Lepo na novo zgrajena diskontna trgovina Lidl. Staro so podrli in na istem mestu zgradili povsem novo poslovalnico. Tudi parkirišče je bilo izgrajeno na novo. Okoli parkirišča je bil oglaševalski prostor, ki so ga umaknili. V trgovini, pa je široka ponudba na vseh oddelkih. Blagajničarke so še vadno hitrejše kot stranke, s svojim pospravljanjem nakupa. V predprostoru pa kavomat LIDL TO GO, ki se zelo ujame s svežim pekovskim pecivom.
So first of all the supermarket isn't closed. It was closed for a long time but they completely rebuilt it. And now it's better than ever! Once you enter, you're greeted by a mini bar where you can get coffee, and all the information you need on the market itself. The market itself is excellently stocked, it has everything from fresh produce, seasonal clothing, daily and weekly specials. And the best thing is the price and quality! The prices are comparatively low and they really try to have as much produce as possible from Slovenia or Europe. And the people working there keep it clean and are helpful and nice! It's also my favourite place to shop!