Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Avtocenter AvtoStop,
storitev za popravilo in vzdrževanje avtomobila
mestu ljubljana.
Avtocenter Avtostop svojim strankam že več kot 10 let nudi kvalitetne in ugodne storitve na področju vzdrževanja vozil. Naši izkušeni strokovnjaki pri svojem delu uporabljajo najnovejša znanja in tehnologije,
I took the car to their car wash and I am shocked.
The back compartment hasn’t been touched AT ALL, there are many places that haven’t been vacuumed at all, the drinks compartments are dirty, the front window still has insect spots (one was caught just yesterday so it wasn’t a hard stain to clean), the rugs have white marks from the cleaning solution meaning they haven’t been rinsed properly … all in all a complete disaster I payed 25€ for. Yes, they took my car in fast. But I received by far the worst cleaning service in two decades.
This is my first Google review but I just couldn’t not say anything. This is a complete rip off.
Patricija B.
Za slabe 2minute dela, za dva vijaka na podvozju (plastika), 10e.. Katastrofa in pocasni zelo. Ne priporocam sploh.