Veduna Retreats

4.9 (19 mnenj)

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Veduna Retreats - Središče umika v Sloveniji

Veduna Retreats je čudovit center umika in učenja, ki se nahaja v Sloveniji. Naša vizija je ustvariti prostor globoke naravne lepote, mirne in sproščene energije, kjer je spletenost življenja jasno prisotna. Gre za prostor, namenjen svetim obredom, zdravljenju in molitvi.

Pri nas lahko prepoznate tudi najgloblje rane in se z zaupanjem predamo zdravilnemu procesu. Ponujamo tudi priložnost za raziskovanje novih paradigem in pridobivanje globljih spoznanj. Naše okolje je popolnoma usklajeno z naravo, kar nam omogoča, da ponovno vzpostavimo stik z zemljo in se ponovno povežemo s samim seboj. Saj če želimo ozdraviti svet, se moramo najprej spoznati sami.

Ustvarjamo umik

Povabimo navdihujoče praktike iz celega sveta, da delijo svoje znanje, modrost in izkušnje. Na naši strani o Praktikih si lahko ogledate več informacij o njih.

Udružitev na umiku

Pridružite se enemu od mnogih umikov in delavnic, ki jih organiziramo skozi celo leto na Veduni. Na strani z Dogodki si lahko ogledate seznam prihajajočih datumov.

Kontaktirajte nas

Če imate kakršnakoli vprašanja ali potrebujete dodatne informacije, nas prosimo kontaktirajte. Veseli bomo vašega sporočila.


Ponujamo udobno in kakovostno namestitev. Naše sobe so čiste, udobne in prijetne. Poskrbeli bomo, da boste imeli prijetno bivanje pri nas.

Skupnostni prostori

Več prostorni igralnici so na voljo za druženje in sprostitev. Tu se lahko povežete z drugimi gosti, delite izkušnje in ustvarite nove prijatelje.


Na Veduni vam zagotavljamo vrhunsko kulinarično doživetje. Naša hrana je okusna, zdrava in pripravljena s srcem. Uživali boste v vsakem grižljaju.


Po končanem umiku nam lahko posredujete svoje vtise in izkušnje. Vaša povratna informacija je za nas zelo dragocena.

Prispevali boste k Širjenju ljubezni in miru po svetu. Hvala vam!

Ime Kraj Država
L.M. Avstrija
M.V. Nizozemska
L.K. Nemčija
M.B. Združeno kraljestvo
S.F. Francija
C.K. Nemčija
C.N. Nemčija
V.D. Nemčija

Pošljite nam svoje mnenje in pomagajte tudi vi širiti ljubezen in mir po svetu.

  • Parkirališče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • ponedeljek Odprto 24 ur
  • torek Odprto 24 ur
  • sreda Odprto 24 ur
  • četrtek Odprto 24 ur
  • Petek Odprto 24 ur
  • sobota Odprto 24 ur
  • nedelja Odprto 24 ur

Prikaz na zemljevidu

19 mnenj



Wonderful in every possible way

Thank you 🙏💜


Veduna was a beautiful experience in my life. It was amazing to work there. Thank you Ana and Chris for beautiful experiences. All the best Jeffrey





Lepa lokacija in lepo urejeno




Zelo prijazno osebje, domače, lepa urejena okolica in nastanitev.

Thank you for your kind review. If you wish to actually see Veduna, please do not hesitate to give us a ring and we’ll show you around. Kind regards.








Rejuvinated, inspired and grateful! In September I had the pleasure of staying at Veduna Retreats and after 3 nights I genuinely cannot recommend this beautiful haven enough! The first thing I'd like to say is how much love and care has obviously gone into this farm, its (delicious) homegrown food and its values. The farm and it's views are breathtaking, and i spent many a morning gazing at the natural valleys and mountains from the balcony. Due to the current viral pandemic, it is also worth highlighting that the cleanliness in my room and the public spaces were second to none. My room had a clear and detailed brochure on all the safety measures they had put in place to make my stay even safer (including small touches like a beautifully scented hand sanitiser!) There honestly is too much to mention, but there is a real positive tranquility you feel in Veduna, and I would like to thank Ana, Chris and the whole talented Veduna team for their unbelievable warmth and company. Veduna have gone above and beyond. I cannot wait to come back.

