Močno odsvetujem. Po telefonu se v naprej dogovoriš za ceno odkupa zlata, poveš da je embalaža poškodovana in njim je to sprejemljivo. Ko prideš tja čez pol ure, nič od dogovorjenega ne drži več. Kako bi jim človek potem zaupal, da bo od njih sploh dobil kdaj nakazan denar za odkupljeno zlato? Ne morem se znebit občutka, da žrtvujem svoj čas, da me hoče nekdo izkoristit. Njih nič ne stane. Za stranko jim je pa očitno vseeno. Nikoli več!
Jan O.
Zelo zadovoljen z odkupom in ponujeno ceno. Ponudili so mi ceno, ki je bila tisti dan dejansko najboljša. Priporočam.
Anja B.
First I went to the shop inside BTC and even though it was 9:15 (they open at 9) the shop was closed. It was the first red flag, so I called their number and they said that the person went on the break... It sounded like they were covering one another and going on a break when you should be open and not leaving a note is highly unprofessional.
Anyway, I went to the other store and there the lady was very nice but she tried to convince me that the gold in jewelry is worth more than the investment gold (the bar). She told me the price that was lower 400€ lower than the market and then after I called Zlatarna Celje to hear their price, she decided to offer me 10€ more. No way in hell I'm doing any deal there. It's sketchy from the start and unreal. I'll take my business to Zlatarna Celje.
In short, don't go there because on the phone they tell you one thing and then in person another. Go to a proper dealership where you know they won't try to steal from you.
S J.
Skušajo odkupiti zlato tudi za 60% nižjo ceno kot je cena na trgu. Prodajajo seveda nad prodajno ceno trga zlata.
Skrajno ponižujoč odnos. Verjetno obstajajo samo za tatove, ki hočejo na hitro prodat ukradeno in ne vedo koliko je zlato v danem trenutku vredno.
Andraž K.
Brez komentarja... 👎
Ne priporočam nikomur. Preverite tehnico, ko prodajate/kupujete. Katastrofalen odnos, ''pozabijo'' potrdila, ''okvara tehnic'' ipd. Izogib v velikem krogu.
jure p.
Prevaranti, na svoji spletni strani so imeli objavljeno, da je cena odkupa zlate palice do 53 eur/g, po telefonu ti povejo nižjo ceno, ko prideš tja je pa cena še 100 eur nižja.Borzna cena se takrat ni spremenila!!!