Degas d.o.o., specializirani avtoservis

Avto na plin, predelava na plin, servis plinskih sistemov

4.9 (58 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Degas d.o.o., specializirani avtoservis, samodejna popravila v mestu ljubljana.
Chiptuning, trajne rešitve za DPF, EGR, Adblue, popravilo ABS enot in elektronike, programiranje, odklepanje funkcij, diagnostika,...
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

58 mnenj

So far I can praise. Quickly rebuilt BRC system regulator on Outback Bi-Fuel that other repairers didn't know or wanted to service. Access is via an unsightly and heavily potholed macadam road, but that doesn't bother me at all.


High qualitative autoservice in Lj. Owner Dejan speaks english and a very qualified automaster. Here you can find everything connecyed with engine, tech service, and service for cars with lgp system. But, call before, cause here could be a query.


In order to write an opinion, I had to give 1 star, which I take back in this text. This Dejan is an ordinary garage master, amateur and lazy. In August 2022, I had the car converted to gas by this amateur. It is an Opel Insignia OPC. After much consideration and browsing German forums (I couldn't find a post anywhere on the forums that anyone had any problems with the conversion), I decided to have the car converted to gas. I must emphasize here that the master had the car for almost two whole weeks at the beginning, even though 3 days are planned for the conversion. Right at the beginning, when I took the car over, problems started to appear, namely the car squealed both at low and high revs and of course the engine hatch lit up. At high speeds, I had the feeling that the car was simply getting too little gas. The whole time I went to his workshop (from Mb to Lj), I told him that the symptoms are always the same, regardless of what he adjusts or changes and whether it is possible that the components are not suitable for this engine. But he just said that the components fit and continued to change only the parameters via the computer. When he once went with me on a test drive, he said that he saw that the temperature on the evaporator was dropping to a certain critical value. The reason for this was that the evaporator was not installed in a suitable place. But the master did not have the will to change anything in this direction. When we talked on the phone in April 2023, when I told him that I would come to him just one more time, namely to build the gas appliance, because he was NOT CAPABLE of this, I also told him, among other things, that at that time also the evaporator he did not move it or cover it with foil or any other material so that the temperature on the evaporator would not drop. But the amateur told me, yes, where else should I put it. MASTER??? I'm not interested in that. You have s.p. and works on gas conversions and not me!!!! He also connected the water that connects to the evaporator to the wrong branch, which resulted in the gas appliance needing to drive almost 10 km to switch to gas. So after 8 months and only 8000 km I decided to THROW OUT the gas. As far as the money is concerned, I paid 1590 euros, which of course I will not get back, just because the garage master failed. I almost forgot. What a mess he did to me when he was taking out my fuel tank. He punched the holes so sloppy that I had to have them re-sharpened by my mechanic. I really hope that someone will choose another company based on this post.




Naj vas rahlo čudaška lokacija ne prestraši. Mojster je prvovrsten in cenovno ugoden. Priporočam vnaprejšnjo telefonsko najavo.


Da lahko napišem mnenje sem moral dati 1 zvezdico, ki jo v tem tekstu jemljem nazaj. Ta Dejan je en navaden garažni majster, amater in lenuh. V avgustu 2022 sem pri tem omenjenemu amaterju dal predelat avto na plin. Gre za opel Insignio OPC. Po daljšem premisleku in brskanju po nemških forumih (na forumih nisem nikjer našel objave, da bi imel kdo kakrsne koli težave z predelavo) sem se odločil, da bom avto dal predelat na plin. Tukaj moram poudarit, da je majster imel avto že na zacetku skoraj dva cela tedna, čeprav so za predelavo predvideni 3 dnevi. Takoj na začetku ko sem avto prevzel, so se začele pojavljati težave in sicer avto je cukal tako pri malih kot tudi pri velikih obratih in seveda lucka za motor se je skozi prižigala. Pri velikih obratih sem imel občutek, da avto dobi enostavno premalo plina. Cel cas, ko sem hodil k njemu v delavnico (iz Mb v Lj), sem mu to govoril ,da so simptomi vedno enaki , ne glede na to kar on nastavlja ali spreminja in ali je možno da komponente ne ustrezajo za ta motor. A on je samo rekel da komponente ustrezajo in je naprej spreminjal samo parametre preko racunalnika. Ko je enkrat sel z mano na testno voznjo, je rekel, da vidi, da temperatura na uparjalniku pada na neko kriticno vrednost. Vzrok temu je bil, da uparjalnik ni bil vgrajen na primerem mestu. A majster ni imel volje da bi kar kokli v tej smeri spremenil. Ko sva se v aprilu 2023 pogovarjala po telefonu sem, ko sem mu rekel, da pridem k njemu samo še enkrat in sicer, da se plinska naprava izgradi, saj on NI SPOSOBEN tega porihtal, sem mu med drugim tudi povedal, da takrat tudi uparjalnika ni prestavil ali ga oblekel z folijo ali kaksnim drugim materialom, da ne bi prihajalo do upada temperature na uparjalniku. A amater mi je rekel, ja kam pa ga naj dam drugam. MAJSTER??? To mene ne zanima. Ti imas s.p. in delas predelave na plin in ne jaz!!!! Tako da sem po 8 mesecih in samo 8000 prevoženih km odlocil, da plin VRŽEM VEN. Kaj se denarja tiče sem placal 1590 eur, ki jih seveda ne bom dobil nazaj, samo da je garazni majster pokasiral. Sem skoraj pozabo. Kako svinjarijo mi je naredil ko mi je jemal ven rezervar za gorivo. Luknje je tako šlampasto zadelal, da sem jih moral pri mojemu mehaniku še enkrat dat porihtat. Resnicno upam, da se bo kdo na podlagi te objavi raje odločil za kakšno drugo podjetje.




Zadovoljen. Strokoven.. Pozna LPG. Najde napako za vse sisteme in kalibrira . Brez odvečnega "pametovanja". Priporočam vsem ki imajo težave z plinom.


Odlični so






Strokovnjak za LPG predelave z dušo in telesom. Točen, zanesljiv. Hitro najde rešitev. Hvala Dejan🙏


Top service.hatten ein problem auf dem heimweg.kurzer anruf hat genügt,konnten vorbei kommen und das problem wurde schnell gefunden und gelöst...








Fantasticna profesionalna storitev. En redkih mojstrov, ki ve kaj dela in ki mu je mar.










Za tri knih.dozivetij..




Zelo prijazen in ustrezljiv. Mocno priporocam




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