BEARoundme, bear watching & forest hiking tours

4.9 (50 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

50 mnenj



Los grupos son para un máximo de 7 personas, pero en el hide hay 6 ventanitas, por lo que una persona se queda en medio de dos y la experiencia es muy distinta al resto. Pude ver a ratos la actividad de los zorros y de un par de osos, una pena, porque me hubiese gustado poder estar inmersa en su observación, al igual que el resto del grupo. Si se hace la actividad aconsejaría no sentarse en el banco y coger una de las sillas individuales. Las explicaciones sobre el hábitat y la forma de vida de los osos nos pareció escasa. Por lo demás, es una buena oportunidad de ver osos de cerca.


Pour le prix, je ne recommande pas, expérience faite début septembre en couple. Nous y sommes allés suite aux bons avis ici. Nous n'avons sûrement pas vu la même chose que les autres personnes, l'effet "nature" je suppose. Mais 180 euros pour deux ça coûte très cher, pour voir pendant 1h des animaux appatés, la nuit tombe vite en septembre on ne voyait plus grand chose après pendant 1h (nous avons vu renards, blaireau et un ours). Ce que j'aurais aimé savoir avant de réserver : - les animaux sont appâtés, il y a de la nourriture sous tous les rochers, cachée un peu partout. On les voit retourner les pierres et partir. - l'observatoire est prêt d'une route, on ne fait pas de marche d'approche. Il y a donc très peu d'explications, quelque une pendant les 5 min en voiture. - La pluie, mauvais temps... compromet l'expérience, donc si la météo n'est pas au rendez-vous comme pour nous je ne recommande pas. L'ours est parti avec la pluie. - il y a des caméras qui filment les animaux et les vidéos sont fournies par email à la fin. Malgré tout nous avons vu un ours, mais cela se rapprochait de l'effet "zoo" pour moi.


Amazing experience! Jernej was really nice and we had the chance to observe 2 bears for a long time! We also saw foxes and badgers... I recommand!


Such an amazing experience. We saw one little bear after about an hour and half and then another big bear came along about 10 mins later! Plenty of cheeky little foxes to keep up amused in the meantime and even spotted a badger! 😁 couldn’t be happier!


Guide professionnel très attentionné. Magnifique observation dans de très bonnes conditions et un respect total de la faune.


Amazing experience, with an excellent and expert guide that gave us many details about the secret habits of the forest animals. After the sunset we started to see foxes, badgers and 2 bears, with some birds, that were very close to us in front of the bear-watching hide. We had the opportunity to capture incredible pictures, in the forest right outside the city borders. This trip has been an unique experience, very well organized, efficient and on-time. Special thanks to our great guide Gregor


Absolutely brilliant. Friendly and helpful, informative guide in Gregor...Saw large brown bear when we arrived in daylight, then foxes and badgers. Then with the thermal vision, 2 more teenage bears and then another. Fascinating to watch nature at work in the forest. It's not guaranteed to see bears, so do be aware. No pun intended.


What an amazing experience. Such a privilege to watch bears up close in their own environment. The guide was really informative. We saw 2 bears which stayed for nearly 2 hours. Incredible! We also saw foxes and a badger. Can’t recommend this enough.


We went on Sunday the 25th of August and were lucky enough to see bears, badgers and foxes. Ofcourse you're totally dependent on what nature provides, but they did really try to make sure that you would see the local wildlife! Our guide Tjasa was great! She was super happy to share her knowledge and answered all of our questions! We would 10 out of 10 recommend this and for us it really added something extra to our time in Slovenië! Hvala!!


Esperienza unica. Siamo riusciti a vedere gli orsi. Guida super gentile ed educata


Deze avond mee geweest op bearwatch en het was een leuke ervaring! Een klein beetje wachten maar dat kwam vanalles uit het bos en natuurlijk de beer! Het was dezelfde maar hij is lang in de buurt gebleven. De gids was heel sympathiek en gaf veel uitleg over de omgeving, de beren en hun gewoontes. Zeker een aanrader!!


