Inš, Tjaša Vagaja s.p.

5.0 (4 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Inš, Tjaša Vagaja s.p., storitev poučevanja v mestu ljubljana.
Veš tisti en nadležen predmet, ki se ga enostavno ne moreš naučiti? Tisti, v katerega vlagaš ogromno časa in truda za skromne rezultate? Brez skrbi, pomoč je tu!
Možnosti storitev
  • Spletne tečaje: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Potrebna rezervacija: Da
  • ponedeljek Odprto 24 ur
  • torek Odprto 24 ur
  • sreda Odprto 24 ur
  • četrtek Odprto 24 ur
  • Petek Odprto 24 ur
  • sobota Odprto 24 ur
  • nedelja Odprto 24 ur

Prikaz na zemljevidu

4 mnenj

So far, I have had at least 4 female instructors and none of them could explain as well as Tjaša. For all the tests we were preparing for, I wrote positive in the first one, which had never happened before. Tjaša and I also prepared together for the matriculation exam, and without her I 100% would not have been able to do maths at the matriculation exam.


Tjaša is really very friendly and professional. He is one of the few instructors who actually takes the time to explain all the material so it's not just gibberish. She always made an effort and adapted to my times as well. 100% recommend!😊


Without a doubt the best instruction I've had. Because of her, I passed every school year without corrections in mathematics, and if I had been a little less lazy, I would certainly have had a math 5 all these years. Tjaša is an OG instructor and I recommend her to everyone.


Ce se hocte izognt popravcem je Tjasa pravi naslov 💯


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