Business Lounge Ljubljana Airport

4.0 (50 mnenj)

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50 mnenj

라운지는 상당히 작고 음식은 매우 허접합니다. 먹을 것이 별로 없고 야채는 전혀 신선하지 않습니다.


Small lounge at Ljubljana Airport. There are private booths for travelers to put their feet up and while waiting to their flights. At the time we visited the Lounge offered a small selection of sandwiches, snacks and cold drinks.


Small but well appointed lounge. Nice selection of drinks including coffee, tea, wine, and beer. Sandwiches and salads were fresh with several vegetarian options available. Good variety of pastries and breads too.


Apparently unlike every lounge in every airport ever you are only allowed in 2 hours before a flight (most allow at least 3). This isn’t made clear anywhere until the unpleasant lady at the desk tells you, leaving me to take work calls in the very loud cafe outside. Her extremely unsympathetic attitude wasn’t helpful either. What’s the point of having a “business lounge” if you can’t do business there!


Kleine Lounge, es gibt Snacks und Salate, die üblichen Getränke. Arbeitsplätze, Sitzplätze und eine Terrasse sind da. Für den überschaubaren Flughafen angemessen.


Excelente sala vip no aeroporto de Ljubjana. Disponibiliza espaço externo para fumantes, alimentos e bebidas variados. Sucos, cafés espaço para trabalhar, Chopp, vinhos, guarda-malas. Um lounge bem completo.


Die Business Lounge am Flughafen Ljubljana ist im ersten Obergeschoss hinter der Sicherheitskontrolle direkt an den Abflug-Flugsteigen. Die Lounge besticht durch die Möglichkeit, kleine Speisen und Getränke auch auf der Außenterrasse mit direktem Blick auf die Rollfelder mit den Flugzeugen und die Berge im Umfeld des Flughafens zu genießen. Die Lounge selbst ist eher klein (geschätzt 30 Plätze) und bietet Softdrinks, Kaffee, Wein und kleinere Speisen wie Salat, Gebäck und belegte Sandwiches. Die Lounge war zum Zeitpunkt meines Besuches mit einer Servicekraft besetzt, die dem Andrang an Getränkewünschen (hier: Nachfüllen des Kühlschrankens) und Nachlegen von Brezeln usw. nicht nachkommen konnte. Von daher ging es etwas durcheinander und die Teller bzw. Tassenablage konnte nicht geleert werden. Von daher habe ich einen Stern in der Bewertung abgezogen. Die Lounge bietet Lademöglichkeiten (Steckdosen) für mobile Endgeräte und auch Schließfächer für das Handgepäck, was ich in anderen Lounges eher vermisse. Wenn ihr die Möglichkeit habt, die Lounge zu nutzen, nehmt die Gelegenheit wahr und genießt den Blick von der großen Außenterrasse. Ihr werdet ihn mögen und ggf. noch entspannter in das Flugzeug steigen. Ich wünsche es Euch.


Pretty poor food and drink options, but an absolutely incredible viewing platform onto the runway.


I enjoyed this lounge especially the outdoor seating area. It was fun watching planes come and go while enjoying a beer on tap and buffet food. I have two salads and a veggie sandwich, all were good.


Probably one of the best lounges I’ve ever been to!!! And I travelled in pretty much every European country… Zurich and Istanbul are also nice, but this one is smaller, with an outside space, not a lot of food, but good stuff, and the tea and the coffee are really good! I’m impressed! Thanks.


Very nice outside terrace, no better way to wait on your flight!


Disaster. Worse lounge in region. Only huge terace with great view, save the place


Старі відгуки вже не актуальні. Тут все прибирають, все чисто. Можна добре перекусити. Цей лаунж має терасу на відкритому повітрі. Один з кращих в Європі.


I've given it a 2 star rating as at least the airport has a business lounge. The food is....sandwiches, a bowl or cherry tomatoes & cheese, thats about it. The fridge has bottles of water, vodka, gin & scotch whiskey. There's a few bottles of wine but very limited. I assume there's champagne/sparkling wine somewhere as I can see a cork on the counter top. There's a coffee machine, and beer on tap, not sure about the brands of either. Limited comfortable seating and if you're by yourself prepare to get friendly with whom ever sits beside you, very closely 😅


Accessed lounge via Priority Pass. Good selection of food including a range of salads which was lovely. Friendly staff and a good terrace to watch planes to pass the time.


Cute place but unfortunately barely any plantbased or vegan snacks except an apple and a banana 🙄 Staff is nice and helpful though


Not letting in people with priority pass card and other lounge access cards unless they are flying in business class!


The lounge itself is actually really nice with ample comfortable seating and a nice terrace. But: dirty dishes are everywhere and are not being taken away, counters are dirty, food is not replenished adequatelly. No daily newspapers available.


Small but very comfortable lounge with good selection of (cold) foods even at off-times, & hot during meals. Lounging chairs with chargers; chia seed puddings; water bottles with resealable lids.


Sehr schöne Lounge mit Außenterrasse


Quiet, simple place.


I personally loved the lounge, choice of food is good, plenty of alcohol and soft drinks available. The outdoor terrace is phenomenal.


After reading reviews on this lounge we did not have high expectations, however, were pleasantly surprised as it ticked all the boxes for us. On arrival entry was smooth and the reception was friendly, the place was basically empty, we got to enjoy a private booth, with feet rests, the food was fresh, and adequate, the drinks were plentiful, and the bubbles was of good quality. All in all we had an enjoyable couple of hours visit


- good food and drinks - clean - enough places to sit and sockets - there is the possibility to even sit outside


Salads are good but the sandwiches are stale - inedible!


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4.0 (50 mnenj)

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