| Servis mobilnih naprav

4.5 (632 mnenj)

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Hitro popravilo naprav - že v roku 1 ure! Opravimo tudi menjavo stekla na vaši napravi. Hitro, kvalitetno in ugodno. Prinesite vaš telefon!
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Prijeteljski do LGBTQ+: Da
  • Varno mesto za transspolne osebe: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Dostava: Da
  • Osebni prevzem v trgovini: Da
  • Nakup v trgovini: Da
  • Dostava istega dne: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Elektronika: Da
  • Spolno nevtralna kopalnica: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • ponedeljek 9.00 do 18.00
  • torek 9.00 do 18.00
  • sreda 9.00 do 18.00
  • četrtek 9.00 do 18.00
  • Petek 9.00 do 16.00
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

632 mnenj

Ponudba vseh steklenih stekel za telefone.

Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!



Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno in izkazano zaupanje. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


Zelo prijazni

Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!



Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


Worst scooter service I ever met. After one week of such called 'diagnostics' they told me that they can't fix my scooter because they can't order such battery type for my scooter. I asked several times whether my battery died completely or it is problem with electric chain. Battery dead - they assured me. How I was surprised when picked up my scooter that it was not even disassembled! What electric chain diagnostics we are speaking about if it was not really checked. How can I be sure that my scooter has not been disassembled? There is a bolt with a broken thread on my scooter after the last repair. It cannot be unscrewed, it can only be cut off, and access to the battery without unscrewing this bolt is not possible. So they did nothing to my scooter but I have to pay 15 EUR for 1 week diagnostics. Should I file a court case?



Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


Sketchy place. I dropped my phone in water so I left my phone there for 2 weeks so they did the de-oxidation of the connections and after 2 weeks they call me saying that the phone is not fixable, not because of water damage but because of a bent motherboard. They said its beyond repair and I said ok imma go pick it up. After 5min they call me again saying they can fix the phone for 30euros bc its just 1 pin to replace... I am pretty sure that they would sell my phone if I didnt say that Im coming to pick it up. Then i paid 30euro and i got a working phone. But really sketchy that in 5min it went from a unrepairable bent motherboard to 1pin repair. Be aware bc they might scam u.


Rezerviral sem si tetnin za popravilo konektorja za polnenje. Dogovorjeni smo bili, da se storitev opravi v do 3 ure, ko sem telefon predal v popravilo, je prijazna uslužbenka preverila pri serviserju, ki je dejal, da bo opravil v 1,5 ure. Čez 1 5 ure me je telefon dejansko že čakal. Lahko rečem le👍

Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno in komentar. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!



Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


Super osebje in popravilo tipi topi👌

Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!



We're kindly asking you to remove your review, as it's apparent by our internal logs that you have never used our services but were instead encouraged to do so by a 3rd party, therefore this review falls under fake engagement which is highly unethical and unfair towards our business, since you personally have never had any experience with our services, let alone a bad one.



We're kindly asking you to remove your review, as it's apparent by our internal logs that you have never used our services but were instead encouraged to do so by a 3rd party, therefore this review falls under fake engagement which is highly unethical and unfair towards our business, since you personally have never had any experience with our services, let alone a bad one.



We're kindly asking you to remove your review, as it's apparent by our internal logs that you have never used our services but were instead encouraged to do so by a 3rd party, therefore this review falls under fake engagement which is highly unethical and unfair towards our business, since you personally have never had any experience with our services, let alone a bad one.



We're kindly asking you to remove your review, as it's apparent by our internal logs that you have never used our services but were instead encouraged to do so by a 3rd party, therefore this review falls under fake engagement which is highly unethical and unfair towards our business, since you personally have never had any experience with our services, let alone a bad one.


