Ars Naturae - fotografija, turizem in razvoj, Petra Draškovič Pelc s.p.

5.0 (4 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Ars Naturae - fotografija, turizem in razvoj, Petra Draškovič Pelc s.p., storitev fotografije v mestu kočevska reka.
Od podjetja
  • Prepoznavanje kot lastnica ženske: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • ponedeljek Odprto 24 ur
  • torek Odprto 24 ur
  • sreda Odprto 24 ur
  • četrtek Odprto 24 ur
  • Petek Odprto 24 ur
  • sobota Odprto 24 ur
  • nedelja Odprto 24 ur

Prikaz na zemljevidu

4 mnenj

Wir haben bei Petra einen Ganztagesausflug in der Gegend um Kočevje gebucht und waren begeistert. Petra hat uns faszinierende Tierspuren gezeigt und großartige Einblicke in die heimischen (Ur)-wälder gegeben. Sie hat uns mit ihrer Leidenschaft und ihrem Wissen für die regionale Flora & Fauna sowie mit ihrer unbeschwerten Art beeindruckt. Wir hatten Glück und konnten am Ende des Tages einen Braunbären aus nächster Nähe beobachten.


Ever since I discovered Petra's page online, I knew she was the person I had been searching for to have the most profound forest experience. And she didn't disappoint me at all. Petra is a passionate professional who dedicates her life to helping people rediscover their primeval connection with nature, which many have lost. She employs various channels to guide you through this fascinating and healing process, drawing from her extensive knowledge as a researcher of flora and fauna, her experiences in different habitats around the world, and sharing curious anecdotes from her personal journey. Additionally, her stunning nature photography adds to the allure. However, I believe the most powerful way she awakens your innermost craving for nature connection is through her contagious enthusiasm and her ability to gaze at the spectacle of nature with unwavering awe, as if it were her first time. The hike into the Rajhenavski Rog with Petra was undoubtedly the highlight of my trip to Slovenia, and I wholeheartedly recommend everyone to experience something like this at least once in their life. Thank you, Petra! I'm eagerly looking forward to the next adventure.


Ontzettend leuke dag gehad met Petra door de Virgin Woods. Ze weet ontzettend veel, heel hartelijk en neemt je mee in de avonturen en pracht van het bos. Veel paddenstoelen gevonden. Daarnaast ook heerlijk geluncht en het is mooi om op deze manier de omgeving te verkennen. Ondanks de regen onze favoriete dag van onze vakantie in Slovenië. Dankjewel Petra!




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