggestion of the waiter, none of this had any influence allow us to appreciate local food. I would only add that the waiter who served us was very affable and cordial.




Un localnic ne-a recomandat locație pentru mamcare tradiționala si a avut dreptate. Am găsit multe din mâncărurile tradiționale. Servirea impecabila iar mâncarea a fost super buna așa ca recomandam sa încercați. Va trebui sa sunați din timp ca sa va rezervă-ți o masa ca se umple repede.


lovely place with great service, the food was homey and comforting but really nothing exceptional. we’re probably used to a more complex pallet, some dishes tasted almost a little too simple.


Absolutely amazing and tasty food. Highly recommend ❤️




I just had coffee at this place, but it was nice, in the shade during the summer day, the stuff is very polite and the location is good.




Empfehlung vor der Rezension: Früh essen gehen (gegen 17:30) oder reservieren. Ansonsten kann es sein das man warten muss. Lohnt sich aber. Wir bekamen Figovec von einem Weinlokal in der Innenstadt empfohlen. Das Thema des Abends sollte authentisch slowenisch sein und ich denke wir wurden nicht enttäuscht. Der Service ist aufmerksam und zuvorkommend. Man konnte den Kellner auch zur Entscheidungsfindung hinzuziehen, der dann auf eine sehr angenehm direkte Art zeigte was man hier essen sollte, wenn man was traditionelles möchte. Der Gulasch als Vorspeise war gut. Es fehlte etwas an Kraft für meinen Geschmack, im Sinne von Tiefgang bei den Aromen. Der Gulasch hätte auch gerne etwas heißer sein können. Als Hauptspeise waren die gefüllten Teigtaschen in der vegetarischen Variante und die Kalbsleber dran. Beide Gerichte waren herausragend und besonders die Kalbsleber ist absolut zu empfehlen. Alles in allem ein gelungener Abend, mit absolutem "ich muss wieder kommen" Wert. Hier gibt es noch vieles an Kulinaril zu entdecken. Danke.


Positive: 1. The service was very professional, nice people, working unstoppably 2. Nice Vibe and the food was ok. Didnt amaze us. Negative: 1. we had to wait 40 minutes in the line, half of the tables were reserved for people that never showed up 2. Tables were not fully suppied, for example some had oil, some didnt not, some had nappkies, some not 3. They put us to sit with another company to share the table The food was good but didnt amaze US, but i dont know If Its the General Slowenian culinary or specifically this restaurant's food. Very touristical


We arrived around 7.30pm, and upon arrival learned that there's a queue you're expected to stand in. I asked approx how long the wait is, and the waiter just shrugged, said he doesn't know because some people will stay til closing time. There's no system to book a table or order a drink while waiting for a table because (quote from the waiter) 'it would be too complicated'. Fair. We accepted that and queued for approx. 30 min - not too bad. It then took further 30 min for our drinks order to be taken, and further 30 min at least for our food order. We left well after 22.00. Service was such that you can't really call it service. No eye contact, no explanations, and no communication. If you are slovenian and have guests you want to show slovenian food, don't take them here. It's a bad representation of our hospitality. They couldn't care less for their customers but for some reason this place keeps being recommended. And the food was OK but honestly not worth it.


Pretty bad service








Perfection. Waiter 10/10 recommended some traditional dishes which were superb. Great experience.




Chouette restaurant proposant de nombreux plats slovènes. Produits et plats de qualité et portions généreuses. Une très belle adresse à Ljubjana.


Wir waren am Abend 17:30 da. Bis wir die Bestellung aufgeben konnten, verging leider schon fast eine halbe Stunde. Getränke wurden gebracht mit dem Hinweis, der Kellner vermutet, wir hätten etwas anderes bestellt, aber ob es so passt. Da wir schon reichlich gewartet haben, haben wir es so hingenommen. Wohl bemerkt hatten wir ein Wasser für ein Kleinkind bestellt und erhielten eine 1L Flasche. Das Essen kam dann. Leider sehr fad und sehr fettig. Die Trüffelnudeln waren teilweise noch roh und nicht wenigstens al dente. Die Sauce war eine Pampe. Mussten wir wirklich so stehen lassen. Die Dumplings waren auch kaum gewürzt. Sagen konnte man das keinem, es kam nämlich niemand. Als mein Mann dann zur Bar nach drinnen ging, um zu bezahlen, hat man auch da lieber geschnattert, statt ihn bezahlen zu lassen. Hat dann schlussendlich auch wieder 20min gedauert. Mag sein, dass die Einheimischen hier gern sind, aber wir können die Empfehlung leider nicht nachvollziehen und haben in Ljubljana bisher überall viel besser gegessen. Ambiente ist okay, hätte sauberer sein können.


Super Location und sehr leckeres Essen!


Bel locale con servizio veloce e cortese. Piatti tipici sloveni. In due abbiamo preso gli zlikrofi di Idrija, una buona gibanica di dolce e due birre locali (Lasko e Pelicon Black) spendendo 44.50 euro.


A really nice place for eating traditional slovenian food!


A great way to experience the Slovenian cuisine, which is very similar to the Austrian / Slavic ones that being said. You won't be surprised by the cuisine, but this restaurant makes it right with an excellent service, good presentation and delicious meals. They also do have a great selection of beers and wines to try. My advice : try the Idrijski zlikrofi.


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