Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Schenker International Shipping d.d.,
storitev za posredovanje tovora
mestu ljubljana.
Iščete ekipo za logistiko in dobavno verigo, ki razume vaš posel? Od takojšnje rezervacije do naprednih rešitev po meri vaše panoge, naša globalna mreža in lokalno strokovno znanje ustvarita razliko. Pomagali vam bomo, da svoje delo opravite.
Had me fill out a form in a word file like I'm smuggling contraband. Charged me heftily for everything, including the email they sent while holding my merchandise hostage (4 eur). Were extremely slow, wouldn't let me pay on the spot and had me send them a bank wire, which is very slow in itself. Despite it all, they still can't afford a website that would automate this, like any normal shipping firm. Terrible, just terrible.