Adriatic Moto Tours

4.8 (107 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Adriatic Moto Tours, turistična agencija v mestu ljubljana.
We promise you the adventure of a lifetime! Join us on our motorcycle tours in Europe - in the Alps, along the Adriatic Coast, in the Balkans, Italy, Greece and in Southeast Asia.
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

107 mnenj

Super agencija za ljubitelje motorja...👍








Pravo mesto za navdušence, ki želijo najeti dober motor za krajši ali daljši čas. Imajo tudi izkušeno ekipo, ki vodi turiste na ture po Sloveniji, Balkanu in Evropi z motorji firme, preskrbi prenočišča in prehrano, zagotavlja prevoze opreme in omogoča nepozabno druženje. Mnogi tujci se radi vračajo in potujejo z njimi.










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Adriatic Moto Tours is truly an amazing place for anybody wanting to rent a motorcycle anywhere in Europe. We interacted with their team at their headquarters in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ana, Jure and Claudia were simply amazing. Ana reached out to us proactively and guided us to find their garage. They spent over two hours gearing up both the riders and the two pillions. Their bikes were in immaculate condition and their gear was great too. We had a choice of full-faced or modular helmets that they rent. Most of their jackets, gloves and pants were RevIt whereas their helmets were Schuberth (I got a C3). We had some unexpected changes in our itinerary and though we had rented two motorcycles (an RT and a GS), the very second day due to logistical challenges we had to return one and they were gracious enough to not only accommodate our change but they also refunded us for the unused days. This is unheard of as there was no way they could've rented that bike to anybody else at such short notice. Furthermore, we requested that they pickup our second bike from Piran and Jure came with a truck and took the bike back in a timely fashion so we could proceed on to the rest of our Euro trip.. We were very lucky to have found Ana and Adriatic Moto Tours. Big thumbs up to their team and I highly recommend it to anybody looking to rent. Fyi, they can pickup and drop-off bikes anywhere in Europe (for a charge of course)..


2100 km solo tour Slovenia - Croatia - Montenegro - Bosnia - Slovenia in 7 days. With 3 days prep from Phoenix Arizona. -The Bike: BMW F700GS plenty of power with all the bells and whistles for riding long periods. I had two bags (I travel light) the larger backpack fit perfectly in the back rear container and I used ties to secure my smaller pack to the rear seat. They offered side bags, but said it would be better weight wise if I didn't need them. (Heated handles came in handy in the cold rain of Bosnia) -Condition of Bike: 10/10. They take pride in the maintenance of their bikes which is apparent by looking around their shop. All the tools and equipment is in very good order and organized. I am sorry to say that I did not disclose that I laid the bike down once, only minor scratches and a very small ding. (I was lost at an intersection in Split Croatia and tried to maneuverer into the right lane up a hill in very slow traffic, such a novice mistake.) They knew of course, and I was charged 125 Euros for the damage. I don't blame them at all, as it was my fault AND they keep the bikes in such amazing factory condition for the next rider. My apologies once again. -Equipment: They outfitted me with riding gear as follows all in good condition. 1 jacket with plenty of pockets and air vents that could be closed via zippers. 1 pair of riding pants that also had vents and pockets. 1 pair of sturdy riding shoes. (This they threw in at no extra charge and I greatly appreciated their recommending them later). 1 helmet that had a built in sun visor that was very handy and eliminated the need to put shades on and off). They recommended a gps, which I think I would use next time. I used my phone's gps which worked okay for the most part. But I had to stop frequently in some rural cities to view the actual map as google was not very up to date. -Tires: 10/10 very good road tires, grip in the rain very well. There was some slight gravel on the streets of Mostar Bosnia that required caution. These are not to be take off road! The roads in Croatia and Montenegro and Bosnia are in good condition. Of course the guides at Adriatic Moto Tours will give you the most recent updates on conditions. Pros of Adriatic Moto Tours: -Kind, honest and very responsive to questions. They have a very good management staff, mechanics and guides eager to help. -Helpful. They sent me all the pricing and options via email. Answered my phone calls rapidly. Gave me detailed directions and bus lines to take from Venice to Ljubljana via email. When I arrived they helped guiding the taxi to their place of business and back to my hostel. -Helpful Continued: I can't say enough about how how willing they are to help with advice on bike types, routes, equipment etc. I only had 3 days to plan my trip to Europe and had thoughts of riding to the Alps. They recommended that I go South along the Adriatic coast to Croatia and Montenegro. This advice was immensely handy and I took it. The Alps they informed me may still have snow/ice/cold rain at that time of year (Mid May). I'm so happy for their recommendation as those countries are beautiful. -Cons: None. I don't have one negative thing to say about my experience with Adriatic Moto Tours. I wish I had more time to ride is my only sadness. I am already calculating my next trip with them, I think I would like to go to Instanbul via Greece and back through Romania if that is possible. Note: I opted for the full coverage insurance just in case. Gladly I didn't need to use it, and only had the one mishap. I hope this helps other riders with their decision. I highly recommend them and would gladly use them again. Feel free to reach me with questions. Safe travels!


Great bikes to rental. Staff very kind. I recommend strongly.
















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