Wow. What an amazing, incredible experience with Tjasa who was very knowledgeable. We were lucky enough to watch foxes, badgers, jays, woodpeckers and a nuthatch… and then… from nowhere came 4 beautiful bears. It took our breath away and will remember this forever. Thank you so much bearoundme team. Keep up the fantastic work you are doing. Jo, John, Noel and Albert (UK).


Muy buena opción si quieres haber avistamiento de osos en Eslovenia. Precio competente y Guia super atento con explicaciones geniales sobre los osos, la fauna, y el terreno. Ojalá algún día poder repetir la experiencia y que mantengan el mismo precio. Muchos sitios para avistar osos en este país son prácticamente inaccesibles.


Nice intimate bear-watching experience in a small group with a passionate local guide, so make sure you book in to reserve your spot. We got a little unlucky and had quite a wait for our sighting of a bear, badger and some foxes, but that also makes it an authentic wildlife experience rather than animals on demand. Definitely worth it as long as you're prepared to be patient and enjoy sitting in silence for an evening.




This was incredible and really fascinating, a big big thank to JERNEJ to call us at the last minute to ask us to join after a cancellation, to ERVIN to bring us at the meeting point with the 4 others people and his explications, and a special to TJAŠA who makes this experience more amazing with his way of doing it. We saw a first bear in the first 15 minutes (wooow!!!) and after maybe one hour it was gone but we stay and see fox but 3 others bears after until the night and saw them with a good material! She wanted to us to live the maximum and we feel it. Thank you for that and no get away after seen the first bear because we couldn’t know what could happen after. Thank you for all your explication on writing phone on forest bear but also on Slovenian way of life. We would talk more with you 😃 you seem to be an incredible and passionate woman. THANK YOU ALL TO THE TEAM and the bears who cames 😁


Expérience incroyable, toutes nos attentes ont été comblées. Notre guide Jernej, adorable, nous a démontré son respect pour les animaux et la nature. Et cette dernière a été généreuse ; nous avons pu voir un ours, un renard et deux blaireaux. Mille mercis, nous repartons avec des étoiles plein les yeux


Erwin did a great job. He knows a lot about bears. We saw 3 bears, 1 fox and a batcher. They also havevan installed camera so you get some nice footage afterwards.


We went bear watching as a part of our summer holidays and it has been absolutely magnificent! Greg explained a lot about slovenian forests, wildlife, geology and forestry. After only a couple of minutes the first bear arrived, followed by a badger, a fox and - after a while - another bear. Just wow! We‘ve been provided with binoculars and even a thermal view camera when it got darker! We would love to come again and highly recommend this spectacular experience!


Really brilliant. Great experience learning about the forest and the wildlife and how local people work so hard to conserve the area. Seeing the bear was a wonderful bonus too. We also saw badger and dormouse.


Notre excellente et agréable guide Tjaša nous a emmenés dans l’affût et nous avons attendu silencieusement la venue des animaux… notre patience a été récompensée par la visite successive de trois ours, ainsi que des blaireaux et écureuils… un moment magique ! Et tout cela dans le respect des animaux, aucune interaction n’étant admise avec ceux-ci. La sécurité des participants a été assurée constamment, notamment avant la sortie de l’affût. Une activité exceptionnelle, à réserver toutefois à des personnes patientes et motivées.


Great experience ! We had the chance to see a bear ! Jernej was available for any question before the tour, he gave us binoculars to enjoy even more and see the bear perfectly. I highly recommend !


Superbe expérience. Au bout d'une heure nous avons aperçu un ours c'était magnifique. Notre guide était très sympathique et elle a su répondre à nos questions. Elle est très expérimentée


If you’re hoping to see bears, I honestly couldn’t recommend BEARoundme more. Jernej and Ervin are the best in the business; they care so much about the bears but also truly care so much about the experience tourists leave with. I was beyond elated to see 3 bears and it’s a night I will always cherish. The setting is very beautiful and the hide is perfect. Truly 10/10. The experience that BEARoundme provides is so magical, it puts Disney to shame ✨ 🐻


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