
4.8 (509 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

509 mnenj

Food was great. This is not your typical vegan restaurant. One of the best in this city!

Thank you for your lovely review, Jiří! Nika


Lep prijeten ambient, mogoče smo imeli previsoka pričakovanja.

Pozdravljeni, najlepša hvala, da ste si vzeli čas in nam podali oceno. Izredno smo veseli vsake konstruktivne kritike, ker smo samo tako lahko boljši. Prosili bi vas, če nam lahko zaupate vaša pričakovanja in kako jih nismo dosegli na mail Hvala in lep pozdrav, Nika


Super tasty food with amazing service. The “karfjola“ is great to share and if the “meatballs“ are on the menu definitely get them, they are spicey and a perfect choice for the cold winter evening. Would definitely return when back in Ljubljana.

Thank you, James!


Super hrana in zelo prijetna ekipa ☺️

Najlepša hvala!


Neverjetno prijazni. Dobilu bonus cheeshake

Hvala za vašo krasno oceno!


The food here was good but for the price the portion could be bigger. I appreciate they update their Instagram with the weekly menu but I think it would also be helpful if they updated the story when they run out of the daily lunch. I like that the menu changes but some comfort staples remain. However none of this is enough for me to visit this place again. The atmosphere is borderline hostile, it’s like the staff actively does not want you there. They’re disinterested and act offended when you ask to order or anything really. I know it’s a busy place and I don’t expect always happy smiley faces but some minimum cordial behavior would be appreciated. They all seem stuck up like they’re too good to serve there or that you aren’t welcome there if you don’t have the same vibes as the people working there (look like hipster students). I believe at some point the they singled out the owner and the attitude was the same - bored, hostile, and annoyed by any questions or customer interaction. Again, good food but absolutely not enjoyable to eat there. A shame. EDIT: the owner gave a passive aggressive response below instead of taking the feedback and looking at how she operates the business. Point regarding staff attitude and poor atmosphere is proved. Don’t support a business that dislikes its customers.

Thanks for your review. We’re glad you like the food (that’s why we’re here). Sorry we were hostile, we hope nobody got hurt. Have a nice one, Nika edit: Dear mr or mrs: I have not written a warm-hearted response to someone who comes to our restaurant and thinks our staffs behaviour is conditioned by their appearance. Our hipster students (not actually sure what this means) are known for their kindness and we get a lot of nice feedback just because of their friendly service. I find it highly unlikely to have ALL of our staff (and me apparently, who you didn’t even talk to) treat you in a hostile way. A very harsh word for someone that isn’t smiling as you said. Apparently we do not share the same energy, sense of humour (my first response was a joke, and a good one to be honest) or moral principles of not judging people by their fashion choices or hairstyles so I sincerely reccomend you going somewhere where your vibe is met. All well and merry holidays, please don’t come back, Nika and the hipster team


Veganika je pravo odkritje za ljubitelje veganske kulinarike. Njihova strastna predstavitev jedi, prijazno osebje in izjemno okusna hrana ustvarjajo nepozabno izkušnjo. Vsaka jed je umetniško delo, bogato z okusi. Kljub visoki kakovosti hrane so cene povsem primerne. Priporočam obisk tej restavraciji, kjer sem doživel resnično uživanje v veganski kuhinji.

Pozdravljeni! Najlepša hvala za te lepe besede, nam veliko pomenijo. Z veseljem ustrežemo vašim željam in res nas veseli, da smo lahko ponudili okusen obrok tudi za alergike. Hvala in se vidimo še kdaj! Nika



Hvala za krasno oceno! Lep pozdrav, Nika


Delicious food, great friendly service and lovely interior. We had lots from the menu and it was all really good - deep fried cauli, soba noodles and sweet potato fries with miso mayo, in particular. The member of staff serving us was warm and welcoming - the tables either side of us each had a dog and a little baby. Would definitely go back if we were staying longer.

We’re very glad to read you enjoyed our food and service. It means a lot! Best regards, Veganika team


Place to be in Ljubljana to enjoy in perfectly prepared various vegan dishes. Kind staff is always there for you in a great atmosphere. Must try: burger Burgir with fried fries Zlatka!

Thank you! 💕


Delicious!!!!! If you don’t taste at least 3 dishes, you’re missing out! 🤤

Thank you, Mateja! We’re very glad you like our dishes! Hope to see you again, Veganika team


Really amazing vegan food. The burgir with kimchi was incredible although something else that came with it would have been nice.

Thank you for your kind review! What did you have in mind? We are very open to constructive criticism so if you have any ideas we’d be glad to read them: We wish you merry holidays, team Veganika



Thank you, Anja!


I ordered "Soba 103" from the menu. It was prepared beautifully and the tastes were delicious. The fudge brownie was super rich. The staff was very friendly. Will definitely visit again.

We’re very happy to read this! Thank you so much!


Super veganska restavracija! Odličen ambient, prijazna posrežba, odlična hrana.

Hvala, Matija! Z veseljem vas postrežemo še kdaj! Lep pozdrav, ekipa Veganike


Nismo vegani, ampak priporočam. Ne pogrešaš mesa, super.

Hvala, Franci!


Veganika je restavracija kjer je okusna veganska /vegetarijanska hrana. Sem bil v enih restavracijah, ampak taksni okusi kot so tu, jih ni. Izkusnja je bila, da je zelenjava sveza in to je dalo res dober okus. Priporocam vsem. Definitivno se boste najedli ter vas um bo zadovoljen, ker je hrana polna okusa. Hvala. Pridemo se kdaj.

Najlepša hvala za vašo krasno oceno. Se vidimo še kdaj!











I think one of the best meals I have ever eaten in my life. I am only sad I discovered this place on my last day in Ljubljana. It was delicious and the waiter was lovely, they even gave an extra cinnamon roll because they forgot to heat up the first one.

Dear Hennie! We are very delighted our guests like their experience in Veganika. Your waitress Anja and our whole staff is very thankfull for your kind words! Nika


Awesome vegan food, tasty coffee and great service.

Najlepša hvala za vaš review!





Vegan with gluten free delicious options is a must visit when you stay in Ljubljana. Amazing food, and excelent service! You won’t regret!

Hvala, Sanja! Upam, da se še vidimo v Veganiki! :)



Hvala, Sašo!


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