Following the recommendation of a colleague who bought a vehicle from them, I went to look at the offer myself, as I was in the process of buying a vehicle. They have a different selection of vehicles, the salesman introduced me to a vehicle that I liked and told me everything related to this vehicle. He was fair and briefed me on all things regarding the vehicle and arranged everything from financing to insurance. I was very satisfied with my purchase from them, so I recommend it.
neža b. v.
Very friendly, correct, flexible, excited about the purchase, vehicle in actual condition as written on the ad, they are ready to help even after the purchase.
Thank you very much for all your help and buying one of my desired (dream) cars 💙💙
See you sometime to fill up the garage 😉
alex p.
Very satisfied with the purchase of the vehicle, the seller is correct, professional and above all honest, arranged everything with them from the beginning of the purchase to the collection of the vehicle :) All praise, I recommend!
Blaž D.
Odgovoril bi na komentar kupca Igorja
Jaz sem sel pogldat to vozilo in sem bil zelo presencen nad iskrenostjo prodajalca pokazal je use slike in stanje vozila in zaradi iskrenosti prodajalca sem se odlocil za nakup tega vozila res iskren in posten prodajalec
Igor I.
Oglas sem videl na avto netu. Po slikah, ki so na oglasu, bi reku da je avto kot nov. Sama sreca da imam dost blizu do Rudnika. Pridem na lokacijo, izstopim iz avta, vidim tega ki sem ga prisel pogledat. Od dalec vidim da neki ne stima. Pridem blizje, avto ves GNIL!! in to po strehi, 🤔...robovih....Si kr predstavljam kaksno je sele podvozje sasija 🤦 Ajde, se ne bi reku, da je cena par € pa razumes....ampak je kr par jurjev.....ceprav vem, da imajo ti avti kr zasoljeno ceno, sam v taksnem stanju, pa no go!! Ni mi nic drugega preostalo, kot da sem se takoj obrnil in šel...Zato bi blo fajn oz posteno od prodajalca, da slika dejansko stanje avta, in ne zavaja potencijalnega kupca, ker noben ni slep (upam) da kaj takega spregleda.
Moja izkusnja 🤔
Bojcy G.
Zelo zadovoljna z nakupom vozila, prodajalec korekten, strokoven in predvsem pošten, uredila pri njih vse od začetka nakupa do prevzema vozila :) Vse pohvale, priporočam!