Worst experience ever! First time I went to this place to fix my phone they didn't even do diagnostics so they just told me to replace my display. After I paid, not such small amount of money, my phone started to turn off out of nowhere and couldn't get back on without charger even though battery was full. So I took it to their place again, after "fixing it" problem started to occur even more often. I took it to their place again, they guaranteed my phone would work and it turned off half hour later. In between my phone was in their place first for one week, then for two weeks, third time for three weeks. For my 5 months of student exchange in Ljubljana, I didn't have my phone for more than a month and it didn't work for three months all together. I got phone on the last day, when I needed to go back home. At the last moment they did diagnostics, and revealed that my battery needed change. Suddenly, three months later, they "found"that problem. Every time my phone was in their place it got worse, so if the battery was problem, it sure became after their interventions. This ended with them charging my diagnostics, which they finally did three months later, and giving me back money and random broken display, even though when I brought my phone first time, display was usable.

Hello. Thank you for the review, we cannot change your opinion about us, however we do disagree with what you wrote. You brought your phone to us in april to replace the broken screen. We happily replaced the screen on your device. A month later you came back, (you forgot to mention) with a damaged screen, slightly bent frame and a new problem; the phone was turning off randomly. The phone never randomly turned off during our testing process. We were convinced it was just a fault with the screen, so we replaced the screen again, this time under warranty, even though it was damaged (lines on LCD matrix). We even installed a screen protector free of charge, to alleviate some of the stress of multiple repairs. Another month had passed, after which you came back, with the same exact problem. Again we thought, the screen was at fault, so we again replaced the screen for you, with a new one, again charging you 0€. You brought the phone back the same day, since the issue persisted. At this point it was obvious our screens weren't defective. We took the device in again under warranty and started an in-depth diagnostic process. During the diagnostic process, we unmounted the battery of your phone and put it on our Li-Ion battery testing rig. After a full charge-discharge cycle was completed, we established that the battery of the device was severely degraded. We contacted you and offered a replacement of the battery for 40€ which is a -27% discount from our regular price, as a nice gesture, since you came back so many times. You disregarded our repair specialist's advice, and turned down the repair. You also demanded back the original screen and a full refund. We then made an exception and refunded you 95€ for the replacement of the screen, for which you paid 110€, and installed an equally broken screen as it was when you came for the initial repair. The 15€ we kept is our standard compensation for the basic diagnostic process, which everyone pays, if they decide not to repair the already diagnosed device. In summary, you paid 15€, for which we replaced the screen on your device three separate times and completed an in-depth diagnostic, which alone comes to 35€. You also claim the device was non-functional for 3 months. If that was so why did you continue to use it for two months inbetween repairs before bringing it back for warranty repair?


Zelo zadovoljna z nakupom in izkušnjo. Prek maila sem naročila Apple ovitek v želeni barvi, poslali so ga hitro, izdelek pa tudi takšen kot mora biti. Priporočam!😊😊

Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno, pozitivno mnenje in izkazano zaupanje. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


Razočarana, zamenjali baterijo za 20 eur ( popust pri menjavi lcd stekla ), od t6akrat naprej polnim telefon 3x na dan. Ne priporočam

Pozdravljeni. Za nevšečnosti se iskreno opravičujemo. Predlagamo, da napravo prinesete nazaj v servis, da zadevo pregledamo in preverimo vzrok napake. Lep pozdrav Mobistekla



Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


Super servis, ki reši vsako težavo z mobitelom. 100x vam hvala.

Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno in komentar. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


Prijazno in ustrežljivi osebje.

Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno in komentar. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!





Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


Izjemno strokovno, odzivno in prijazno osebje, brez dvoma najbolj priporočan servis!

Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno, pozitivno mnenje in izkazano zaupanje. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


Ce bi lahko, bi jim dal oceno 10. Najbolj profesionalen in posten servis!

Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno, pozitivno mnenje in izkazano zaupanje. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!



Pozdravljeni! Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobro oceno. Vaš pozitiven odziv nam predstavlja dodatno motivacijo, da se trudimo še naprej. Celoten kolektiv Mobistekla vam želi lep dan!


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