Thank you Luke for your kind words. It was such a pleasure to welcome you on Veduna Warmest wishes from all of us at Veduna 🙏💜🦄


Veduna ist ein Geschenk. Hier wurde etwas ganz Besonderes erschaffen. Man spürt die Liebe und Arbeit, die Hingabe und Leidenschaft, die in dieses Projekt geflossen sind und auch weiterhin präsent sind. Nachhaltigkeit und ein Leben in Einklang mit der Natur steht hier im Fokus. Die Natur ist ein Traum, umgeben von Bergen und Bäumen, strahlt das Zentrum Ruhe und Kraft aus. Die Zimmer sind schön, laden zum Wohlfühlen ein. Es ist alles da, was man braucht und ein wunderschöner Balkon mit Blick auf die Berge, lässt den Start in den Tag einfach kraftvoll beginnen. Wir wurden während unseres Retreats mit köstlichem Essen versorgt - vegan & vegetarisch, auch mit glutenfreien Optionen. Die Zutaten stammen zum Großteil aus dem Eigenanbau (eigenes Gewächshaus und weitere Anbauflächen) und die Eigentümer und der Koch legen großen Wert auf Resteverwertung im besten Sinne. Auch hier steht Nachhaltigkeit und Wertschätzung der Natur ganz vorne. Am Nachmittag gab es Kaffee & Kuchen, den man auf einer gemütlichen Terrasse genießen kann. Der Yoga-Raum ist hell und erlaubt einen traumhaften Blick auf die bergige Landschaft - ideal um durchzuatmen. Abgerundet wird das Ganze mit einem traumhaften Außenpool (alles natürlich) und einer Sauna. Es ist wirklich Erholung pur. Die Kirsche auf der Torte bilden Hund Archie - der es liebt Frisbee zu spielen - und Stute Loona sowie das ganze Team um das Veduna Retreat Center. Absolute Empfehlung meinerseits. Vielen Dank an das Team!

Thank you for your kind words Ines. What a joy was to have you all on Veduna 🙏💜🦄


Veduna is a wonderful retreat center! I loved my stay here during a retreat with my yoga teacher from Berlin. The main building is very new and the double rooms have a balcony with the amazing view over the landscape. The yoga room has the same view and puts you in a meditative and relaxed mood immediately, props and mats were all provided. I also really enjoyed the food, everything was fresh and prepared with veggies from their own land. In the afternoon we also had some nice coffee and cake (glutenfree and vegan available) at lemontree cafe. No need to talk about the amazing natural pool and the sauna. The land is huge and you can also go for some great walks into the woods. I highly recommend to come here!


We stayed as a family and had absolute best was peaceful, some mornings we were walking through clouds( seriously), there was freshly picked and cooked food by the vegetarian chef which was not only delicious but so precious. We enjoyed the wild life, swimming in beautiful natural pool and warmed ourselves occasionally in sauna. For anyone looking to take time and reflect on life and appreciate nature,I would strongly recommend Veduna farm and generous hospitality of Ana and Chris . The place is magical...

Thank you family Wilkinson 🙏💜


A wonderful place to enjoy a peaceful retreat. It is a magical sanctuary.

Thank you Sandra 🙏💜




Kmetija se zelo lepo razvija v turisticno smer. Vsak dan se peljem mimo, se blizu doma.


This is a magical place and I was lucky to be one of the first guests to try out the new accommodation which is very comfortable. Ana and Chris have created a blissful environment for you to be yourself in unspoilt surroundings, relax, walk, meditate and also learn from special people.




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